A Wish to Grab Happiness

Lesson 114: The Administrator

"Virgin Matty, a...? Please calm down..."

Calm down. Mattia was going to lean her neck unexpectedly on that word out of Largd Ann's mouth. Be cool, etc., I've never been hung up on like that before.

At any rate, this person has never lacked calm, and that remains the same today.

I'm still calm. My head is so cold that it's going to freeze.

Mattia gently opened her right hand, shattering the mirror as she blinked her eyes. My wound hurts, like I had a fever. That's just it.

"I'm still calm, Ann. There are other things that are more important. Do you know when he ran away from Galuamaria?"

I have the feeling of blood dripping from my pompous, pompous and right hand. I don't even know why I did this. Mattia was frowning and still trying to keep her expression and calm in her chest, breathing neatly.

Ann opens her mouth as she pulls the mirror fragment out of Mattia's right hand and wraps the bandage around it with a polite hand.

"For more information, I don't know. Just by the time the second star shines and... really, what happened, Virgin Mattia? He said he would be impotent."

Mattia was slowly rolling her words in her chest, letting Anne's words reach her ear that she wasn't even like you. At the end of the day, ask yourself, "What a response."

Even for myself, I'm not sure why my right hand moved.

It's just that he, Rugis, left late at night and still hasn't returned. When I recognized the report as true, the mirror that was unknowingly on my right hand side was shattered. No, my right hand was crushing the mirror.

Oh, I see, you know what? Mattia nodded one person, as if she had finally caught up with her thoughts now.

The pain crawling up from his right hand was of little concern. Rather, something close to the determination to burn up his own spine is gushing his mind.

Mattia understood that her own reason had caused her body to move and destroy the mirror as a result of her attempts to remain calm.

That's because I didn't seem to be able to stand it, although I don't feel very emotional from chest to throat. So my body forced me to ram my right hand, trying to hold it down.

Naturally, this has never happened before. Emotions force your body to storm, etc.

But I can't do that either. Yeah, I don't know what else to do.

"Besides, even if I say I'm not going home, it's just dawn. Maybe he's just taking a break somewhere and sleeping."

"That's not true, Ann. Such optimism is forgiven for something as exquisitely wildcats. I don't think you mean it."

Mattia ate the edge of the words that Anne, who carefully wrapped the bandage around and finished the first aid, let go to clean up the place. Even so, as I would state the natural fact that such a thing is not possible.

"If he's gone now at this time, it's obvious where he's headed. I can tell even with my eyes closed."

With that said, Mattia points to the map placed on the desk with her safe left hand.

Beyond that, the mercenary city of Belfein. The city has yet to decide how to handle it in Galua Maria.

Anne, round her eyes, compare the map to Mattia. Like saying what the hell you mean, what you're talking about, based on what?

But leaving such Anne's confusion behind, it was no longer just a confirmed fact for Mattia that Rugis had headed to Berfein.

Think of it, there were a number of occasions when I perceived it. With a temper that I couldn't help but push myself into a predicament, he began by chanting his opposition to the alliance with Belfein, then bothered to push me to the office and even load books like I wouldn't normally be able to.

It was shallow. Mattia curses herself, not Rugis.

I should have understood. That he is a person named Rugis who doesn't listen to people.

Even if I hit the nail of the words telling him not to do all that running ahead, he slips through as if nothing had happened.

No longer, that's who it is. I don't listen when I say it in words. Even if I preach reason, it's more like there's no reason to live through my affairs.

What, are you a selfish person who doesn't think about your surroundings? No, but that's him no longer. That's how he lives. This time, well, okay.

Mattia was wondering how horribly calm her thoughts were going across her brain. The body is so hot that it seems to bubble in the stomach that it clearly understands the feeling of blood going all over the body.

Once, breathe in a lot of air. I breathed deeply, deeply. Close your eyes. Ann looked anxious, and I saw her staring at herself. To calm you down, loose, smile.

I worried about you, and I told you there were no more problems.

"Ann, I'll give you one instruction. This is an order as a commander of the crest religion. Please take precedence over everything else."

Make sure you get your lips wet and carry on the words. Surprisingly, the words were smooth. As such, Mattia doesn't know if the word really came out ahead of her own calculations by fulfilling it.

Ann gets her magical, everyday look back and snorts. She's still a good sidekick. Even if I expose myself to this kind of difference, it follows me. So the meaning of this word should also be drawn upon.

"Modify the strategy against Berfein. Coordinate your meeting with the Berfein envoy now."

For a moment, his eyes open and he becomes voiceless and tells Mattia.

I wonder if that's really the right decision. I was wondering if you were thinking about it. But it's only a matter of a moment. Mattia's cold eyes brighten the light of intelligence, and she responds by becoming a wordless spokesperson for Ann's gaze. Seeing as that, Ann's behavior was decided.

Ann nods and jumps out of the room. There are so many things to do. It's not just coordination with Belfein. The popularity of Gallu Amalia and the need for a compromise with Heavy Town will also arise. Really, it took her a long time to knock her down. Always, you'll have to pay for it.

In the office where she was alone, Mattia leaked a slight exhalation as she looked up into the heavens.

- Well, I get it, Rugis. You can't even manage yourself on your own.

I can no longer get my hands on more than a rampage horse. You know what's right and what's good. Helping people, yes, and that we shouldn't be forced to get our hands on Belfein here and now. With him, you should know that much. Even so, he can't stop. I don't know how to stop.

Think of it, Rugis breaks my thoughts at all times. Gallu Amalia recapture battle, air garden Gaza offense, that's how this time.

Well, okay. What he needs is no reason, no status, no honor.

Somebody's gonna take care of it. Big, sigh leaking. I have no choice, really, I have no choice. Mattia's eyes loosen somewhere gently. It's like, merciful of something, exactly what you call a Virgin and no exaggeration whatsoever, the color of such eyes.

Not in Kalia Birdnick. In her it just accelerates Rugis' momentum even further. Fiarat La Borgograd remains the same. Even for her, it fuels Rugis' rampage.

We need to manage it. to righteousness, to good, and to make him act under reason. He needs a presence that manages everything that goes into that life.

That's the one thing about this one, and I get it. He is no longer a man who can put his eyes away. Even in crest teaching, its influence is great, and I will not let it go because it is no longer there.

Well, my emotions didn't rest either.

Mattia was the thought that had finally found a place for her deliberate emotions, which she was pointing towards Rugis. Instead, I even remember to apologize to Rugis. I just didn't realize, I'm feeling so hard, I'm making you impotent.

He won't notice it on his own.

- Oh, really, I can't help it.

Virgin. The eyes so called were indeed calm and merciful.

But the smile on that cheek, what can I say? The undisputed beauty, but it was not so much like the Virgin that enclosed everything, but a beauty that seemed to be something of a demonic nature.

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