A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 91 The Trial of the Seven Sons (15)

On the way back with the child, Renly found a tailor shop and changed him into a brown linen top and trousers that seemed a little too big. The boots he was wearing were also replaced by the ones worn by ordinary rich children. It's not that you can tell it's very expensive at first glance.

But there are still loopholes. The boy "Ego"'s eyes are dark blue and purple. At first glance, they are nothing, but upon closer inspection, they are obvious. However, Renly has already laid the groundwork for this——

Among the races of Westeros, purple eyes are very rare. Basically only the Targaryen family and the Dain family who produced the Dawn Sword in Dorne have them. However, among the Free Trade Cities on the other side of the Narrow Sea, there is one The place called Lys was originally the place of enjoyment for the dragon kings of ancient Valyria. There were many people with Valyrian blood, and blue-purple eyes were very common.

So the identity Renly assigned him was the illegitimate son of a bakery owner and his mistress, a Lysian prostitute.

Renly thinks this is basically enough, because it is impossible for anyone to cross-examine carefully, and even if they cross-examine, they will basically not investigate in depth——

Normal people would obviously not believe that the king had run away and his youngest son, who was less than ten years old, was still here.

"Are you afraid that my father will come back and burn you to death with dragon flames?" After dressing up, the boy on the horse in front of him turned his head and asked, "Is that why you are holding me back?"

"Maybe I thought so," Renly replied.

"I'm also considering exchanging you for a dragon egg."

"Dragon egg?"

Hearing this, the boy looked back at him warily: "We don't have dragon eggs at home, only dragons. All the dragon eggs are used to hatch into dragons."

Renly had heard similar words before, so he didn't take it seriously. He sat on his horse and moved forward, his eyes scanning the surroundings intentionally or unintentionally. Under the dusk, the city scene after the chaos had a strange sense of tranquility.

"Tell me more about your grandmother." He said, "After returning from Dorne."

"You're weird."

The boy answered nonchalantly: "Don't the knights in your church even understand such a big thing?"

"I am a knight of the Reach."

Renly said: "I don't know what happened in King's Landing."

"But my grandmother has been to the Reach, and been there after returning from Dorne."

"What to do?"

"She said there were a lot of gardeners there, and she wanted to hire a group of gardeners to plant flowers in King's Landing to cover up the stench, but it seemed like the project couldn't be done because it was so big."

"Do you know what she said?"

"Of course I know, but it wasn't my grandmother who told me. My father told me."

"So what happened?"

"It depends on what you want to know."

"For example, why did she disappear?"

"Even my father doesn't know about this. I don't know where to go. You'd better ask something else."

Obviously this little thing knew a lot, so Renly began to ask carefully.

Then he realized how this world had deviated from its original history.

For example, Dorne and the Targaryen Dynasty signed an armistice agreement in advance. Due to various reasons, the rule of the Prince of Dorne in Dorne still seems to be unstable, but it has reduced a lot of trouble for the Targaryens.

For example, a rebellion broke out in the north, but was suppressed and wiped out by the dragon. However, something special seemed to have happened further north on the Great Wall of Despair.

For example, Braavos, one of the Free Trade City-states, has had a close relationship with the Targaryen dynasty in recent years. The ruler of Braavos, Sea King, visited King's Landing during the reign of the Conqueror, and Aegon the Conqueror also rode a dragon. Visited Braavos.

And for a period of time before Queen Rhaenys disappeared, she often helped match others, and then facilitated many marriages...

All the circumstances seemed to have little impact on Renly now, but considering these things, or the chain reaction caused by the fact that this already dead person was not dead, he had to pay attention to it.

Will the history of this world still be consistent with everything that happened in the history books?

Will the weak King Aenys die of illness?

Will his brother Maegor still inherit the throne?

Will the Seven Sons Trial still happen?

In addition, what worries Renly even more is why there was no feedback after the Iron Islands timeline he was in for the first time was changed, but the last one was the same as this time?

What exactly are these situations?

Countless questions made his mind confused, because it involved more than just the current copy.

If history can really be rewritten, why hasn't reality been affected by it?

Is it because of the different dimensions? A different world? Or other reasons?

Will future copies not follow the history that I know?

The various thoughts that emerged one after another along the way made him seem a little absent-minded. However, when he approached Rhaenys Hills, he adjusted his mentality and prepared to take this little guy through.

At this time, King's Landing was not as crowded as it would appear in later generations, and the buildings were relatively neatly arranged. Below Rhaenys Hill was a rather dry street. As far as the eye could see, the yellow brick houses on both sides of the street were basically inhabited by poor people. Members of the assembly occasionally saw a few strong sons of warriors.

There was an open tavern on the roadside. In front of the tavern, there was a warrior's son with messy black hair leaning against the wall. He shouted at Renly a few times when he passed by.

It roughly means that your breastplate is worn wrong, and your cloak is not worn properly, which makes Renly feel confused.

He then stopped and chatted with him for a few words, but the drunkard seemed to be so drunk that he didn't know who he was, so he had to give up.

As he kept moving forward, a kind old man told him how to find Knight Murray. Of course, this was Renly's initiative to ask, but he found that the knight seemed to have a great reputation here and his status was not simple.

However, these did not matter to him for the time being. At present, if he wanted to find the knight, he still had to go to the temple.

Renly did not immediately take the child with him, but opened a room in a nearby hotel and settled him down first.

Then he followed this road towards the raised hill in front.

The Rhaenys Hill is no different from the later generations, but what stands on the square at the top is not a dragon's lair, but a square and magnificent cathedral.

The church is called the Cathedral of Remembrance. It was originally a cathedral built by Aegon the Conqueror to commemorate the dead Queen Rhaenys. Now it has become a gathering place for the sons of warriors to resist the Targaryen Dynasty.

Before Renly came, he had already thought about why the cathedral still existed since the little queen was not dead?

And now he can see it clearly.

The cathedral located deep in the square has an elegant shape. The narrow and long building extends on both sides. There are one after another sunken human sculptures on the surface walls, which are lifelike and look sacred.

In the center of the square in front, there stands a special fountain pool. There is also a sculpture in the pool. It is a human statue standing in the pool. The left hand is naturally drooping and holding a dagger. The palm of the right hand is open and upright in front of the chest. A trickle of water keeps flowing down from the palm of the hand.

The statue looks handsome and straight. It is carved to look like wearing leather armor, with a head of broken hair, but the face is blank.

Thank you to OOuroborosO for the 2,000 yuan reward, Qingyang Tonghuan for the 1,000 yuan reward, and Huxizizai, Meng Yuchen, Yeyunyuanya and Huangdouyuan for the 100 yuan reward~

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