A Wish to Grab Happiness

Lesson 279: What Captures the Spirit

Make one glove thicker than usual. That alone made it feel like a separation was created to touch anything around me. No heart or feeling sick.

But that doesn't make me laugh if I wear thin clothes and get my fingers eaten off with frostbite at the end. Cold enough to freeze people is something that sometimes captures flesh and life with one wind.

Even if I take one drinking water, I can freeze it out and I can't do anything about it if I imitate it like I just hold it in my arm. No, at least it turned out something similar back in the day. Then you don't have to go on the same footsteps.

Gently include ale in your mouth and stroke the liquid with your tongue. I felt that the spiciness characteristic of Berfein warmed my body naturally.

That's how you moisten your throat thoroughly, then open your mouth. No, I'm thirsty for lips, but I was curious.

"So, don't you have any sermons, Virgin?"

That's what I said, picking the words out scattered. I thought for a long time, no matter what word I used, a sharp spear was going to pop out of the lips of the Virgin Mattia, and ended up fitting into a mediocre word.

But, well, go to the tent, Sang, show your back. Just look through the parchment. Apparently, the outrage is going from the top of your head to your toes. It's horrible.

I wondered what kind of voice would come out of my lips. The next voice Mattia zeroed was much more calm and even finer than she could have imagined.

Open the lid wide, unknowingly.

"Oh, did you do something to get me preached?"

Well, Mattia seemed in a good mood. The voice contains a somewhat bright tone.

Not that it was clapped out, but there was a feeling that the strained air that would have been in my lungs was falling out softly.

To be honest, I thought I was going to be preached in a sharp voice that I did something else on my own. He's not in that mood today. No, it's fine. Then I want you to be in a good mood.

"No, not like that. Thank you so much for everything. I thought I'd take it first rather than have it wrapped up later."

Don't, of course. I hope, adding. Crawl your coat over your shoulder. It's not like Mattia's my husband, but she said it was good. Then that's not the case with the others who complain about my actions. This way, you can fully shake your arms and act.

As always, Mattia stays on her back, her tone is soft, and then with a trembling voice somewhere, she says. I gripped my fingertips frightened by the cold.

"I speak to you in anger only when you have broken and forsaken your vows with me. Isn't it different this time?"

Close your eyes and bite Mattia's words off. I guess that oath refers to what we exchanged in Belfein.

A vow with Mattia to be proud and not to jump into a crisis like that without permission.

No, I didn't think you tied up that much from me. Still, if this is Mattia's way of caring, she won't bother to refuse.

Besides, in the past, there were hardly any people who would pay attention to me. Now that the Crest Virgin is worried about where she's going, she should be spoiled.

I think it's a crappy emotion. It feels silly. But it must be a definite pleasure to have someone to turn that kind of emotion on.

Keep the words going as Mattia spreads the parchment with her hands.

"Yeah, but it's more desirable if you can put it into words. This time - you've come to beg my forgiveness, Rugis."

I came to ask forgiveness. When I hear that word, I don't know and my eyebrows twist.

That's true if you ask me, but something slightly uncomfortable slips through my chest. I don't know exactly, but it's like an invisible yarn wrapped around your neck without knowing it. I had a weird breathlessness.

I lurk my eyelids wondering how I respond to that word. My lips look for nature and words, but none of this is likely to apply well to my current mood.

"Yes, you are - then, an expedition to Flimsrat, may I ask your permission, Holy Virgin"

Whatever, I said it, thinking it was a disgusting word that didn't suit me. I still felt something uncomfortable licking my neck.

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For the Virgin Mattia, the experience of not being able to hide the emotions that sprang up in her chest is not what it is.

A Seal Virgin is the embodiment of knowledge and reason. There must be no more ugliness than that statue being swept away by emotions.

It was precisely a few degrees or so that exposed such ugliness for Mattia, who wanted a way of life as a Virgin more than she did at an early age. At least in front of the faithful, I've never shown anything but emotions supported by my intentions.

Yes, emotions from the bottom of your heart, etc., are an unnecessary substitute for the Crest Virgin. All actions should be carried out by intention and intelligence.

That's why I think. I must be very unlikely to call myself the Virgin. Mattia grips her fingers hard as she desperately keeps her trembling voice under control, trying to keep calm. I got some wrinkles on the parchment.

But no matter how much it is in the normal course, the cheeks have a pale fever without knowing, and the eyes float the unknown agitation of the specialty.

What a strange thing, impossible, this is not a good thing. I desperately stare at the parchment in front of me, but I don't get into my head with one of those letters. On the contrary, it reveals the feeling of an extra boiled head.

I know why. What is happening to me like this? Just because of what Rugis did. He just came to ask forgiveness for himself. That alone loosened my emotional hoops and made me unable to close them.

When I think of it, my heart pulses extra fast, carrying emotions close to shame. But at the same time, it's true that joyful emotions are tightening your chest.

Oh, my God, that would be pathetic. Mattia accidentally blames herself. I even think you're kidding, I think.

But still, the cheeks have a fever and the mouth that needs to be tightened draws a strange line. Very, not very, but not a face that people can show you. Especially one that can show such likeness in front of him?

- Yeah, but the joy that strikes this chest is still unlikely to be hidden out.

He has made himself shake as he thinks he is everywhere before. He has made himself jump into danger, as if he wanted it himself.

That he now asks for Mattia's words. Oh, my God, that's great. What a pleasure.

Rugis must not have noticed. That he would never have done such a thing. You should not even be aware that there is a loose, spiritually tangled thread around its neck.

And even if I did, what could I do? Mattia's lips lead her to draw a semicircle.

The promise is to the covenant, the covenant is to the covenant. They are tangled with the spirit of Rugis, surely, as they change their appearance. That's never easy to pull out. Rather, every word overlapped is more deeply intertwined.

That's why Mattia urges Rugis to say more. Ask forgiveness of yourself. To be managed is not what Mattia wanted, but what you wanted, so engrave it in the spirit.

Rugis' voice rolled into the tent.

- Expedition to Flimsrat, may I ask your permission, Virgin?

Take the kind of words that were offered. Mattia closes her lips once so that she can bite them off. That's how I desperately tightened my face, made it something I could still see, and then turned around.

Look at Rugis' face from the front and say.

"Yes, allow me - I'm very glad you're working for me again, Rugis."

Mattia slowly spinned her words to let Rugis bite her into it.

Mattia thinks that the true intent is to teach the crest, but not to teach it.

From where we suddenly decided to go to Flimslat in the first place, it would be natural to deduce that there are some thoughts that go beyond normal thoughts. At least that's what Mattia understands.

But that's why I say it. I'm more than happy to make a move for myself.

That would plant something less guilty in his chest. That is how nature and consciousness turn to themselves. Blur your original thoughts. In fact, Rugis has a look on his face where everything seems bad.

Mattia couldn't stop her cheeks from laughing. The grin will not be shown by the inherent Virgin, smile.

I drew a beautiful line on my cheek and made my eyes fall in love, it seemed even demonic, such a grin.

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