A Wish to Grab Happiness

Episode 147: Thy Name Is A Fool

The door of the luxury tavern opens with a slight blur. The path to the outside world, which had been tightly closed by Vestalinu's hands, finally showed itself.

Inside the dim luxury tavern, the light plugs in.

"-- Thank you for your hard work. You don't have to worry. I will now return to the Lordship Palace."

From earlier on, Vestalinu slowly speaks to the soldiers who were diligently throwing their voices inside the liquor store in order to utter the words of Lord Mordoe-Gorn of Belfein.

Neither did the soldier think that Vestalinu himself would show his response in his hands anymore. With a slight eye opening, I can see just the steel princess in front of me, one step, retreating.

Speaking of which, I was no longer only thrown out of my lungs by heavy exhalation, and around the next few steps, I blinked my eyes with chewing tobacco. It's been a long time since I've smelled it. Again, without this feeling, he doesn't do anything to calm his body down. From the time of my former journey, it was no longer like a habit.

Well, from now on, what kind of hands should you hit?

Apparently, Princess Iron and Steel has already decided where to go. Perhaps you intend to head straight to the Lords' Palace and poke your words at the Mordoe-Gorn, who you once called your father. What a discipline.

In some cases, the battle axe may sip blood splashes. Of course, on the contrary, it is fully conceivable that Vestalinu will be snatched from its neck by Mordeau. No, it's rather expensive for you to calculate. If there were ten possibilities, Vestalinu would lose his life on the nine roads within it. I understand that very well.

That's great. Isn't that what I thought and drew? My teeth made a noise.

And those who were once fathers and daughters shall put their trust in one another, and hatred and their fangs shall be raised against one another. Oh, my God.

Moment after moment, there was a feeling as if my heart had turned to stone. Unexpectedly, his teeth stick out at the chewing tobacco and his eyes narrow reflexively. Nature and eyebrow roots rose, I see. There are distorted, indescribable feelings in my throat.

Funny thing. There are vortexes in the process, and the result is wonderful and as you wish. Wearing its chest by a blueder and drilled into a hole, Vestalinu can no longer function as a double-wheel of Berfein, no matter how it is raised. And after the loss of Vestalinu, Mordoe-Gorn alone shouldn't be able to contain the Belfein mercenaries.

The giant's foot collapsed. It is no longer the case that this city called Belfein was obliged to moderate stagnation and decline. I don't care. I won't even have to put my hands on it anymore. Later on, in the conflict between the creed religion and Berfein, those two organizations, Berfein is consumed. Belfein, who put together a group of mercenaries, swallowed up chaos, and as the sword of a group of urban nations, was present as a fang, should already be lost.

So, no more worries. Even a hitter shouldn't have to think about it. From now on, I'm going back to Galuamaria, and if I take a nap to swallow, it'll all be over. So there's only one thing to think about. Exquisitely, it's just about people I call my friends.

"... so, Bruder, are you even addressing something?"

It's been a long time since I've even received sunlight and narrow my eyelids. That's how I spoke to Bruder, who was walking in front of me a little while ago, as if it were a casual topic.

Bruder, who put his hat back on and put that long hair in again, was as if he had pictured what it used to be. I know exactly what Bruder looks like. I don't know, I already knew how to answer that. Still, I had to ask.

If you will, why don't you take this Vesterine and move to a land where no one knows?

Bruder shows his white teeth, trying to break his cheek, says.

"Bad, employer... here's the deal, end it. I'll pay you back the advance. I don't need it anymore."

Oh, that's a word that greatly betrays my expectations, and as expected.

That's what I knew. What is Blooder going to say and do? So, at the end of the day, what choices are you going to take with that hand? I knew it well.

"Just a little bit, I've got a family I've been letting go. You can't pretend not to look at it anymore."

Bruder's eyes look straight at this one. Happy colors and their intricate eyes that made them live together somewhere that seemed lonely. As it is, his gaze is poured onto Vestalinu's back.

Even more, he whimpered as if the back of his gut had been judged an ancient wound. I understood. I was curious. I felt as if I had done it all with objectivity. But still, I think. I shouldn't have gotten Bruder into this mess. That must have been a fatal mistake.

Sounds stupid. I don't know what the hell you're thinking, I'm not talking about shyness. It is not a story that ends with a fool mocking him for saying such things now. Yeah, but I have to say.

What a fool I've done. The look on my face is going to make me lose my mind. If that's what you can do, I want to break my neck with this hand.

I see. Now, as it once was, Blooder —— his sister, Vestalinu -- will be able to prevent him from crushing his skull. Perhaps that's what you can say, that you can never stop that turbulence of life from weighing in, and that after a reconciliation with your sister, you were saved in a way.

But that's why Blooder can't stop. No, we can't allow that will to stop. Finally, until that last time, when life is scattered, Bruder will not abandon Vestalinu. At the end of the day, you will throw that life away with your beloved family, along with Vetaline.

I understand so much that my chest bottom is inconsistent. Rely on Blooder, fall Vestalinu, and rock Belfein itself. That aim must have been achieved. I can't stand the sight. Oh, I suppose so. As a result —— even if a former best friend were to lose his life again. Do I have the right to regret it?

If it weren't for Bruder, I wouldn't have carried this well. Because Bruder was there, Vestalinu is trying to pile on its chest and strip his fangs to Mordeau.

Yeah, it's all about what Bruder did, the result.

After all, I wasn't able to do anything on my own. I just worked as a haulier. I just tied up a string named Opportunity. I just accomplished such a nasty job.

I'm going to throw up. Something is sticking with mud all over my throat.

I suppose so. So sending two families to the dead after a long time to finally achieve reconciliation is also at the end of what I wanted. That's just the story.

--Oh, I mean, here's the thing. I paid my former best friend's life to reach out to my glory. Even so, he acts as if he mourns the death of his best friend and comforts himself.

From behind me, the mercenaries of the Vestalinu child set footsteps and came out of the liquor store. While the footsteps overlap with confusion, they still follow Vestalinu's back.

"Listen. I will now follow my will... to ask the Lord Mordor for his words"

Though this place is hidden, it must be the undisputed streets of Belfein. On the spot, says the steel princess Vestalinu. Everything is free, whether you obey yourself or not. I no longer need to be connected to myself, and it doesn't even make sense. At the end of the day, humans end up on their own, having to decide something.

Vestalinu opens his lips loosely, then exalts, continuing his words.

"If you are going to obey Princess Steel, turn your back here. If it's with me, do as you please. I don't give you orders anymore."

From the surroundings, there was a sound that told the mercenaries of the perplexity itself, like swallowing a spit.

First of all, I don't understand what Vestalinu is telling you. Something that blues your expression to the way you say goodbye to your lord out of the blue. And while it draws its will, it cannot try to get away from Vestalinu.

With a wide variety of expressions, the mercenaries nevertheless seemed to have chosen to follow Vestalinu's back.

Yeah, they're headed to the dead, too. And who created the dead place? Is it Mordeau, or Vestalinu, oh no, or is it me?

Vestalinu no longer rides the horse covered in iron as it once was. Stay on foot, shoulder to shoulder with Bruder, and walk down the street. Bruder groaned, looking at this one for a moment.

"Bye, employer. Surprisingly, it wasn't bad. Instead, good —— if I see you again, yeah."

Let's have some venison to celebrate. That's all, tell me. Bruder let the figure be buried in a wave of mercenaries, and went.

It's as if you're convinced I'm not going after that back. I never looked back on this one again.

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