A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 338 Great Wall Desperate Situation

The blizzard in the sky was like a cold fog covering the entire world, blocking his sight. Jarmaine Bookwell could not see anything outside the window. He could only hear the rough sound of the rocks being scraped outside the tower.

The simple stone tower was completely unable to block the cold wind from the outside. The fireplace behind it had also been cooling for a long time due to the exhaustion of firewood. Under the dim light surrounded by blizzards, the black embers quietly rose with traces of gray smoke, fitting the simple interior of the tower room. The thin furniture and furnishings made it look particularly empty.

"How long can we survive?" A very weak voice came from behind. Jarman Bookwell turned his head and looked. His companion Carter Pike, who was wearing a black robe of the night watchman, was slumped on the wooden bed at this time, with tight clothes on his body. The grizzly bear skin quilt was wrapped tightly, which looked very thick, but it could not make Carter Pike's pale face and trembling body feel better.

Carter Pike is the commander of the Night Watch station here. He was born in the Iron Islands and has always been known for his strength and health. However, no matter how strong a person is, if he does not have a full meal for five days in a row, he will become a weak burden. Not to mention he was still enduring the cold and high fever.

"Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow? The food has basically been eaten, and the boys below are clamoring to go out in the snow. It's better to freeze to death than starve to death here."

Senior night watchman Jarmaine Bookwell tried to keep his voice as calm as possible, but anyone who listened to his hoarse voice could feel the bitter flavor in it.

"Well, it seems that I will see my bitch mother soon." The sarcastic sneer could not hide his weakness. The ironborn commander who was wrapped in bearskin on the bed and chattered became more and more subtle as he went on.

"She didn't tell me clearly until she died, as if it was some big secret. I have to ask clearly this time, otherwise I won't be happy even if I go to the Flowing Water Palace - the Drowned God, Why didn't that stupid son of the Drowned God come to our side to save this poor guy like me? When it comes to piety, who the hell can compare to the bastard Carter..."

The Eastwatch Station, built along the Great Wall, is usually quite cold, but it has never been so cold as now. And the reason for this situation is not just the huge blizzard outside that seems to permeate the entire world.

The strange ghosts that seemed to only exist in legends appeared, bringing with them a seemingly endless cold, sweeping in from the land of eternal winter outside the Great Wall.

As a barrier to the civilized world, the Great Wall of Despair standing on the edge of the northern border was torn open by the sweeping disaster without much resistance.

And Castle Black, the headquarters of the Night Watch, is at the heart of that opening!

It is not difficult to imagine how much disaster the Night Watch organization suffered as a result, but the specific situation was beyond the reach of Jarman Bookwell.

The Great Wall of Despair is very long, stretching across the entire continent. Although Eastwatch, which is located on the eastern seaside border of the Great Wall, is also one of the Night Watch's stations, it is far away from the main station, Black Castle, and the sudden explosion The disaster also basically interrupted the connection between the two places.

It seemed that he was suddenly engulfed by such a natural disaster before he felt anything. After these days of difficult exploration and the help of some escaped companions, bits of truth gradually emerged from the water. However, this kind of truth will only make everyone who knows about it feel sad. Sunk to the bottom——

The war in the Westeros Riverlands ended with the Targaryen defeat, but not all the defeated enemies turned back. A large number of them retreated in waves after withdrawing from Westeros. They flocked to the vast and vast far north outside the Great Wall, as if there was something there that was constantly attracting them.

What exactly it is, Jarman Bookwell cannot know, but the consequences of those outsiders flooding into the Land of Eternal Winter are very obvious——

They brought out legendary monsters like the White Walkers!

According to the escaping companions from Castle Black and three or two savages living in the land of eternal winter, the White Walkers are covered with a special kind of ice crystal armor. They are invulnerable and cannot be killed at all, but the humans they kill will behave strangely. Resurrected and became a zombie-like corpse.

The wights then kill humans and create new wights...and so on. Under the constant influx of defeated outsiders, as soon as the power of monsters like the White Walkers appears, they appear in a way that is beyond everyone's expectations. The speed is growing rapidly.

The wild people living in the land of eternal winter were the first to notice the birth of this disaster. However, they could not organize effective defense measures at all, so they were killed and fled in a hurry. Countless wild people died tragically, and a large number of villages were empty. In a large part, After the savages became the nourishment of the monster wave, the other savages who had temporarily escaped merged together and fled towards the Great Wall.

This team numbered in the tens of thousands, but under normal circumstances, they would not have caused much trouble to the Night Watch, because there was a Great Wall blocking them, making it difficult for the savages to cross.

However, an accident happened.

The team of monsters continues to grow in the depths of the Land of Eternal Winter, and the number of savage refugees gathering under the Great Wall is increasing. Just as the senior members of the Night Watch are hesitant because of this, the sound of vast horns coming from the savage camp will The Great Wall that had stood for thousands of years was torn into two!

Jarmaine Bookwell, who heard about this from his comrades who escaped, had no chance to see the scene at that time, and it was difficult to imagine that the ice wall collapsed from what his companions said, and there were huge pale branches of weirwood twisting and struggling deep in the ice wall. How spectacular it was to tear the Great Wall apart, and I didn't even bother to think about why there were weirwoods inside the desperate Great Wall, which was spread across the entire land and made of ice.

He only knew that along with the tearing of the Great Wall, there was a frantic influx of fleeing wildlings. The Night's Watch, which numbered less than a thousand, could not stop this wave at all and was crushed by the impact.

A few days later, an extremely cold blizzard spread from outside the Great Wall, along with the terrifying army of wights!

Eastwatch, standing on the eastern seashore, was too remote and far enough away from the cracks in the Great Wall. It seemed to have escaped the disaster, but it could not escape the lack of resources caused by the blizzard.

Such a violent climate completely blocked the Night's Watch stationed in Eastwatch inside the building, making it impossible for them to go out to find supplies, and they could only be trapped in despair.

Overall, the scale of this disaster was huge, and there was no way to resist it.

However, Jarman Buckwill was worrying about what to eat tomorrow, so he didn't think about how much damage the influx of wildlings and the terrifying white walkers behind them would cause to the North and even the entire Westeros.

As for the war between the North and the Riverlands that had caused a lot of discussion among the Night's Watch before the disaster, it was more like some trivial things that happened ten years ago, distant and vague, and could no longer arouse his thoughts.

"It is said that people feel very comfortable when they are frozen to death..."

The Ironborn commander who was lying on the wooden bed behind him was silent and didn't make any sound. Feeling the hunger in his empty stomach, Jarman Buckwill, who was staring at the whiteness outside the window, had this thought inexplicably flashed in his mind.

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