The moonlight was sparse that night, and an olive-skinned Dornish rider loosened the rope of a large flat-floor fishing boat that was rarely used on weekdays and was anchored on the coast not far from the fishing village. Then he set foot on the boat with a group of other Dornishmen. The boats, sails and oars raised, gradually moved away from the coast.

"Tell me, if the Mother River of Lorne really protects him, how could he get sick?" As he shook the oar, a crew member whispered, and while talking, he looked at the black-haired man leaning there at the stern of the boat, who was moaning at this time. Yeah, it seems like I have a fever.

"Isn't the priest always sick?" Another person retorted, but he didn't dare to speak too loudly, because the priest was sitting at the bow of the boat, talking to the leading Dornishman.

"He was able to stay in the sea for so long without drowning. I think what he said is true." This person said with a look of awe, "I have seen him, but he couldn't do it before."

"Maybe it's some evil trick."

"Whatever the priest thinks is true is true." The person who agreed whispered, "And what he said is right. He has no reason to betray us, and he has no reason to come to us."

"I just feel like he didn't lie." Another person listening beside him nodded in agreement.

This basically represents the thoughts of most people on this ship, and the people in this ship are all the soldiers on horseback.

The decisive factor in the ending was Renly holding his breath for three hours in the sea.

Although he said a lot at first, this group of Dornish people still had doubts. However, with the emergence of the supernatural situation, most people unconsciously believed him completely, and then had a strong belief in the sacrifice and the Mother River. confidence.

It's hard to tell whether this was because of words to persuade, or whether it was the special power that aroused the desire to resist the dragon. In short, there were more than twenty people on the ship at this time, including Renly and Rhaenys.

The little queen, who still had a dark face, was now tied up and sitting at the mast. Facing the hostile eyes around her, her face was full of anger and despair, and there was also a trace of undetectable panic. Relatively speaking, her front Companions are treated much better.

The group of Dornishmen who were initially hostile to Renly now politely invited him on board the ship, and the most polite among them was the gloomy old man.

But despite this, Renly did not fully gain trust. All the weapons he had on hand were taken away before boarding the ship. At the same time, two soldiers were always near him, seemingly sitting casually, but in fact they were vigilant. He jumped into the sea and escaped.

It's just that this is considered a good treatment, and it's better than being hacked to death on the spot.

Renly was very satisfied with this. He believed that everything should be done step by step, and now it was just the beginning.

There was only one thing he needed to do right now - pretend to be sick.

He was indeed doing this, lying motionless at the stern of the boat, with a weak look on his face.

Ever since he emerged from the sea, he had looked sick. After boarding the boat, he even slumped against the stern of the boat with a confused face as if he had fallen asleep. No matter who spoke to him, there was basically no effective response.

This inevitably made people around him suspicious, but Renly had to do it.

The reason is very simple. He is a fake Dornishman, and even more so a fake Rhoynar. Regarding this race, he only has some common sense from books, and does not understand much at all.

It's okay to deceive people in a short period of time, but if they continue to chat, the secret will be exposed, not to mention that there is a so-called former opponent here, so he can only do this.

But Renly is not just pretending to be sick now, he is actually not feeling well at the moment.

At this time, his throat was very sore, and he started yelling and yelling. It was effective, but it also brought some bad consequences.

Of course, this has no impact, but another situation is much more serious than a sore throat - the feeling of lurking in sea water is completely different from that of being in a basin or even a river.

Being in the sea, endless coldness seemed to rush towards him continuously, allowing him to survive underwater for a long time, but the heat in his body was constantly being driven away by the cold, so that the longer he continued to dive, the more The coldness I felt became more and more serious.

It might be better if he could come up for air, but in order to achieve the effect, Renly gritted his teeth and persisted. Even after breaking the water, he was trembling all over and his face was pale.

He estimated that if he continued to stay, he would probably freeze to death.

So intentionally or unintentionally, Renly's illness seemed very real, and there was no illusion at all.

But the discussion about him did not stop - no matter what, the Dornish people on this ship are currently at odds with the entire Dornish people. Faced with this huge pressure, they will inevitably become impatient.

"This happened suddenly, but he has power, and everyone has seen it." The old priest at the bow of the ship was comforting his companions.

"Words can be deceived, but the gift of the Mother River absolutely cannot. You can't stay in the water for that long, and neither can I. He is very courageous, and the great Mother River must have taken a fancy to him for this."

The old man who was initially very hostile now seems to have become a die-hard fan of Renly, speaking highly of him and looking forward to him.

"I don't doubt what he said." The black-haired Dornish man who was talking to him shook his head and denied, "I'm just worried. What will happen if Lord Uler finds out about what we do?"

Originally, they were eager to gather people to ambush and capture people. After ambushing for several days, they finally encountered the target. As a result, after a negotiation, they followed the traitor to the sea. Although they did not think that the traitor was a real traitor at this time, others did not know.

If this matter were to be spread, there might be serious consequences.

"Uller's castle is half a month away from us." The old priest said, "Even if someone goes to report the news, we will have reached the Greenblood River by then."

He snorted, "By then, we will meet with the high priest and get his support. Even if Uller knows about it, it can't be changed."

There is a river called the Greenblood River in the eastern part of Dorne. There are some Rhoyna people with pure blood in it. They refuse to integrate into the local culture of Dorne and have always maintained the customs of the ancient Rhoyna civilization. The old priest once came from there, and their goal at this time is also there-

The sacrificial road to the Rhoyna River passes by the Greenblood River. At the same time, if they want to accomplish this, they must win over allies.

"The premise is that what we did is right." The big man answered sullenly. He actually believed Renly's words at this time, otherwise he would not support this action. But before the facts really happen, there will always be doubts and concerns.

"Otherwise, can the high priest you said still support us?"

The old priest smiled slightly when he heard this.

"We can't be sure what he said is true, but no one can say it is false. Whether it is true or false, the high priest will naturally make the right judgment."

He didn't say some things, but in fact, the people on the ship knew it very well.

Although they are illiterate, they are not stupid.

If what Renly said is true, then everything is fine. If it is false, the cost is just a distance. With the captives in hand, when and how to deal with them, isn't it up to them?

Even thinking deeply, catching Rhaenys, the enemy of Dorne, can bring them more benefits if they handle it well.

Of course, most riders didn't think about this problem, but the old man as a priest always had this idea-whether it is true or false, what happened tonight is a good thing for them.


Obviously, the old priest didn't think there would be any accidents.

It's a pity that he didn't consider someone's cunning.

Although Renly had been searched before, and his weapons were basically removed except for his clothes, he actually hid a dagger secretly - with the ability to control the dagger, he hid it skillfully without being discovered by the Dornishmen.

At this time, Renly, who was slumped against the stern, looked very weak, but in fact he had been paying attention to the surrounding situation, ready to attack when the right opportunity came.

At present, there were more Dornishmen on the ship than on land, but being in the sea and relying on the breath of mermaids, Renly believed that even if he could not defeat them, he could jump into the sea and try to pierce the ship.

By then, it was time for him to take the initiative.

Unfortunately, before his plan could really be implemented, a rather strange accident suddenly occurred -

The storm is coming!

Thank you to the book friend Sanshi Yizhai for the 10,000 reward, thank you to the book friend Lao Na Wei Suo and the book friend Liangchen Bu Xing Ye for the 100 reward~

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