A Western fantasy journey that began with Game of Thrones

Chapter 98 The Trial of the Seven Sons (22)

Apparently, in addition to the relationship returning to a freezing point, the little nun has been avoiding Renly, because he can't see her either during ordinary group meals or on weekdays.

Or even if you see them, the other party will walk away in a hurry.

This made Renly really depressed, and he had a lot of speculations about it, and he even thought about his "previous life" unconsciously.

Maybe because he was reincarnated, he has some vague memories of his previous life, but sometimes he can recall some things vividly, such as the plot of the Game of Thrones, or some knowledge that does not belong to this world. and cognition.

I remember correctly, in another world, I was in elementary school in a different place. At that time, I was not familiar with the place, but I seemed to have a good friend. We went to and from school together every day, and we always liked to play together after class. You will introduce him to other friends and even invite him to your home.

For a child who has just arrived and is wary and nervous about a strange environment, this is a very cherishable friendship.

However, just because the other person jokingly said in front of other classmates that he wanted to break up with him, he just ignored him. Then when the other person was around, he would always instinctively avoid it...

Those words are actually a sign of intimacy, but the child's thinking is obviously irrational, and he is not aware of certain things that should be taken for granted.

Now that I think about it, this behavior is very childish and completely incomprehensible, but that reaction cannot be attributed to moodiness, but to another emotion.

Damaged self-esteem? Or is it an inferiority complex?

"Why does the sergeant's clothes always smell like mint lately?" As Renly was thinking hard, his squire Egg returned with a ball of washed clothes and asked curiously.

The knight's attendant is responsible for doing various trivial things for the master on a daily basis, including washing clothes. However, there are helpers in the living area of ​​​​the Temple of Thought to help with the washing. All you need to do is send the dirty clothes and remember to pick them up. Now the boy is picking them up. Clothes and return.

"Peppermint can get rid of bad breath."

After hearing this, Renly replied absently: "Chew a few slices, and your mouth will become cleaner."

"Is bad breath really contagious?" Upon hearing this, the boy seemed to have thought of something, and he did not realize that there was any obvious connection between bad breath and the smell on clothes.

"And spread disease and plague? They all say so, and so does Grand Maester Gavin. My brother never talks to anyone with bad breath."

"If making people feel bad is considered a disease, it will indeed spread." Ren Li replied smoothly, suddenly raising his eyes to look at the other party.

"Ego, do you have a friend who is very withdrawn, a friend who is very difficult to get along with, and you can't figure out what he is thinking about all day long?"

"I have no friends."

The boy's answer left him speechless.

"Douzi may count as one, but he actually gets beaten for me. Every time I make a mistake, my parents will beat him. I feel sorry for him, but I guess he won't treat me as a friend."

He said, feeling a little depressed, "The Red Keep is very deserted, and my brothers rarely play with me. My sister may be my only friend, but are family and friends the same thing?"

Renly couldn't answer this question, but after thinking about it, he said: "Relatives can also be friends, as long as the other party is willing to listen to your opinions, treat you as an equal, does not exclude you, understands you, and is willing to work with you. Play……"

As he said this, he suddenly had an enlightenment.

Is that really just a sensitive self-esteem or inferiority complex?

He lives his own way in his own world, treating all the people and things around him as decoration, but looking forward to normal contact with them.

However, after taking that step, I found that I could not integrate into the strange world outside at all, and would be "hurt" instead. So besides retreating, what else could I do?

"So the root of the problem is not who I seem to be?" he murmured thoughtfully.

"What are you talking about, ser?"

"I mean you should brush your teeth, Egg, you have bad breath when you talk."

"How can this be!?"

At the end of training the next day, Renly walked towards where Sister Raya lived.

His original idea was to give her some tough time, or to force her away from her unique world, but when he arrived, he found that she was fighting with someone else.

"Let me go, you little bastard, are you still reasonable after making a mistake!? Let go quickly, or I will go to Sister Ada to file a complaint against you!"

The angry words were quite sharp. An old nun with obvious wrinkles was angrily pulling Sister Laya's messy hair, trying to pull her away, but the little nun was biting another young nun like a madman. She refused to let go of her arm, even though the other person screamed and slapped her repeatedly with the other hand without paying attention, until tears came out of her eyes.

This situation made Renly's steps quicken.

"What are you doing?"

"She set our roof on fire!" The young nun's focus was entirely on her bitten arm and slap, while the old nun had time to reply to him.

"Thankfully we discovered it early, Sir, otherwise the fire would have been in big trouble if it had spread. Gods bless you..."

Brenly had grabbed the young nun's arm, which was slapping her randomly. He looked down at Raya, who was still biting her. He raised his hand and patted her forehead, then took advantage of her looking up and pulled her away to protect her behind him, saying, "She has neither flint nor candle, how did she light it?"

"Who knows where she got the fire from, but who else could it be except her?" The young nun answered angrily, covering her arm with two rows of blood marks bitten on it, looking very angry.

"The truth may not be so. Don't you think it's far-fetched to identify her as an arsonist just based on her reputation?"

The old nun was a little speechless, but the young nun immediately retorted: "Except for her, no one here will cause trouble. Besides, even if it's not the case, she deserves to be beaten. She has been making trouble since she was a child. If you don't believe it, just ask someone and you will know what bastard things she has done!"

"Of course I know her." Renly replied: "So I know she has been deaf and dumb since she was a child. I think you should also know this. Then you should understand that she may not understand whether some things are good or bad."

"How can she not know after being beaten so many times?" The nun asked in surprise.

"This is the reaction of normal people like us, but she may not even know what a good person is. What do you think she can understand?"

This made the two nuns look at each other, and their anger was restrained, but they were still not in a good mood.

"Sir, you are kind-hearted, but it is useless to her."

The old nun said, "She is a poor child. Not only is she an orphan, but she also has physical defects. We don't always dislike her. We treated her very well at first, and we can understand her mistakes. But you see, she is still like this for more than ten years, and she has not changed at all. She is not as obedient as a wild cat. You should know, good sir, we are not impatient people."

"You will know whether it is useful or not until you see her." Renly said seriously, "Before that, I suggest that you two go and notify the Sister Ida you mentioned, and then she will figure out who set the fire."

Hearing this, the two nuns shook their heads helplessly, glared at Raya, and left.

They didn't seem to think that notifying Sister Ida would bring any punishment to Raya. Renly had a vague understanding of this. It is said that the old nun who first adopted Raya has a high status in the Temple of Thoughts, and she is still very influential after her death...

Thinking of it, he retracted his gaze and looked at the girl in white robes behind him.

This person was shrinking his head at this time, looking like he wanted to leave but was a little embarrassed, and his robe was covered with dirt.

Because her hair was now messy, Renly saw her true appearance for the first time.

Her face was small, with a few freckles on her slightly upturned nose and on both sides of her face. She didn't look very pretty, but she looked very innocent.

Strangely, despite being slapped many times, her face was not red and swollen, but still looked intact, slightly dirty, as if she hadn't washed her face for several days.

"Are you really innocent?" Renly asked in a low voice, but it was obvious that the other party would not answer his question, and Renly didn't hope for it.

Or, after raising his hand and sniffing his palm, he already had the answer.

At this time, Renly's hand had a unique smell of grease candles, and this smell was just from his hand when he dragged Raya behind him.

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