The thunder roared like the angry roar of the gods in the clouds, the violent wind over the dark ocean, and the heavy rain, occasionally accompanied by bursts of pale lightning flashes, making the two drowned figures in the turbulent water extremely miserable.

The broken planks of the boat that had originally been used to survive had been swept away by the waves. Most of the food and supplies they were carrying were also washed away. The remaining ones were held tightly in their arms by the two of them, but there was no trace of them. It doesn't bring any comfort.

The water around them was bumping and swaying, and the sound of violent storms filled the whole world. Rhaenys, who was tightly tied with a rope beside her, was saying something to Renly, but he couldn't hear it at all.

The other party then leaned over and shouted in his ear: "Are we going to die?"

"Maybe he won't die!" Renly shouted back to the beautiful woman with wet short hair sticking close to her face, but before he could finish his words, a huge wave hit, and the two of them were completely engulfed by the sea water.

The storm on the sea did not stop, but intensified. The vast sea roared and swayed, and the violent turbulence under the sea was like strong air waves, washing away all the materials inside, turning it around, and eventually it was unknown where it was.

Time continues to pass, and the turbulence of the sea water continues. It is not until the storm slowly stops, the dark clouds in the sky quietly dissipate, and a ray of sunlight breaks through the clouds and shines on the sea somewhere, and continues to spread, that the storm is over.

Finally, when the clouds dispersed, the originally dark sea turned into an extremely blue color——

It turns out that it has already dawned.

In the sea, on the beach of an island covered with palm trees, two uninvited guests tied together by a rope were washed up by the waves.

After lying motionless on the beach for a long time, one of the slender figures trembled and untied the rope, then struggled to stand up and walked toward the end of the beach with staggering steps, while the other one was still trembling and hugging his arms. He lay paralyzed there, wet all over, as if there were ice particles sticking to his face and exposed skin.

Although the sun around him was bright, it could not dispel the coldness that filled his body at all. Even for a long time, this man did not move his body even once.

Not long after, the figure that left earlier returned, and then sat down next to the trembling person, his voice was hoarse and desperate.

"I'm afraid this is a deserted island. I haven't seen any trace of human life."

"It's better to be on a deserted island than to fall into the hands of the enemy." The black-haired man on the beach said tremblingly. After basking in the sun for a long time, he seemed to have regained some strength, so he stood up and sat down on the sand with his face up. On the bed, the teeth in his mouth could not stop chattering.

"But we have no food or water at all." Rhaenys murmured: "Even if there are prey here to hunt, do we have to eat raw meat?"

Without saying a word, Renly tremblingly handed the other party an untied brown and black leather bag. Rhaenys took it and opened it, and found a piece of flint and two silver daggers inside. She couldn't help but look up at him in surprise.

"You expected that?"

"If I had expected it earlier, how could I have ended up in such a place." The pale Renly replied tremblingly.

The continuous diving clearly exceeded the upper limit of his body's endurance, so much so that he felt that the coldness had penetrated into his bones. The coldness hit his forehead and refused to go away for a long time.

Renly seriously doubted that if this was his real body, then after such a fuss, there would definitely be some serious disease. This made him vigilant and decided to take it easy outside of the dungeon and not be careless.

Rhaenys didn't know what the other person was thinking at this time. Seeing his different expression, she couldn't help laughing to herself.

"What, you regret it?"

"That's right." Renly nodded with difficulty: "We should walk along the seaside, or think of some other way. Taking the sea route is definitely a bad choice."

Rhaenys was stunned for a moment by these words, and then suddenly changed the subject.

"Is this how you saved me in the first place?"


"You know what I'm talking about."

"I don't have time to play riddles with you." After rubbing his hands, Renly stood up tremblingly and began to pace slowly on the beach.

At this time, he had lost his boots. His bare feet felt very comfortable stepping on the soft sand. However, the breeze blowing from the nearby ocean always made him shiver, so he walked towards Walk deep into the beach.

"Really just for the dragon egg?" Staring at the other person's back, the little queen looked in a daze.

Dragon eggs are very precious, but they are not the same as dragons. Unless you have the blood of the Valyrian Dragon King, you will not be able to hatch a dragon even if you get the dragon eggs.

And even if it could be hatched, it would be impossible to control a dragon without the corresponding bloodline.

Although dragon eggs can be exchanged for a lot of wealth due to their rarity, if it is really for money, wouldn't it be better to just ask for them than to ask for them?

While thinking, an idea suddenly flashed across her mind, and Rhaenys couldn't help but shout at the figure pacing back and forth at the end of her sight.

"Did you know me before?"

"That's right." The voice sounded very weak when it came from the distance.

"I met you from books."

"What's the meaning?"

"It means someone wrote your story in a book, and then I saw it."

Rhaenys frowned when she heard this, and a sudden anger suddenly emerged from the bottom of her heart, so she patted her butt and stood up, walking quickly towards the other party's location.

"How many of your words are true?"

"I forgot what I said." Renly answered at the end of the beach. He was walking back and forth to speed up the blood flow in his body to dispel the cold.

"You said you were a Dornishman."

"Isn't that obvious?"

"Then where is the territory of the Coggle family in Dorne? What is their emblem?"

"In Sandstone City in western Dorne, the emblem is a three-headed black scorpion on a red background."

"House of Weir?"

"Along the Bone Road, the family castle is called Weir City, close to the border of Dorne."

"What about House of Dayne?"

"Starfall, western Dorne, on the edge of the coast of the Summer Sea." Renly said, looking at the man who walked in front of him, and couldn't help saying: "If you are bored, why don't you try the spells of your family, maybe one of them will work, and then solve the current problem."

