The bright sunshine poured in from the sky, and many white catkins outside the window kept fluttering with the sea breeze blowing from the castle, like countless dandelions dancing, and like the familiar summer snow slowly falling in my hometown.

However, these were just some poplar seeds blown out by the wind in the Red Castle Godwood Forest. They looked like or not, but they were not the same thing after all.

Standing in front of the window and watching all this silently, Ed Stark had a blank expression on his face, but his gray eyes were full of complex emotions, expectations, melancholy, and a trace of unconcealable sadness.

"The last time I came to King's Landing, there were traces of war everywhere, but now I see a brand new kingdom."

His voice was depressed and low, but it was enough for people to hear clearly.

In the room behind him, the short Marshlander was sitting on a chair and silently wiping a dagger with an oilcloth. Hearing this, he replied: "Everything is changing, my lord, including this castle."

"Yes, including this castle." Ed murmured, and suddenly laughed.

"When Benjen was a kid, he made a bet with me about which castle in the Seven Kingdoms was the strongest. I said it was Harrenhal in the Riverlands, but he kept claiming it was the Red Castle, because that's where the king lives..."

"Then your brother might be disappointed now." The cranberry said meaningfully, "The Red Castle is probably the most dangerous one in the Seven Kingdoms."

"He won't be disappointed, because he changed his mind later."

Edward said, "He said the Black Castle under the Wall is the strongest. You know, Howland, there's not even a wall over the Black Castle, how can it be called strong?"

After that, he shook his head.

"He said he would become a night watchman when we go back."

The words didn't sound unusual, but the Duke of the North was obviously still immersed in the grief of his younger sister's death. The cranberry sighed sadly after hearing this, and then forced a smile to change the subject.

"They all say that the Tyrells want a queen."

The cranberry was talking about the gossip that had been circulating in the noble circle of King's Landing recently.

In order to make his sister the queen, Mace Tyrell, the Duke of the Reach, bribed some low-class people in King's Landing to spread rumors about the Lannister family in the West, and then hired singers to flatter his own sister. The main reason was to replace the Lannister family, who might become royal relatives, to make up for the disadvantages caused by the loss of the war.

It is said that the Lannisters and the Tyrells had a dispute over this, but the Marshlanders had just returned a few days ago and were unable to see it with their own eyes, which made him regretful.

"Mace Tyrell stood on the Targaryen side in the war, and his vassal Randyll Tarly also made Robert suffer." Eddard heard this and said, "But if I were asked to choose, I would choose a woman from the Tyrell family as my wife, not a Lannister."

This seemed to have a deep meaning, so the swamplander asked thoughtfully: "Has Lord Robert made his choice?"

"The new king will be crowned in three days, and the news that King Robert is about to marry a Lannister woman as queen will spread throughout the Seven Kingdoms."

Eddard said in a complicated tone: "In fact, Lord Tywin has written to Casterly Rock to summon his daughter, which means that we will have to attend a wedding soon."

When he said this, his eyes were fixed on the world outside the castle without blinking, and his voice was undisguised. "I'm tired, Holland, we will return to the North after Robert's wedding is over."

The swamplander nodded silently, and then the room fell into silence. Until the man at the window suddenly thought of something, turned his head to look at his subordinate, and subconsciously lowered his voice.

"Is the child okay?"

"She has stopped crying recently. The new nanny is very experienced and takes good care of her." The Marshlander replied, "My lord, I suggest we take her with us when we go back."

"Then we must ensure that she has enough milk." Thinking of the size of the nanny, Eddard was a little worried.

"We must be careful about this matter. It is difficult for us to find another nanny on the road."


"So, there is nothing for us to do?"

A crisp voice sounded from the balcony of the room in Maegor's Tower. A boy in exquisite black leather clothes was sitting on a carved chair and asked the brown-haired middle-aged man sitting opposite.

The sun was strong outside the window. The golden crown stag emblem on the boy's chest was shining brightly. The silver-inlaid deer eyes also flashed as the boy's upper body swayed slightly. He wore loose brown trousers on his lower body and was barefoot without shoes, looking like a home dress.

