Although they both belong to Maegor's Tower, the room where the king lives is much more spacious than Renly's.

The balcony has a wide view, the floor is covered with gorgeous silver Myr carpets, the golden bed is enough to sleep more than six adults, the wine cabinet in the corner is filled with wines shipped from all over the seven countries, and the furniture and furnishings all reveal the atmosphere. and expensive.

The place is very bright, but at this time there are only two people sitting on the wine cabinet chair, one old and one young. They seem to be leisurely tasting the sour red wine produced in Dorne, but in fact they are discussing the political affairs of the kingdom.

Like the wine in their hands, they were currently talking about Dorne. The newly appointed Prime Minister Jon Arryn was preparing to wait for the young king in front of him to go to Dorne after his wedding to try to appease the Martell family in Dorne.

Robert himself didn't have much hope, but he didn't refuse his adoptive father's offer.

However, the topic about Dorne did not continue. After the initial decision, the young black-haired king turned to say: "I intend to make Renly Lord of Storm's End."

These words made the bald old man with a ring of pale blond hair look startled, but the other party's words did not end, but continued.

"Look at how pale his little face is. I'm really afraid that he will die of illness like this." Robert said, drinking down the wine in his hand, and then poured himself another glass, looking very interested.

"Perhaps this news will help him recover faster."

Upon hearing this, the old man put the silver wine glass in his hand back on the wine cabinet, and then said seriously: "I don't think it's appropriate, Your Majesty, Renly is too young, and he is frail and sick, and he has not made any merit."


Robert was a little unhappy when he heard this: "To talk about this, do I have to seal our family's castle and territory to others?"

"What I mean is, Your Majesty, you can keep the Stormlands. You are the head of the Baratheon family and have the right to keep your own family property." Old Jon explained: "Wait until your son is born and then divide it out. This way That’s the right choice.”

"I'm not married yet, and you're already thinking about my son." Robert chuckled: "Besides, I can't tell whether it's a child of the Lion family or the Deer family."

These words made the other party's face freeze, and then he looked at the young king in front of him with wide eyes, as if he couldn't believe that he could say such words. Robert laughed when he saw this.

"Look how scared you are, Jon. Are you so old that you can't even hear a joke?"

As he said this, the smile on his face slowly faded: "But if Cersei really dares to mess with me after marriage, I have to kill her. It doesn't matter whether she is in the West or not. Then don't do it again." What are you talking about about the overall situation of the Seven Kingdoms?"

"If such a day comes, we should consider how to completely eradicate Lannister." The old man said without hesitation after hearing this, and then showed helplessness.

"But how many times do you have to ask me to say that? That's just a rumor, Robert. Thinking about King Aegon, I'm really afraid that you will be misled by words like him and do something stupid."

His words were filled with undisguised worry, causing Robert to be silent for a moment, and then he said with emotion: "You are a good adoptive father, Jon. Sometimes I feel like such a bastard."

The old man felt comforted when he heard this, but then he heard the other person say: "But let's not talk about the issue of my brother's enfeoffment. I can only make the decision on this matter. The seven kingdoms are all mine, but my brother is not even a lord. No? How will I face my parents after I die?"

"The Clinton family has been deprived of all their territory and wealth by the Mad King. Your Majesty can consider granting Falcon's Nest to Renly." The old man suggested: "It doesn't have to be Storm's End."

Storm's End is just a castle, but it represents the Baratheon family of the Stormlands, and the Baratheon family of the Stormlands is the lord of most of the lords and nobles of the Stormlands.

The name of a lord is very important to the noble class, and it is equivalent to half a master——

The other half is the king.

Robert's intention was obviously to make his younger brother Renly the Duke of the Stormlands, or to inherit the family fortune of the Stormlands Baratheon family. This was equivalent to directly making a five-year-old child a prince.

"Griffon's Nest Castle is indeed a large territory, but you don't know that I have promised to give out the land of the Clinton family." Robert heard the words and denied: "Even that broken castle, I plan to return it to Rona De Clinton. He fights for me, and I always give him something sweet."

"What about the Long Table Hall? The Maliweis family was also deprived of its territory by the Mad King, and now we have—"

"By the gods, Jon, don't tell me you don't know that's the castle in the Reach?"

"It can also be from the Stormlands."

"That's right, but we have already given a piece of land in Long Table Hall to the Dondarrion family. Do we need to give away the castle as well?" Robert shook his head: "The Reach is quite honest now, and I don't want to cause more excitement. them."