"How far is Starfall from Hellgate? Or how long does it take to walk? Who is the patriarch? You said you were from Starfall!" Rhaenys ignored Renly's words, but stared and asked.

This question made Renly blink.

Most of the families in Westeros have a history of more than a thousand years, so many of the knowledge he had learned are applicable at the moment, but learning does not mean that he has really come into contact with it.

No matter how much knowledge he learned from books, he couldn't know how far apart something was, unless there was a corresponding record in the book.

However, there was no record in reality, or even if there was, he had never learned it.

So Renly frowned and said, "You have bad breath, haven't you brushed your teeth for a few days?"

This made the serious Rhaenys's face flush instantly, and then she angrily grabbed the collar of Renly's linen clothes and pulled it in front of her.

"Don't try to change the subject! Tell me, who are you?"

It was this huge power again. Renly found that although the other party looked like a weak woman, she was very strong, so that he was even unable to break free when facing this face so close at hand.

"What does it matter? It's not important." He felt that the other party was too emotional, so he reminded her.

"I promised to rescue you, and you promised to give me the dragon egg. It's a very simple thing."

The little queen was stunned when she heard the words, and then suddenly let go of her hand, stepped back two steps, and looked at Renly quietly.

"Do you really think I will give you a dragon egg? Or do you really think I will keep my promise?"

"You swore."

"I don't believe in any god, and the dragon kings of Valyria never believe in gods." Her tone seemed a little strange, "Even if I break my oath, who will punish me?"

"You swore with your family's honor."

"Only my brother cares about the so-called honor." She said: "Can it be eaten as a meal? Or can it kill enemies for us?"

"I saved you." Renly said: "You can't be ungrateful."

"There are many ways to repay, but it won't be a dragon egg."

"So you plan to default?"

"Of course, I tell you officially that I don't plan to keep my promise at all." Renis nodded frankly.

"So what can you do to me?"

Renly touched his chin, did not answer the question, but looked at the other party with strange eyes.

"Why are you telling me this now? You could have kept it from me forever."

"Does it matter?" the little queen asked, glancing around, her voice bitter, "We've been drifting on the sea for so long, we don't even know where this place is. And even we don't know where this island is, who would know? Who can come to save us? If you can't fulfill your promise, I can't give you dragon eggs anymore."

"That's not necessarily true." Renly shrugged, "Maybe a ship will pass by here in a few days."

"I don't think I'll be that lucky." Renys sneered, "You know, except for the eyes, adult dragons have no weaknesses, but they just shot its eyes!"

"This doesn't mean anything."

"Then what about that weird old man? What about the storm? A storm may be accidental, and we encountered two in a row!"

Renly coughed unconsciously when he heard this.

He suspected that the storm might have been caused by himself, although he was not sure why.

But he couldn't tell the other party this, so he comforted him, "Don't worry, there will be a way."

"What way?" the other party asked.

"Not yet, but there will be one."

Without saying anything, Rhaenys looked at Renly in silence until he frowned unconsciously, and then she suddenly spoke: "I told you that I would not give you the dragon egg, but you were not angry at all. But you keep claiming that you saved me just because of the dragon egg, do you think this is normal?"

"If you really don't give it to me, what can I do?"

"So I look like a fool?" The sharp questioning made Renly raise his eyebrows, but after Queen Rhaenys took a deep breath, her voice calmed down.

"I just checked, from here to the other side of the island, it's all dead, no prey or water source. It's all sea around, and there's no land at all. How long do you think we can survive in this situation?"

"Are you scared?"

"Aren't you scared?"

Rhaeny didn't answer, but turned his head to look deep into the island.

It's no wonder that the other party was so emotional. Judging from the appearance alone, this island really is a deserted island with trees, sand, cold shallows and endless sea.

A circle of sand surrounds the outside of the island here, and there are some dense and straight palm trees growing inside. Looking through the gaps in the forest, there are no traces of any animals...

"I can try to catch fish." He turned back and said to the other party: "We have flint, daggers, and trees here. Don't worry about food."

"What about water?"

"I'll go into the woods and take a closer look later," Renly replied, "Maybe I'll find some plants that will quench my thirst."

Rhaenys didn't speak, and looked at him quietly for a while, then suddenly lowered her head and murmured: "Why are you always so confident? Don't you feel despair at all? Falling from the sky, being captured, shipwreck, storm, island ...We are already very unlucky, but you never complained. Even if we have food and water, what happens next? "

"There is always hope for living." Renly replied. Seeing that the other person was silent and did not speak again, he patted his arm to express comfort, and then looked around.

The island is surrounded by seawater on all sides, with a green edge and blue outer edges. Beyond that, there is no sign of land or other islands. Only the deep blue sea extends endlessly to the end of the sight. I don’t know where I am, as if this The island has become the whole world.

Renly frowned.

The reason why he was not affected by the situation and developed emotions such as boredom or even despair was simply that he was not from here.

And this also reminded him of those three things unconsciously.

The first thing has been completed, and there is no need to worry about the second thing. Although it feels like time is passing a bit chaotically, by rough estimation, there should be only a few days left in the month.

Only this last one...

Thinking, Renly looked up at the sky.

"We're here now, why can't we give up?" He murmured, thoughtfully.

At this time, the sun is high above the head, and the cloudless sky reveals the clearness and brightness just after the violent storm. The sunshine falling from the sky is warm and pleasant, and the sea breeze blows on the face, bringing a salty smell and a lingering coolness...

Thank you for the 500 reward from stupidly called a simple book friend~

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