A fluffy black cat was lying under the round table in front of him, rolling over and over as the little master's feet slowly rubbed it, like a toy, but it didn't seem to be impatient at all, instead it squinted its eyes and purred, looking like it was enjoying itself.

Davos, who was sitting opposite, was drinking a sip of barley tea at this time, looking like he had just finished speaking, and nodded after hearing this.

"The Lion family has given up the investigation. The Rose family is still investigating, but they are short of manpower in King's Landing and pose no threat to us."

Renly nodded after hearing this, feeling quite amused.

He had remembered one thing wrong before, that is, the sister of Duke Tyrell was already engaged. He was a little nervous about this, but he didn't know if he was really stupid or had some confidence. The Duke of Mace of the Tyrell family actually planned to run over to compete for the position of queen, completely ignoring the previous engagement and the possible impact of this matter.

After he did this, everyone's suspicions disappeared, and they all clearly determined that the "rumors" from some time ago were caused by the Tyrells.

As a result, the Lannister's anger was successfully led to the Reach, and it may be true, as some people claimed, that the captured bandit did not betray them, and no one was seen causing trouble for Davos.

In short, under all circumstances, on the fourth day of the return of the northerners, which is now, this matter has basically come to an end, because Robert has made a decision in public.

Renly felt a little regretful about this, because the Duke's fight for the throne had failed, and every drop of the dirty water he had poured out was swallowed up by his cheap brother. In other words, the memory Cersei, who smiles all day long, will still become the future queen.

But Renly wasn't too upset about this.

He didn't believe that there were rumors, that Cersei had the guts to turn her back on Robert and have a baby brother, and he didn't believe that his sister-in-law really gave birth to a blond son, and Robert would foolishly think that it was his own.

Thinking of this, Renly suddenly asked: "Where is Wenda the White Deer? What did she say?"

He was asking about the remaining member of the stupid bandits from a while ago, who had been secretly hidden by Davos.

"She originally wanted to save her companions, but the captured bandit had been beheaded. She had nowhere to go and was planning to take her son back to the Kingswood." Davos said and couldn't help but said: "She is a talent, sir. , maybe you can really use her."

"What is it used for?"

Renly was surprised when he heard this. The person in front of him seemed to be very optimistic about the female bandit?

"Running errands, working, working as a maid, she can do anything. It would be a pity to send her back to raise pigs." The former smuggler said with admiration: "And she is also literate."


Renly swayed on his feet, thought for a moment, and asked, "Is she reliable?"

"I believe she is reliable because the facts have been proven." Davos replied.

"Then she is very familiar with the nobles from all over the Seven Kingdoms?"

"She used to kidnap nobles for a living." Davos answered.


After hearing this, the boy's mind flashed with the image of the Zedi man unconsciously, so he squinted his eyes: "I'll write a note later, and then you can hand it to her for me. If she can help me accomplish this, Then I can take her son as a servant, and if I become a lord in the future, I can also consider training him to be a knight, and she herself can-"

As he said that, he suddenly frowned, then lowered his head and looked under the table in front of him. The black cat was lying there biting his heel with its sharp teeth, and then he screamed dissatisfiedly when Renly stared at him.

Is yours a cat, a human, or a dog?

Renly was very curious about the real situation of this cat, but he had studied this cat for a while before and couldn't figure out anything. Now he was too lazy to think about it, so after rolling his eyes at it, he Then he started trampling the clingy cat like dough with his feet again.

"You can come and be my maid, or female guard, or something." The black-haired boy looked away and finished what he was about to say.

"If she wants to."

Davos nodded after hearing this, chatted with the boy some more daily words, and finally left the room with a parchment scroll full of words.

However, he had just left Maegor's Tower when he suddenly saw Stannis staring at him quietly in a long corridor.

"Is this the first time you've come to see Renly?" the other party asked.

Thank you to the arrogant Doubi book friend for the 2,000 reward, thank you to the Phantom Z-Wing book friend for the 1,000 reward, thank you to the Breathe Free book friend and Dongdong Gundong book friend for the 100 reward~

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