What is the difference in taste between dragon eggs and chicken eggs?

Renly felt that there was nothing too strange about the difference. They were all very sticky and had a fishy smell, but there was a special spiciness that lingered in his mouth for a long time after swallowing. At the same time, it was not even on his fingers. You also get the same feeling after carefully touching a little juice.

It reminded him of the pain that burned his skin when he cut chili peppers in his previous life.

Of course, if you consider the color of the egg white and yolk of a dragon egg, it can be clearly distinguished from an egg. It was not a normal viscous translucent liquid, but a bright red color with a hint of gold. After thinking for a long time, Renly couldn't think of an appropriate word to describe it.

It doesn't seem right to say rose gold, and it's really unreliable to say dark gold...

So it can be seen from these thoughts that he is actually very free now, and he has not upgraded on the spot or opened up the Rendu and Du's second meridians like after eating the treasures of heaven and earth.

Of course, it can be seen that after the news, or after the egg suddenly cracked, he actually ate the egg. Although he went through repeated entanglements and hesitations in the process, after all, that The information suggests that some source of life has been discovered, but it does not specify what kind of changes will occur after eating it - obvious or hidden?

Good or bad?

Will there be scales on my body?

Even after swallowing the egg raw, Renly was still worried about it.

After eating it, he didn't notice any other feeling besides the spicy taste. Even though the spicy taste reached his stomach in one step, it was not serious, but just slight, as if countless small bugs were gnawing slightly inside his body.

After waiting for a long time, nothing special happened, not even that "prompt" appeared again.

After standing by the bed and smashing his mouth, Renly looked down at the emptied gorgeous eggshell in his hand, wondering if it had no effect because he didn't eat the eggshell at the same time.

So he broke off a crystal-clear dragon shell fragment and chewed it slowly in his mouth.

The shell of the dragon egg is crunchy and crisp, and it no longer has the hardness that could not be broken with a hammer, but it tastes like durian mixed with stinky tofu. It's not the smell, but the taste. The taste is slightly rotten, mixed with a hint of unbearable sourness.

After reluctantly swallowing a mouthful, his little face wrinkled into a ball, and he couldn't bear the second mouthful and spit it out directly.

"Forget it, nothing happened. Who knows if you will get diarrhea after eating it."

Thinking about this, he felt that it would be a waste not to eat this thing. After all, he remembered correctly that egg shells are nutritious. Some oviparous animals seem to be eaten by their shells when they are just born...

So after thinking about it, he wrapped the eggshell in the original handkerchief and put it back in his "trash can".

Nothing unexpected happened after that, except that he choked during dinner, which caused several servants to run up to him in surprise and slapped and knocked him. Everything went as usual. He lit candles in the room alone for half the night, and Renly didn't do anything. I feel like I have any special feelings, not even a stomachache.

So he fell asleep with regret.

That night he had a dream, in which he dreamed of a giant dragon covered with scales like molten gold, looking down at him from the depths of the dim hall shrouded in mist. The dragon's head was ferocious but handsome, and it had a pair of bright red eyes. It was like two bleeding wounds, brightly reflecting the appearance of the short boy below looking up.

The dragon then opened its big mouth, and the surging blue flames rushed towards it, swallowing the boy completely.

As a result, his outer skin withered and turned black, and eventually fell off like old wall coverings. His inner muscles followed closely, and then his blood and internal organs...

However, at this moment, Renly felt no pain at all. Instead, he only felt a coldness that penetrated his bones. The blue breath that rushed towards him and completely engulfed him seemed not to be fire, but the sea.

Endless sea.

When Renly got up the next day, he thought back but couldn't remember what happened in the dream. He just remembered that the dream seemed unusual. Then at night, this familiar dream came back again.

It was still the same the next day, but again without any special circumstances.

The change occurred on the third day, the day of King Robert's coronation.

The coronation of the new king requires a very cumbersome process, including anointing with holy oil, reciting oaths, and a ceremony held in person by a very fat archbishop and several other archbishops in St. Belle's Cathedral in King's Landing.

The solemn, solemn, sacred and special atmosphere brought about by the ceremony made people's heads swell in the vast hall, which was extremely silent. Only the archbishop's deep chant could be heard clearly.

At this time, hundreds of well-dressed nobles were watching the ceremony, standing quietly between the long columns on both sides of the church, looking at the black-haired young man half kneeling on the ground in the center and the archbishop in front of him.

Tywin Lannister, Jon Arryn, Hoster Tully, Eddard Stark...

The major dukes and princes from the Seven Kingdoms who are rarely seen in normal times are all gathered together. Behind them are the secondary lords and nobles under their respective command, and there are countless minor nobles and knights behind the secondary nobles.

As the younger brother of the new king, Renly naturally could not be absent from this special occasion. He even stood not far from the side of the High Bishop, standing with his second brother Stannis, so he could clearly see the tense facial expression of his cheap elder brother at the moment, and the spit that splashed unconsciously when the fat High Bishop muttered.

The oath of the ceremony was long and cumbersome, but it was finally finished. Then the fat High Bishop dragged the golden crown inlaid with rubies and black diamonds with both hands and slowly buckled it on Robert's head, announcing that he would stand up in the name of Robert I of the Baratheon family, King of the Andals, Rhoynar and the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.

The young king stood up, and the ceremony ended here. Countless bells rang out at the same time outside, and the sound spread throughout the city.

Amid the cheers, the ministers knelt on one knee, and Renly was among them, but he looked dazed at the moment, feeling dizzy, as if the countless people around him were emitting waves of double images.

After shaking his head, the feeling disappeared, so Renly thought that he might have a little low blood pressure.

Next, the king led the team to patrol the entire King's Landing. All the lords and nobles present followed. The mighty team formed a long snake from the square in front of the cathedral. At first glance, it looked like a large army.

Most of the people in the team rode horses, but they were also accompanied by carriages.

As a child, Renly was in a carriage. Therefore, after getting on the carriage, no one noticed that the boy looked listless, his eyelids were open and closed, and he was drowsy, and finally fell into a coma.

It rained heavily last night, and now the rain has stopped, but the ground is quite muddy.

Under the bright sunshine, the gorgeous carriage with wheels and bearings rubbing against each other followed a large number of knights, moving slowly along the dirty roads of King's Landing. There were golden robe guards on both sides to maintain order, and a group of civilians watching outside.

The cheers around never stopped, and with a large number of colorful flowers being thrown down, the heroic King Robert rode his horse in the front, feeling the upward gazes from all directions, and finally showed a heroic smile on his face that he had not shown recently.

The dukes following behind him were all dressed gorgeously, and the horses under them were also dressed in gold and silver, making it difficult for people to ignore them.

In this case, no one would care about a certain carriage dotted in the team, and no one would notice that when the wheels of the carriage rolled over, some turbid sewage inexplicably gathered slowly on the brick-paved but muddy ground, but suddenly dispersed after the carriage moved away.

Thank you to the book friends who love to eat, the book friends who are big fat rats and Weiland for the 100 rewards~

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