A Wish to Grab Happiness

Episode 221: The Bitterness of Crawling Your Tongue

A bright purple electric light ran out in front of Philose-Trait.

To be honest, Philos doesn't know what happened at that moment. I only understood that the captain of the army, who was supposed to be beside me, had thrust himself.

It would be the reason he was thrust and slapped from shoulder to ground when he fell. My right half hurts strangely.

I tried to tell the captain what I was going to do, yes. With that said, Philos thought, as usual, that the evil of a soldier captain would be returned.

The moment I lift my face, it's pizzy, and there's something hot sprinkling on Philos' cheek. Something unpleasant smelling, hot. Wipe it with your fingers reflexively. I saw a red close to black on my fingertips and it was stuffed.

Perhaps the effect of falling horses, Philos didn't realize for a few seconds that it was blood. What, blood naturally spills on the battlefield. It shouldn't be unusual.

But the red liquid defiled Philos' cheeks and hair from the next. The white eye gives you a gaze as to where this blood is coming from.

What was ahead of me when I raised my gaze was the way the captain crossed the horse unchanged. It's not supposed to change anything - just if the torso and neck aren't even apart.

The sword that the soldier chief was supposed to have in his hand was amputated and now a purple foreign body pierces his neck instead of his head. For a moment it even looked like a strange object to Philos.

That strange object was ejecting red liquid without staying. Philos' cheeks and his body are dirty again. The smell of iron stroked my nostrils.

After a moment, the body of the soldier captain, who would have lost his strength and could not move one fingertip, collapsed and deposited himself on the ground. At the same time, my voice, it sounds.

"- Listen, Philos' city soldier. Commander has collapsed here! If you want to escape, don't slash your back, Captain, pack up your soldiers and head back to the city!

Or I'll drag your intestines out. Philos saw a human face that echoed those words.

Brilliant lighting eyes. Intimidation wearing green military uniforms and twisting fears as well. Bad, and malicious man Rugis was there.

He took his own soldiers. That's how I killed the captain.

Philos understands that's natural. On the battlefield, I jumped out as his enemy. So he just killed a soldier or a person he was somewhat close to, and it would be a mystery to resent him.

Depending on the course of the war, he may have killed someone close to him, or him.

I understand that very well. So Philos is not thinking about throwing the same emotions at him, etc., and he has no thoughts about being unforgivable, etc. But.

"Wait. Rugis - Bad Rugis"

Philos makes his knee stand like he's had a cramp, forcing him to stretch his spine, he says. I couldn't figure out if my voice was solid. I felt that the voices that should have filled me with confidence at any time since I inherited the name of Philos have now become weak and fine.

Fortunately, however, Philos' voice reached Rugis in a battlefield of barbaric voices and noise. His terrible and harrowing eyes stare at Philos from the horse.

His eyes sound good when it comes to glaring, but they are as sharp as they seem to be good people. Is it something that makes sense at all, says Philos, as he distorts his lips for a moment?

"Of the autonomous city of Philos, the head of the Autonomous City Corps is not itself. Me, Philos-Trait, make me ruler of the city, head of the autonomous soldiers"

Perhaps this name is not meant to be. Apart from authenticity, that's what the Rugis say when they let the city soldiers escape. Given that the Archdiocesan Army would already be imminent, the words are neither incredible nor unbelievable.

So the right thing to do is to leave this place quietly and return to the autonomous city of Philos. That must be the best option for a ruler.

However, Philos was not a man who could do so much to break it off. The more I thought I was the best ruler, the more I couldn't handle not saying anything here and just running away.

The ruler has a responsibility. I can't believe the soldier captain died here, and I survived, and I'm glad it ended up so bad, but I can't accept it.

The sun shines through Philos' glasses. For a moment, Rugis raised his eyebrows and seemed to be chewing Philos' words. That's what I say. Phyllos stared at Rugis' expression, even ready to be slapped in the neck.

"Then it's just fine. Soldiers are confused, pull them up properly."

Rugis said, as if it were nothing. Philos glances into his eyes and sees Rugis' expression. He had such a look on his face that he was not nervous or angry, just saying the obvious.

Extra, Philos' thoughts get confused. Whatever he may think of the words he speaks, they are not words he throws at enemy commanders. Wherever it is, if you find an enemy commander, not a ruler, aren't you going to tie him up or slash his neck? Why did you say you gave him a name when you were ready for it?

Philos felt the twitching and the thorny mixing in his own blood.

"Are you insulting me, it is? I am humbly the ruler of the city of Philos, imitating the likeness of being merciful..."

"- Right. Then I hope you like it. I'm sorry, but I'm running out of time."

Really, I don't care, Rugis said. I don't think you're looking at Philos. But I told you so. As soon as he pulled the horse's reins, right out of Philos' sight, he disappeared. Probably went to exchange blades with the Archdiocesan army.

My cheeks are cramped. Phyllos felt his back teeth snap.

Does Rugis not believe his words, or does he think it's just bullshit? Or maybe there's some other reason enough to miss it. It could be an indication that he has no intention of actively hostile to Philos.

But now there was something in Philos' chest that emitted more light through heat than what such reason tells him.

- I was insulted. Words weren't worth exchanging, and they looked at me.

My head is about to spit smoke. Philos felt his cheeks dyed hot by the flames of humiliation and his eyes moistened.

From the past, I just didn't like being insulted. People who are insulted and bewitched can only be deprived of something at any given time. It is not a matter of strength or weakness, but those who are insulted and bewitched become such human beings.

Oh, I still remember. The brothers and sisters of the House of Toretto, who bewitched, insulted and mocked themselves once adopted. It would be the fault of my adoptive parents treating me like a tumor and keeping me away. How many times have they made their brothers and sisters lick their humiliation out of their sight?

He was made to imitate like a beggar, his shoes were polished with his bare hands, and he was violently wielded many times. They treated themselves as if they were servants.

Still, I thought that if we got close, if we exchanged words, we could be a real family at some point. I thought so. I don't even know my real parents, because that's why I've been in the Treyt family since I was a baby.

- Yes, until the day my eldest brother, who was to succeed the governor, tried to get his hands on himself for withholding the adult close.

Philos' jaws burn. A white eye had a fever that I didn't think would be the general of the defeat.

I will not forgive you. All the people of the Treyt family who once looked down on themselves tore their lives apart, making them regret it. Neither is that man. I'll make you regret that you didn't kill me here. I will make you regret it.

The pain leaks from the lips your teeth devoured.

"Listen, Philos' Autonomous Soldiers - Retreat! Collect as many wounded as you can! Captain, gather the soldiers!

Release your voice so that it sounds all around you. The soldiers began to move their exhausted bodies as if they had been struck by the appearance of Philos, who, while wrapping blood around them, appeared frivolous.

Whatever it is, now, we have to retreat. It's not exactly a fightable situation, and the soldier captain would not have thrust himself at the end of the day to make this life or soldier die for nothing.

I know that. I know, and I suppose it would be a pleasure to be missed by the Rugis if they were to draw the will of the soldier captain. Still, note. The mind does not try to accept. White teeth, ringing.

- Huh, huh.

Right next to Philos, a powerful arrow makes a noise and groans. Now the only bows and arrows released from behind me belong to the Archdiocesan army. Perhaps he cut off the collapsed Philos soldiers and shot the crest army to death and put the archers forward. Without involving the city soldiers of Philos.

The crest, the archdiocese. They lick me off. The sober it is. Even the laughter of mockery was floating in Philos.

Philos remembered the taste of excessively bitter defeat in his tongue, but repeated it to the soldiers and delivered a voice of retreat.

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