A Wish to Grab Happiness

Lesson 129: The Three-Headed Conference

In my ears, a strangely glossy woman's voice arrives. And from multiple, surrounding quarters, constantly.

But that's natural, too, and this is the corner of the whorehouse. Besides, if time is night, it's already showing a shameless bustle in the name of all around.

Because of the sound, I wonder. Virgin Mattia opens her lips as she distorts her cheeks in an extremely grumpy manner.

"... it's an extremely unpleasant place, Rugis. I understand your hobbies very well."

No, that cheek no longer hits like a tremor in anger rather than looking grumpy. I thought you said you were good at lurking, but you can enjoy these places on boulders. If I get used to it, I can sleep in it. I accidentally fingered my jaw.

Whatever it is, I want you not to tremble with passion. Anyway, if you want to take an inn around here, it's cheapest to just pay for a room at a whorehouse, and you don't have to worry about leaking your voice. Whatever it is, it makes you sound like a voice all around you constantly. Not at all convenient.

When I looked at Bruder with that in mind, he returned a sharp voice wondering if there was such a reason.

Apparently, Bruder isn't in that good mood either. Perhaps the reason for this is that I haven't let you open the rum I put on the table yet.

The room has a bed and one table. The three of us look at each other as we circle the table.

"So, what's up? Rugis, I understand your relationship, but what does that have to do with me?"

There won't be anything, yeah. And while continuing, Bruder points his lips when he is extremely grumpy. How much rum do you want, this guy? But, well, he's definitely a person who's had some unstable parts of it if he hasn't had the rum in one hand for a long time. Should I feel safe on the street at any time in a way?

A glimpse of Mattia reveals that this one is no less than Bruder, and that emotion remains daunting.

The reason for this is probably the surrounding sound, but when I didn't leave this place to serve my purpose, I didn't mind saying so. Anyway, it seems the Virgin intended to leave Berfein early. Of course, I think that's the best part, too.

Still, it seems the Virgin is the one who follows you as you leak poison. It's a good thing you take care of yourself.

Even for me, yeah, they put words on top of me. I can't tell you to go home alone now.

For a moment, he moves his lips as he shows his teeth so that he chooses words and so alternates his two eyes.

"No, it doesn't matter. It's huge, Bruder. The three of us are going to cut Bellefein apart."

Breaking cheeks, yes, squeaking.

Bruder, and Mattia's eyes, swayed gently. The four eyes tell you the same thing. Speak that word here, and I wonder if it's okay to fulfill it. Mattia looks at Bruder, Bruder looks at Mattia aggressively. It was as if, if anything happened, it would have been momentum that would have gone into a state of war.

Unexpectedly, my voice leaked out of my throat. I don't know, you two, I don't know what to think.

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"Cut Belfein down - I see. That's not a bad word. But don't you get me wrong? I didn't ask you to do it yet."

Bruder's frustrating voice stirs the floorboards of Yasuku. My throat felt strangely dry.

She said she just drank the water earlier, but still without booze, she's about to burn her throat and chest. Perhaps it must be attributed to the frustration that is now looming in his chest, Bruder thinks.

No, as a matter of fact, I sometimes find it frustrating not to mention the unsure client in front of me.

Anyway, he, Rugis, suddenly thinks he rolled into his room, and now he says he's one of them and brings in the woman with dignity. A lot of things, I wonder if I'm too uncomfortable.

At first I wondered if you even bought a hooker around there, but if you look closely, you'll soon know that's not possible. Bruder took a peek at Mattia and the woman so introduced as she stroked the side of her hat.

I see, she's a beautiful woman. He has hair quality that is unlikely to be a very whore, clear skin and, above all, distinctive, strong eyes. The more you get taunted with those eyes, the more your spine is going to tremble.

Really, she was a woman I can't imagine where the hell she brought me from. Not very much, but I don't think of myself and the people who live in the same world as Rugis that way.

Either that or, yes, it's like being in the same world as Princess Iron and Steel, that kind of person.

"Right, but Bruder. Me and you, we'll be together where we think we are, right? Why do you live in a mercenary city that is so violent and plundering, because there are verses in this city that I think?"

Or did you like the mercenary operation, and both Rugis eyes stare at this one. Unexpectedly, my throat rang. The ends of my ears shake and my brown hair crosses my gaze.

After all, I don't think Rugis is sane. I'm sure, Rugis is dreaming. I dream of the poor.

A dream that only the poor can dream of. A luxurious, vain dream to be seen because you are a poor man who doesn't know things and doesn't want to see reality. Nothing else, such as cutting down this mercenary city.

The strange thing, however, is that the slightest thing I've said about this chest is what kind of trick it is. Myself and Rugis are still in this city and have exchanged words several times. Even so, I occasionally spit words out of my mouth that reveal the nature of this chest. That's why. Not so much, you're highly observant, no, how about that?

Bruder's shoulder, tingly, moves. I opened my lips, daring to keep my eyes out of contact with Rugis. There was a patrol in my head, I see.

"... I'll take the money accordingly. And the advance. And I'd like to ask you something. Yeah, how do you flip a mercenary twist around here?"

With his dry mouth open, he dares to leak his voice in surprise and lay his eyes down.

My feelings, I didn't lean. Still this heart doesn't have the strength to move itself, it's just inert and keeps beating. I don't try to stop that movement just because no one or he can jump out of the stage the way he wants.

As Rugis said, a nail protruding from Belfein is surely stitching itself into this city. Therefore, it is certain that we continue to live as mercenaries against us.

But still, for Bruder, it's all just a gift of inertia. It never seemed to change.

"Much better. Welcome, Bruder. Look, it's easy. It's really easy."

Yes, Bruder, at all costs, was uncomfortable with the way Rugis looked with a light slap of his hand and a grin.

It's like the bare mouth is getting more lively somewhere. Oh, I felt that.

We didn't spend much time together, we didn't live and die together. There's no clear difference, there's no way I can tell.

But, I see, at least the sound of the words wasn't a bad thing.

"You don't have to destroy this city in pieces. Before a giant named Belfein. That's too hard."

I am not lost in the voice of Rugis, who says so in good faith. I say that everything is no longer done in my head, behind my chest, and then I just wait for the reveal. But like I say.

Bruder sights on Mattia, a position that likewise just waits for Rugis's voice. Anyway, it was strange to Bruder that she was honestly taking Rugis' word for it. By then, would you say that you believe in Rugis' words?

Rugis' lips make him hit the waves.

"So let it all be deadly - I'll just put a little bit of" in it. That's all I need. Titans are fatally injured from the tip of their feet at all times. "

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