At this time, a pale-faced young man appeared in the peaceful forest camp. He was leaning against a palm tree, wearing a woolen gray cloak that had been soaked in sea water and dried in the sun and became wrinkled. The cloak Inside is a red and blue satin top.

At the same time, the boots the other party wore were also made of fine calfskin, silently revealing his identity and wealth.

But facing the short-haired woman wearing simple linen clothes in front of him, he was like a beggar meeting the richest local businessman, stammering and full of awe.

"Are you really, really Your Highness Rhaenys?"

At this time, Rhaenys no longer had the same look and attitude she had in front of Renly, but became much more serious. After hearing this, she nodded and said: "We were chased into the sea by the Dornish people, and the storm made us drift here. ”

The words in her mouth made the young man who was slumped there couldn't help but glance at Renly who was standing next to him. The other person's obvious Dornish appearance made him shocked in his heart, but he did not dare to ask more, but looked weakly at the little queen. He said authentically: "I am Leo of the Redwin family, and Slit Redwin is my father. Her Royal Highness, I am happy to serve you. But please forgive me for not being able to stand up and salute. I really - I really don't have the strength." "

"I won't blame you for this, Sir Leo." Rhaenys said, looking at the other person's pale face, and nodded: "Rest in peace for now. After you recover, I still have many things to ask you. "

"Thank you for your understanding, Her Majesty the Queen." The other party bent over with great effort, and then collapsed back to the ground, gasping for air. His face was weak, and he looked as if he might die at any time.

Fortunately, after this man drank a bowl of hot fish soup and slept, his pale face became somewhat rosy. Faced with the problems of the two people at the same time, they started to explain one after another.

"We were hunting the Dornish fishing boats around here, and looking for some of our compatriots who were killed not long ago, but we encountered a storm - oh, you may not know, now everyone is saying that you - that you have been in Dornish En was killed, His Majesty Aegon ordered our family to send a fleet to block the Dorne coastline and prevent them from fishing, but this damn storm caused us heavy losses. "

"I'm not sure if anyone will come to rescue me, Your Highness, but if my father hears that my ship has sunk, he will definitely come to search for me. Well... If I remember correctly, there were several ships in the storm. It was not damaged, maybe they will remember the place where we met, but I am not sure about this, Your Highness, if the boats were not damaged, how could no one pick me up?”

"His Majesty Aegon is currently in Dorne to avenge you - to avenge you. But we don't know where your majesty is. We just heard that the Dornish people tried to use crossbows against your majesty, and the result was heavy damage."

"The Dornish people seem to have fallen into an internal trap. I heard from a prisoner that many people seemed to have died. But I don't know the specific situation. They even rowed boats out to sea like crazy. We didn't know why at first. , now I understand..."

Still weak, the noble boy named Leo fell into a deep sleep not long after, but his impact, or follow-up, completely changed the current situation.

On the fourth day after he was fished out, five majestic and tall multi-masted ships appeared faintly from the end of the coastline. They were not heading towards the island at first, but Renly on the shore took the opportunity to raise a pile of wet Signal black fog made of leaves and branches.

The ships were soon rerouted.

In the end, these five boats did not approach the coast of the island, but floated on the sea not far from the island. However, several small boats came closer as the sailors paddled, and finally a group of people came ashore.

The leader, an old man with an excited face, looked similar to Leo, and the coat of arms of the Redwin family was embroidered on the front of his satin jacket.

The young noble who had regained some mobility stepped forward first, while Renly and Rhaenys stood on the beach. Soon after, the old man walked over quickly, knelt down on one knee, and respectfully kissed the finger extended by the little queen.

"It is an honor to see you alive, Your Majesty. Slit Redwine is at your service."

The island life that lasted for more than a month basically ended here. Facing the "resurrected" little queen, everyone who came was respectful, and the one who looked like a little girl to Renly was Lei. Nisi, at this time, has become as dignified and noble as a real queen, treating the people around her with a majestic expression, like a saint in the clouds.

But when he got rid of those people and found Renly sitting in front of a tree root at the end of the beach, he returned to his usual smiling look.

"We are leaving here, are you happy?"

Renly shook his head: "If I want to stay on the island, I won't leave with you."

"Aren't you awake?" the other party asked funnyly after hearing this, "Are you suddenly losing your temper?"

"I'm serious." Renly said, "I plan to stay here for a while before leaving."

"How to go?"

"It's not like you don't know what I'm capable of." Renly said seriously: "The sea can't stop me."

"I don't believe you can leave here on your own." Rhaenys frowned quietly: "And this is not necessary. What can you do if you stay here?"

"It's something very important that I can't tell you."

These words made the little queen's expression startled, and then she narrowed her eyes.

"Are you scared?"

"Why are you afraid?" Ren Liqi asked: "It's not like I've never been on a boat before. What am I afraid of?"

"You-" Rhaenys bit her lip, looking a little annoyed.

"You should be happy." Renly ignored her expression and waved his hand: "Although we are friends, many problems have not been resolved yet, but now let me say it. I don't want your money either. I don’t want your dragon eggs, and I can’t help you with anything. What a good thing it is for you to get home safely and get rid of me as a burden.”

"I'm angry, please stop joking."

"I'm really not kidding." Looking at this man's expression, Renly gritted his teeth.

"Okay, to tell you the truth, although I don't know why, I caused those storms during this period, so I can't leave with you, otherwise more people will die if there are another storm, and all of this will happen. It’s all in vain.”

It's a pity that the other party didn't believe what he said.

"You just said - do you really think I should be happy?"

"That's right." Renly nodded.

After the words fell, the other party turned around and left. Seeing this, Renly sighed, feeling as if he was playing a cry wolf game.

Farewell today, if nothing unexpected happens, we will say goodbye forever. In fact, he also has a lot of reluctance to say goodbye. But even if they are reluctant to say goodbye, there is nothing they can do. After all, they are not from the same world. They have to say goodbye no matter what, so it is better to be more decisive with your words so that everyone can get together and part ways.

However, after a while, footsteps suddenly approached from a short distance away. Looking up, the little queen who had left was walking over with a wooden cup.

"I'll repay you by making you a cup of tea at the end!" She handed over the cup in her hand and said expressionlessly.

"Are you serious?" Looking at the cup of tea stretched out in front of him, Renly raised his eyebrows unconsciously.

"What? Are you afraid that I will poison you?" Rhaenys said in a disdainful tone: "You saved me, I can't help but thank you, right? But there is nothing on the ship. I remember that you like drinking lemon tea, so I gave it to you by the way. I brewed a cup. You have to know that not just anyone can drink the tea I brewed.”

Renly smiled when he heard this, reached out to take the wooden cup and put it aside, saying: "Don't worry, I will go to King's Landing to visit you when I have the opportunity. After all, we can be regarded as -"

He didn't finish his words, because he just turned his head slightly, and a huge force suddenly came from the back of his head. He couldn't help but staggered. Renly stood up immediately, but he couldn't hide his dizziness, and even his steps Staggering, his eyes stared at the beautiful figure in front of him with a mixture of surprise and anger.

"You - stupid girl -"

Before he could finish his words, an oncoming fist instantly blinded his vision, and then he fell to the ground with a thud.

"You don't understand anything, you are a stupid man!" Rhaenys looked at the bruises on his forehead with some distress, and then kicked Renly hard.

"This makes me happy!"

With a snort, she turned her head and shouted orders to the group of people not far away.

"Someone, bring him to the boat!"

Thank you to Sauvignon Blanc 166 book friends for the thousand rewards, thank you to Sakubo book friends and Ninety-nine Bottles of Orange Soda book friends for the 100 rewards~

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