Old Jon was speechless when he heard this.

This man was beaten to a pulp by the Reach army, and even gave the Duke of Tyrell a good beating when he saw him after the war. However, now he seems to have forgotten how much he gritted his teeth when he mentioned that defeat. .

There was no other reason for such a change. Duke Mace Tyrell had been teasing his sister a while ago, but he didn't know which string he was talking about, which made Robert happy.

He was not really a fool. He took the necessary actions to punish the defeated and cut off a large piece of meat from the Reach. However, it seemed that he did not have much hostility towards the Reach.

However, this was not a bad thing for a king. After all, he would have to look at the whole country sooner or later.

Although the war had changed dynasties, the overall situation in the Seven Kingdoms had not changed much. There was not much cake to begin with. Apart from the Targaryen crown, the other two hostile camps, the Reach and Dorne, were too far away to reach and the other was still strong enough to not bite too much.

Storm's End was Storm's End. With Robert there, the lords in the Stormlands were unlikely to cause any trouble...

The old man thought to himself, and suddenly thought of another question.

"Your Majesty, do you want to confer Stannis to Dragonstone?"

"He is my heir."

Robert said as a matter of course: "The king's heir should of course be conferred on Dragonstone."

Dragonstone is located in the ocean east of King's Landing, separated from the port of King's Landing by a bay called Blackwater Bay. It is not a large place, but it has a special status. Since its establishment, the Targaryen dynasty has always conferred the heir to the Iron Throne as the Prince of Dragonstone, which has continued for nearly three hundred years. It has become a custom and tradition tacitly accepted by all lords. It can even be said that as long as he is conferred on Dragonstone, it is equivalent to announcing the heir.

However, at this moment, it is difficult for Lord Jon to treat his adopted son's second brother with a normal attitude.

Because when he mentions him, it is difficult for the old man not to think of some things that were found out by the rumor a while ago.

Although everyone has determined that the incident was caused by Lord Tyrell of the River Reach, is it really the case?

What if it was not actually done by Tyrell, or he was also used by someone?

If the rumor was that the king's second brother Stannis had ordered his knights...

If that was the case, what was his purpose?

Duke Jon could not help but think of the era when the dragons of the Targaryen dynasty had not yet become extinct, and a dissolute prince who was also the king's younger brother and once coveted the position of the Prince of Dragonstone, full of ambition and unruly...

This thought made the new Prime Minister alert, so facing the young king in front of him, he said: "Stannis is your heir now, but it does not mean that he will always be in the future."

His words made Robert's face startled.

"You can't never have your own son as an heir." Seeing this, the old man said again: "So I think Your Majesty should keep Dragonstone and wait for the day when the heir is born before distributing it."

"This is not in line with tradition." Robert answered smoothly.

"The tradition is that the king's heir is the Prince of Dragonstone." The old man said slowly: "But Stannis is destined not to be your heir, unless you can't give birth to a son."

This made Robert think for a moment, and then nodded thoughtfully.

"That makes sense, but then, according to the order of succession and military merit, Stannis should be sealed in Storm's End..."

The king's words made the old man frown, but before he could say anything, the other party suddenly cursed.

"Damn it, why should we abide by the traditions of the Targaryen family? That is the rule set by a group of silver-haired bastards, why should I listen to them?"

"Your Majesty, you inherit the Iron Throne in the name of Princess Leilei Targaryen's bloodline, so you naturally need to abide by the past traditions."

"That was before I was crowned."

Robert said: "Now I am the king, who can oppose me because of such a small matter?"

The old man's eyelids jumped when he heard this, and he had a bad premonition.

"What do you mean, Your Majesty?"

"Of course it is to overthrow it." Robert answered as a matter of course.

Thanks to Xiaotang246 book friend and Lao Nawei Suo book friend for the 100 rewards. Another thing to mention is that Robert sent Stannis to Dragonstone because he was his original heir, not because he considered the position important or because he hated to exclude his brother. This is what Mr. Martin said, not what I made up. Another thing worth mentioning is that the original English book does not have the rank order of duke, uncle, viscount, and baron. Everyone is a lord, but there is a distinction between big lords and small lords, and between feudal lords and vassals. In order to make the book look less messy, the translator of the Chinese version used this rank order. This book is based on this setting. I hope that book friends who have read the English version will not be too serious. Finally, there is another chapter in the evening. The time is uncertain, but it will definitely not be later than today.

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