A Wish to Grab Happiness

Episode 163: The Virgin's Struggle and the Disappeared Mercenary

A voice, also thought to be the fury of Virgin Mattia, echoes through the streets of Berfein. On its lightly colored cheeks, a red blood splash had left traces. Unexpectedly, my little lips tremble.

"Hemostasis, at this time you can also stop the blood herb. Collect all that is a medicine."

Mattia desperately faces the seriously wounded in front of her, leaking some strained voice like that. Blood is already staining the bandages that should have been wrapped up earlier.

No. After all, the wound is too deep. That laceration with a cleft shoulder will not result in a fatal wound, but as it is, blood is lost and he dies.

Mattia did a look at the face of the seriously injured person in front of her - Princess Iron and Steel Vestalinu - as she raised her eyebrows and opened her eyes. I haven't regained consciousness yet. The cheeks are even slightly cold because of the loss of blood.

Obviously, it's in bad shape. If you don't force her to hold back the blood, the light of her life slowly goes out. Mattia chews on her lips, unintentionally honking her tongue in her chest.

- Rugis, there are things I can and cannot do.

Not at all, if you come with him. What a bad nature because after asking people to rescue the wounded, they send in such seriously injured people. If you went to help someone, you should wave your arm to the end of saving that life.

In the back alley, Mattia remembered naturally the words she exchanged before breaking up with Rugis.

- Maybe I'll be brought in myself, but I want to ask for the last fort in the rear guard. What, it's a battlefield, it's like they're selling injured people.

That's what I said, and he disappeared into the battlefield.

As such, it was her, Princess Iron and Steel Vestalinu, who was badly injured who was brought in. Bruder and a mercenary named so took her into the rear guard, letting herself be painted with blood.

But as I said, there are limits to what we can do. I don't know who caused this serious injury by following this steel princess, but it's an overly sharp laceration. It would have been a little rougher if it hadn't been torn to the back.

"... what do you say, lady? Vess - No, Vestalinu is."

Can't you, the trembling voice that seems to follow sounds from Bruder's lips. Somewhere that sounds like a voice that even includes giving up. This laceration, the blood that erupted, takes hope away from Bruder.

Mattia doesn't know anything about the relationship between Bruder and Vestalinu. Rather, from what I've seen, from what I've heard, it seems like they were enemies to each other. But when I saw the voice now and its desperate to bring Vestalinu here, it was also good and clear to Mattia that it was apparently difficult to lose. Mattia's heart makes strange noises.

How that appearance overlapped with one person in my head. Emotions that seemed as if they were empathy came to my chest bottom. Whatever, I used to laugh at you for being stupid, but it's such an emotion.

Take a big, deep breath, once. Mattia's eyes narrow. A crest man was bringing only a few pills.

"- Hold the fire. Burn the wound and stop the blood flow."

Slowly, that's what I say as I take a short knife out of my pocket.

Whatever you do, you have to help. Rugis went to help a mercenary, Bruder. The blooder brought Vestalinu. Then she must also be helpful to Rugis.

That's how Rugis told himself. In the last fort, he wants me to be. It would then be my duty to live up to that hope. And, oh, and.

Mattia used to feel that the emotions that should have strangled her with her own hands and stopped her from breathing were coming back slightly into her chest. Palpitations, faster.

- Besides, I'm the Virgin. There is no way that we can do this without taking the hands of those who desperately reach out in front of us and seek salvation.

I know. I understand. How many lives have I lost on the battlefield? How many did you fall for? Even though I can't laugh at myself now, I sincerely want to save a person's life. You must be mocking this with your own god.

This is hypocrisy. This is deception. It's just one of every stupid act. Oh, that's supposed to be the act I hated the most.

However, I don't want to do anything that would truncate me if I had no choice.

This, too, is all his fault. Because I saw him reach out desperately for something that was so unreasonable and even seemed pointless. Really, there's nothing I can do, people. You have to keep an eye on that, man.

Broiled iron in flames, a dagger with heat is pressed against the shoulder mouth of Vestalinu. A slight whimper leaked out of Vestalinu's lips. Her blurred eyes open, vaguely, slightly.

"Somebody, get her some water"

If you feel any better, you can drink water. Drinking water would lead somewhat to life. From where it is, it is no longer up to her fate.

With a brief announcement, Mattia again presses that iron sword against the shoulder mouth of Vesterine. The unpleasant smell of burning meat pounds my nose. In the hands, the feeling of the flesh trembling is conveyed before. My own breathing is also wild with urgency, which makes me unable to keep me normal. I finally realized that my surroundings were even dyed at night.

- So I finally realized that the distorted light was covering my surroundings.

Makes my eyes blink unexpectedly. away from Vestalinu while his gaze was slight. Light green light wrapped around spookiness, covering Berfein. Of mighty magic, light. Mattia shook her lips as she rounded her big eyes.

Should we stay here now, or should we leave early?

For a moment, the brain marrow sways to its intentions at what appears to be an excessively abnormal situation. Reason cried out, wondering whether it was right to stay here at all. The groan of Vestalinu struck the earlobes. Mattia blinks her eyelids a few times.

No, I can't. I still can't. As a leader of the crest religion, you should be the Virgin of the crest religion, even though you should put the matter of the crest religion first. I really don't feel like leaving this place right now.

That's because there are people in front of us who need to be saved. That's because this is the last fort he's ever left to him.

Confirm that the blood has stopped and release the dagger from Vestalinu's wound. So when I touched the herb, I noticed. I looked around unexpectedly. But he's nowhere to be found. He watered himself on the mouth of Vestalinu until earlier, and stared at his face.

There's no sign of Bruder.

Poppy, lips, distorted as Mattia's spine intuited something.

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