"Are you here to laugh at me too?"

Renly was stunned by the words that came his way. He then pulled out the chair opposite him and sat on it. At the same time, he said, "I don't have the habit of laughing at others."

"I don't have the habit of talking to strangers." The "child" sitting on the chair looked at Renly coldly with his colored eyes, as if his tangled facial features looked very hideous and ugly in the dim light.

Very lonely.

Renly thought to himself, but didn't take it seriously. The old god was sitting there on the ground. When he stretched his arms forward, his sleeves flickered, and a shining silver dagger suddenly slipped out and was held in his hand. Then his upper body was slightly raised, and he held it in his hand. While the other party stared blankly, he deftly used a dagger to cut off a piece of chicken wing from the plate of roasted chicken in front of him.

Under the light of a nearby brazier, a piece of chicken wing that looked tender and greasy was thrust away from Tyrion's eyes with a dagger, and at the same time, he heard a sentence.

"I think your chicken is delicious, so I came to you to ask for a portion."

As the black-haired boy opposite said, he tore off a piece of the chicken wing he put back in his hand with his mouth, and his voice was muffled while chewing.

"But you don't seem to be willing, so I can only use force."

This sounded like bullying, but after the other person scratched his forehead, he instead pushed the plate of roast chicken in front of him to Renly.

"It's for you, but I don't think this chicken is very delicious." His voice was hoarse, and it was also filled with the childishness unique to a boy. Renly estimated that this chicken was only eight or nine years old now.

"Really?" he asked as he cut off another piece of chicken leg meat and put it into his mouth to chew.

"Then why do you eat so deliciously?"

"I'm very hungry," the other person replied.

That seemed to be the case, but Renly felt that his tone was somewhat forced. At the same time, while speaking, his eyes unconsciously glanced at a group of children of the same age not far away, who were now playing with each other.

Thinking of what he said at the beginning, Renly could easily guess what had happened before, but he had no intention of pursuing the matter and instead changed the subject.

"Your name is Tyrion? My name is Renly."

"I know your name is Renly."

Perhaps it was the action just now that made him feel relieved. The future protagonist no longer had the same vigilance as before when he spoke, but he didn't appear too enthusiastic either.

"The housekeeper told me in Casterly Rock City. My sister also brought you a gift."

These words made Renly couldn't help but turn his head and look around. Through the endless crowd, he could see that his cheap brother Robert was dancing with an elegant girl with blond hair and slightly curly skirt. Because It was too far away and there were too many people to see her face clearly, but Renly had seen her before, and even if he hadn't seen her before, he could still recognize who it was.

Cersei Lannister is currently a well-known person in King's Landing, and she is also the person Renly splashed a lot of "dirty water" on.

There is a very obvious difference between her appearance and the one in my memory, but I am not sure whether she likes fake smiles or not...

Thinking about it, Renly looked away and looked at the little "dwarf" in front of him who was about the same height as him.

"I'm looking forward to your sister's gift." He said, "But forget it if it's a toy. I have two big boxes."

The other party shook his head, indicating that he was unclear, and obviously had no interest in it. Seeing this, Renly changed the subject.

"I heard Casterly Rock was built on a large rock?"

"A boulder bigger than a mountain."

The little "dwarf" nodded when he heard this and replied politely: "It's very close to the sea, a bit like here, but much higher than here."

"Can you hear the waves too?"

"Of course, when the tide comes in, it's like thunder."

"Why is it like thunder?"

"It sounds like thunder when you run underground. James and I always go to the Hall of Heroes to play, so we can always hear it."

"Hall of Heroes?"

"That's from our family..."

This guy started talking about Casterly Rock a lot, but his words couldn't be said to be very humorous. He was strict and full of the upbringing of a noble family, which was completely different from Renly's impression.

However, it is normal that the person in front of him is still too young and his personality has not yet been formed. Renly did not pay much attention to it, but kept providing topics of conversation in a nonchalant manner, allowing the other person to keep talking.

Until finally, he felt that it was almost done, and then he said: "I want to invite you to visit King's Landing, Tyrion. There is nothing interesting in the Red Keep, and it is far worse than your home."

"I heard that there is a dragon in the Red Castle." The other party asked hurriedly when he heard this, with a look of expectation on his ugly face.

"It's just a pile of dragon bones. They've all been put away. It's not interesting."

Renly replied, seeing the disappointment on the other person's face, and added: "But there is an abandoned dragon's lair on Rhaenys Hills, a place where Targaryen used to raise dragons. I have always wanted to visit it. How about it? Do you want to come with me?"

The other party was a little moved when he heard the words, but he hesitated.

"I have to ask my father if he agrees. He doesn't want me to run around."

"Then I'll ask my eldest brother. He is the king. If he agrees, you will have to give in even if your father doesn't let you run around."

Renly said, seeing that the other party had no objection, he slid off the chair and walked towards the center of the hall.

The little devil that interested him in his memory was just a lonely and marginalized little dwarf at this time. In fact, he had nothing to talk about, but this matter involved the issue of leaving the Red Castle, so of course he had to pay attention.

As a five-year-old child, even with the protection of guards, it is difficult for him to walk out of the Red Castle, but if there are playmates from afar, and then do something to enhance the relationship between the two families, this possibility is almost possible.

The twins of the Redwyne family who came a while ago can actually be used as playmates, but Renly heard that they were sent as hostages and could not walk around casually, so he had to give up.

He had to seize the opportunity now.

Renly was well aware. He ran to the young king who had just finished dancing and was sitting in a chair drinking in the center of the hall and told him about this. He did not get any objection. Instead, the king laughed loudly because of this. The blonde girl beside him also smiled at him with a gentle and virtuous face.

But just as Renly got consent and was about to turn around and leave, what happened next was really a bit beyond his expectations.

After drinking the crimson wine in the silver goblet, the young king with a golden crown and short charcoal black hair suddenly stood up and clapped his hands. The men and women who seemed to be busy with their own things but were actually paying close attention to this place stopped their actions and slowly gathered around.

The singers' performances and the acrobats' performances also stopped, and the wide banquet hall soon became silent.

The young king then walked to Renly, with a serious face, lowered his head and looked down at the boy and gave an order.

"Kneel down."

Renly was stunned when he heard the words, feeling a little puzzled, but he still knelt on one knee honestly, and the other raised his hand and placed it on his head.

"Renly of the Baratheon family, are you willing to serve the kingdom loyally and swear never to betray?"

The solemn voice came from above, making Renly, who was bowing his head, understand instantly, and then his thoughts were confused. However, his inner emotions did not make him hesitate to react.

"I swear." The boy's clear words echoed in the banquet hall, and the faces of the noble men and women gathered around him also became formal.

"Are you willing to protect the kingdom's territory, defend the royal family, and swear to resist all invading enemies?"

"I swear."

"Are you willing to uphold the laws of one side, protect the people of the territory, and swear to use swords and scales to uphold justice?"

"I swear."

King Robert nodded, and then announced loudly.

"Then, in the name of Robert I of the Baratheon family, King of the Andals, Rhoynar, and the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I hereby appoint Renly of the Baratheon family, my youngest brother, as the Duke of Dragonstone!"

After the voice fell, Renly was stunned, and the quiet banquet hall was instantly in an uproar.

Thank you to book friend xiaotang24doufu, book friend Aoshuzaishang, book friend 20170209123238377 and book friend 20181231231722781 for the 100 reward~

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