A Wish to Grab Happiness

Episode One Hundred Ten: The Positive and False Gone

A guy named Fraudster doesn't try to take anything away from the outgoing, the wealthy, the strong. Rich people are rich, but hence there is no gap in them, and if you want to deceive them, you are prepared to do so.

So rather, for them, dressed up, they might be able to eat today or tomorrow, and that's what poor people are good at.

If you reach out softly at any rate and whisper the sweet temptation that seems to be an examination in heaven, let's kiss the hand of the devil even if it is the poor.

In that case, the cheater will do as he thinks. If you can't help yourself to rip it off, and if it's your property, you can even take it away from him by hand, even if it's a begging tool.

Therefore, it is the voice that is called when human beings are weak that we must think carefully about taking the hand that can be reached when we are disadvantaged.

I myself have a good understanding of the rules of thumb when it comes to such matters.

All the people in the backstreet who mistakenly see it as a ditch where they were born and raised at any rate are like those who have repeatedly done that while they perceive themselves as the great fraudsters who deceive people and take away their wealth, they are deceived by ignorance and by weakness.

In repeating it, it means the birth of a human being who believes in folly, such as believing in people from the bottom of his heart. In the back streets, that's how they all live. I believe that's the art of living.

Well, if you think so, us now. Are the forces of creed the strong or the weak? Which will it be?

"- Belfein, our city state. Like the walled city of Gallu Amalia, I want to keep it for the protection of the crest religion..."

The words that entwined the smell of liturgy are hard to understand the meaning. Why would everyone want to use it if it's a hassle to talk and listen?

Add more and more unwanted things in it, and at the end of the day, you must be unable to move and left behind in your time.

I kept chewing cigarettes on my teeth in the last seat, exhaling small and staring at a long-standing apostle.

Its messenger from Berfein stepped on Galuamaria's soil just when the conference could not stand its chilled air.

If it hadn't been for the missile that suddenly jumped into the ops room, at least my left arm would have been broken. No one, by Kalia's hand. In that sense, he was undoubtedly a messenger of salvation.

The person who sent out the messenger was Belfein, the city state. It is one of the self-sustaining regions that maintains its independence on an urban basis, as is Galuamaria, a leading urban state dotted around Galuamaria.

It is certainly the nearest city to exist from here, and dealings with Galuamaria should have flourished. It may be said that Berfein has developed significantly in a different sense because of the neighborhood of Galuamaria, which has strong characteristics as a commercial city.

In other words, if Galuamaria had played a commercial role within the group of peripheral urban states, Berfein would have acted as a mercenary city, if I may say so.

Undisputed, in terms of its military power, it should be out of group among the urban states.

That's what they're saying. He wants to unite his hands with the creed religion and get under its asylum,.

Oh, whatever, it's gonna be a hundred million bucks to get the word out. Heavy on his eyelids, the messenger knelt down and I endured the whole room until he left the room, feeding on the scent of chewing tobacco.

The one called etiquette is really only a matter of taking the time.

After the messenger left, once again, a strange silence came indoors. Of course, this silence is not uncomfortable or something that has precipitation in emotions somewhere, it's just that everyone can't decide how to make a statement and is stiffening their lips.

Even if there were words in a corner of my brain, I'm letting them roam around my throat to say it or not.

As everyone pressed silence, nature and his gaze gathered on the parchment that Mattia had.

"… indeed, there is no difference in official documents issued by the State. It's also engraved with the magic mark of Belfein."

Mattia zeroed her words, trying not to withstand the gaze gathered and the long lasting silence. The words unnecessarily scratch the vortex of everyone's thoughts.

Certificate of an official document issued by the State, indisputably a magical mark. If the seal of wax is a certificate used by the upper classes, then the magic mark is like a certificate used in exchanges between states.

We have a stamp arrangement for each state, and the text in which the stamp is stamped is guaranteed by the state no matter what. Whether its contents are extrajudicial or far in the past, if there is a magic mark of one's own country, the state must honor its covenant.

Otherwise, if not, the state will devalue its credibility at once. That way we can no longer trade between states, and merchants will only sell things in exchange for real money with the state.

In other words, pushing a magic mark on a document is tantamount to a state throwing its credibility at its opponents.

The document is here now. The Virgin says, I'm sure there's no mistake in the magic mark of Belfein. Absolutely.

In general, the meeting agenda was even in a state of indigestion. If such a place is given a letter that can be taken as both the use of the devil and the use of God, then everyone must be in confusion.

Hilariously, follow the shaky brunette at the edge of the eye. Fialert was slightly pointing at his lips.

Neither did the fold of the journey once have these opportunities at all. There were times when strays arose, and everyone sealed their lips about what should be done in the future.

Even so, in my case, I understood that there would be no heavy use for any opinions, and rather, I kept my mouth shut that I would not tread the tail of a snake unnecessarily.

Whatever it was, at that time, it was always the genius fialert that put his head to work the most. have multilateral knowledge, be calm, and express accurate opinions. Her talent makes her do more than just crowd everything.

So expect that again this time, or you don't know, and your gaze goes to Fialert. Instead of consciously telling you that the habit was still alive, your face turned to you.

Fialert tilted her little neck as her black eyes blinked and she grinned wonderfully as she did so.

No, what do you do with your neck tilted?

Tell the fialert that he has no idea what the intention is, whispering. What do you think is right after all?

For a moment, Fialert circled her eyes and moved her lips with a freaking expression of what she was talking about.

"It's similar to both for me. If Rugis chooses something, follow it."

No, no, that's not true.

Whatever happens as a result, of course, is her freedom. There's nothing in that word that moves my heart.

But before that, she will have an opinion on the status quo. I don't care what kind of round-throat you throw at me again.

You must have read my strange look, fialert continued his words as he broke his cheek like he was somewhere shuddered.

"'Cause you're not gonna listen to me anyway. Don't go anywhere dangerous, just like a kid who's going up high from himself."

I see, there is absolutely no objection to that. Unexpectedly, push the chewing cigarette hard against your teeth.

Now I know perfectly well that I can't even borrow the devil's mouth to say that I have never committed a crime before, that I have made every effort to save my life, and so on.

But I don't believe it was wrong.

If ordinary people like me were to try to get even just their fingers to the heroes, including Fialert, they would have had to take recklessness as a friend, get used to the danger and move on.

And. If you value your own life and live through it avoiding everything, I'm sure I'll end up with nothing to gain, as I once did. That was terrible.

I felt comfortable touching my heart with something running scared. I don't know, swallow my spit.

So Fialert's words are not a mistake. Instead, you were absolutely right, and I couldn't resist it, and I lay my eyes down unexpectedly.

Seeing him like that, the fialert creaks and he smiles slightly exhaling and opens his lips.

"So, Rugis. It doesn't make any sense to me what's right or wrong. If you say so, I'll make it right for you... oh, but -"

- I'll have you explain who you are and what you are.

From whispering to whispering in my ear, Fialert said. Unexpectedly, I lose my voice to the strange luster that its voice possesses and to the starch of unseen emotions as if at the bottom.

Well, then what a right response in this case. I was coming up with something that wasn't going to be anything in the corner of my brain.

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