It was not quiet at all on the eve of the storm. There were dull roars of thunder overhead. The roar of the waves was still clearly audible through the forest. The leaves of the palm trees surrounding the triangular shed were constantly being blown chaotically by the wind, making violent sounds. The swishing sound.

The two people who had been chatting leisurely during the day were busy strengthening the small shed. At the same time, they placed dense shells on the surface of the flat stone not far away. Although they had a water source, the water source was turbid. And every time we draw water, we can see a significant drop, but the recovery is not much the next day, so we will naturally not miss the opportunity to replenish new water sources.

But when the storm actually came, they found that this preparation was useless.

The dark clouds covered the originally clear sky in gloomy darkness, and the strong winds were accompanied by countless large raindrops falling obliquely. The sound of leaves and heavy rain hitting each other mixed with the sound of the forest being violently blown up, making it appear violent and violent. And confusing.

A bigger rainstorm soon poured down. The huge impact from the sky mixed with the strong wind directly blew the neatly arranged shells everywhere. Even if there were some that were specially fixed, most of them disappeared soon after. In the dark forest.

Rhaenys was not too worried about the emergence of this storm. After all, she was no longer at sea at this time. At the same time, she claimed that she had never been sick. She even ran out when the heavy rain just fell and wanted to have a drink. , but it was a pity that she came back like a drowned rat after a while, with a gloomy face.

“Can you imagine what it feels like to be slapped in the face repeatedly by water?”

Renly was staring at the huts on both sides with vigilance at this time, a little worried about whether this sheltered shelter could withstand everything outside. He glanced at the other party after hearing this, but then he looked away.

The other party's chattering did not stop.

"There has always been a legend in Valyria that the Land of the Sunset will give birth to a disaster that will destroy the whole world. Therefore, the ancient dragon kings only built an outpost on Dragonstone Island on the edge of Westeros, with no real intention to go there. Coming here to our house - I didn't believe it at first, but now I do."

As she said that, she suddenly discovered something. She couldn't help but be startled, then smiled slyly, and then deliberately wandered in front of Renly's eyes with small steps. In the end, she accidentally stepped on a small slippery puddle that seeped into the edge. , and even fell directly onto his back, making his already drowned image even more embarrassing.

Screams and laughter filled the triangular shed.

It's a pity that after a while they were no longer in the mood to play like this anymore——

Just as Renly feared, this small shed could not survive the storm for long. When a strong wind hit, the wooden frame that was firmly fixed on the ground and the tree branches on both sides could no longer support it and began to creak. He collapsed sideways, and the entire shed shriveled up and collapsed in an instant.

So much so that the two of them had to hold up a few large banana leaves and run away in a hurry, and then withered together on the side of the nearby big stone in the heavy rain.

Unfortunately, this stone could not completely block the wind and rain, and the two people leaning together became even more embarrassed when they were soaked.

Violent noises continued to come from the surroundings, and the black sky above them also roared. The woods in all directions were deep and pitch-black, and occasionally bursts of pale rainforest scenes appeared as lightning bloomed.

There was a voice coming from beside me, but it was difficult to hear clearly because of the loud noise around me. But after a while, Renly felt the woman next to him shrink into his arms, and then bury her face in his clothes. The warm breath and the contact with the cold skin made Renly feel a little bit inside. Strange, but this emotion quickly disappeared without a trace under the constant cold.

The heavy rain was pouring down, and the sound of rushing was buried in the boundless darkness. The strong wind was mostly blocked by the big rocks behind him, but it could not completely stop its harassment. The rocky surface on the back is higher than the surrounding land, and there is no water accumulation due to heavy rain, but the constant erosion from the top of the head is still unbearable.

Being in the woods, I could vaguely hear the sound of distant waves crashing against the rocks. A small brown squirrel, soaked all over the body, had hid at some point and was now staring at Renly cautiously. His nose was up and down, and when Renly saw it, he picked it up and put it in his hands.

Moisture was everywhere, and the cold continued to seep into the depths of his body. The continuous coldness made him feel a little dazed for some reason, and he even fell asleep in the end, leaving all the chaos around him outside the darkness. .

When he woke up again, the surroundings had become peaceful.

The sun was high above my head, and the warm sunshine kept driving away the coldness in my body. The leaves and branches of the trees beside me were dripping with water. The ground I rested on was still damp, but the big stone behind me had become much drier.

The sea breeze blew the leaves slowly and slowly, and the sound of distant waves hitting the rocks was also clearly audible. The person in his arms had left without knowing when, and the little squirrel in his hand also disappeared.

Standing up, his bones crackled as he stretched his body. Renly glanced around and heard a faint movement. So he walked toward the woods on the left, and soon he saw Rhaenys who was picking banana leaves with her head raised.

"Come on, we have to start over." The other party obviously heard the noise, so he shouted without looking back: "I won't get sick, but you won't. You have to be happy about this, otherwise we will have Two troubles."

Hope you really don't get sick. Renly thought to himself, but walked forward without refusing, and then collected the necessary raw materials to rebuild the shed.

It's just that he doesn't have many extravagant hopes for this.

"I have a hunch that this will be in vain." After picking off a banana leaf, Renly said to Rhaenys beside him.

"Why?" The other party turned to look at him strangely.

"Of course it's a storm," Renly replied. "I think this is the season for heavy rains. Look at how many times we've had them."

These words made Rhaenys nodded in agreement, but then she said: "Then you can't do nothing. You are willing to sleep on a stone, but I am not."

Renly smiled when he heard this, and then changed the subject.

"I'll go to the beach and have a look. Maybe something will wash up on the shore."

"Come back soon." Rhaenys nodded, suddenly leaned over and kissed Renly's left cheek, then smiled at him, turned around and continued working.

Renly was a little stunned by this. He touched the place where he was kissed, and he couldn't help but said: "We won't be trapped here forever. You don't need to be so desperate."

"Really?" the other party asked without looking back, as if he just thought he said it casually.

Even if this doesn't work, I can still think of other ways. Even if nothing works, you will only be trapped, and I... Renly stopped talking, looked at the other person's busy back, and sighed. He sighed, then turned and walked towards the beach.

He was a little distracted along the way, but when he arrived at his destination, he still cheered up and began to check the surrounding environment.

Unfortunately, even after circling the entire island, he didn't see anything he expected. In the shallows of the island shrouded in sunlight, there was nothing except a few coconuts and a broken wooden barrel. Foreign wandering items.

Renly was a little disappointed, but then he stopped thinking about it, took off his upper body clothes, walked to the edge of the reef and jumped off.

After the popping sound, the black-haired figure completely disappeared in the shallows here. It was not until a while later that he surfaced with an honest salmon and walked towards the direction of his residence.

The situation seems to have returned to what it was before.

However, not long after, another storm suddenly came.

Thank you to the 322 book friends for the thousand rewards, thank you to Uncle Joel for the 600 rewards, thank you to the half-Buddhist book friends and old people in the deserted city for the 500 rewards, thank you to the flower-eating patient book friends, Shenjingmoyan book friends and Ninety 100 rewards for book lovers of Nine Bottles of Orange Soda, and thank you to the friends who voted for this book every day, thank you!

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