A Wish to Grab Happiness

Episode 323: Put Your Faith On Its Back

- You can't do that, Lord Rugis.

Spit out but said so with momentum, Vestalinu-Guerla put a heavy battle axe on his shoulder. It would be a daily exercise to be able to gently wield a battle axe that would otherwise be difficult to handle.

But Vestalinu's fingertips, which would not have shown one tremor if it had been, were strangely anxious all this time today. A hot exhale rushes under the cold sky and disappears in the hollow as it is.

Vestalinu had heard his heart make strangely fierce noises.

"Well, again, why not? Has everything else fallen under a name that will go well? Then I'd rather be."

Rugis issued it. That didn't include a suspicion or fright, I guess it was a pure question.

If we lose zero time to pranks here, we lose that much of our life. At any rate, the guards may rush here with spears.

The guy called Time is only our enemy on this occasion right now.

The evidence is in front of us. The witchcraft of the two corners sitting in the crossing is only as belligerent, but does not show itself stepping out of the legs.

On the contrary, I just want to wait and shatter this side with my big jaw. Probably waiting for a prey who can no longer stand the waste of time to pop into his mouth himself.

Keeping you looking like a young child, those ugly little things are just demonic about it.

But Vestalinu didn't jump the idea out of the confrontation he had with Rugis. I also understand that it is never a malicious plan.

Besides, what a foolish trick it was, it's better than having the two of us stopping here. I know that. I know, I know, I know.

However, Vestallinu cannot respond to Rugis. My legs are really not moving.

"... no. You don't, you don't. Didn't I tell you, you can't? Lord Rugis."

The words that spit out became so trembling that Vestalinu himself was astonished. I no longer expected such a weak voice from my own lips. There is so much pity.

I don't know, Vestalinu's claw is pointy. Hot emotions circle around my lungs. I don't know if I should call that anger or self-blame.

But still, Vestalinu's legs remain cold. It looks like an iron mass exposed to the night sky. How awful. There will be no more ugliness, Vestalinu distorts her cheeks as she mocks herself.

No matter how many legs you try to move, every time a demon named Fear clings to your feet and doesn't try to let go.

Yes, fear. Vestalinu stands here and now with a lot of fear.

What she fears is not the fierce demonization in front of her eyes, nor the spitting out of blood or her body becoming just a piece of meat.

There's only one thing I was afraid of - whether he would leave Rugis alone.

The fact that I push myself into public means nothing more than believing in Rugis behind it. If Rugis abandons himself, his life will be exhausted at that point.

Vestalinu does not know and asks in his own chest. That's what I think. Wouldn't it be abandoned? Isn't it betrayed? Such speculation erupts one after the other from the back of my chest.

I understand it in the cranium. At least from Vesterine's point of view, a human being named Rugis has no light but despicable sexual roots.

Instead of taking it easy and slashing people's backs, it's strangely the nature of restraint and carrying hardship from the front.

I have no contempt for that way of life. I'm sure my sister, too, has forgiven her heart for such a human opponent. Yeah, but still.

"Don't you see? There is no guarantee that you will not slash my back. Yes, I am."

A still trembling voice leaks out of the woman's mouth.

Life was once a wonderful thing for a woman named Vestalinu-Guerla.

Born into famous family status, he has a wonderful father and dedicates his life for a city called Belfein.

That was all for a human being named Vestalinu, and it was happiness. Wishing the Gorn family prosperity, I prayed for Berfein's flourishing, and for that I continued to make every effort.

He also withstood the training to stifle his skeleton while desperately dragging a battle axe that was too heavy for him.

He also diligently stuffed his upbringing as a famous family into his skull while shredding his sleeping meal.

Knowing that it really didn't fit my personality very well, I nevertheless gathered up all the loose mercenaries and even decorated my chest with the name Princess Iron and Steel.

It was all for Belfein's, that's how my father Mordow-Gone did it.

- Oh, that's how they were all lies.

Without knowing that all the love given was nothing more than falsehood, he continued to admire his false father, Mordow-Gone, who had killed his real father for more than a decade.

That falsehood was thus revealed to his sister and to Rugis, and Vestalinu lost all of his life at the same time as he saw the truth.

I need to take a new path. When Vestalinu looked back, there was nothing there. She just knows she's giving herself up for Belfein.

Stupid, what a stupid woman Vestalinu mocks herself. I'm no longer a crap. I'm sure you're just holding my sister's hand because that's all you have.

Please don't abandon me. Please don't betray me. Because this time, really, nothing is going to go away.

Since that day, Vestalinu has been overwhelmed and horrified. The act of betrayal is betrayal. Everything but my sister was no longer the subject of ugly suspicion.

Regardless, it is usually reason that keeps it under control. To be human, I try to give it some credit.

But the real place. In the core part of my mind, it's like I can't trust others.

I behaved as a steel princess because I didn't betray people's expectations. That they may not discern their weak selves, nor be easily betrayed.

I put the mercenary out of jail and acted with Rugis because I was more afraid of being betrayed by him out of sight than the mercenary.

Scary, scary, scary. It's an eye-catching fear.

Vestalinu's skull is above all wary of being abandoned by men. Just imagine it. It even creates a feeling of your heart being compressed.

What to believe and doubt no longer? I haven't even been able to make such a normal decision on Vestalinu.

So Vestalinu could never move on. If Rugis had taken the enemy's hand the moment he stepped forward in the crossing. If he was slashed with that sword from behind.

Such an improbable imagination springs from all over his body from the next to the next, tying Vestalinu's legs.

Vestalinu laughs at herself, wondering what two names don't suit her, such as Princess Iron and Steel. Since that day, I have only been afraid that someone will not let me go or betray me because I tremble inside the iron coated armor.

If you're going to laugh, you just have to laugh, Vestalinu squeaked so unexpectedly. I don't even know if that whine sounded like Rugis.

There were moments. Vestalinu does not move, nor does Rugis try to lean himself in the words of Vestalinu again.

Only witchcraft looks to this side with a deep grin. There was such an inexplicable rigidity.

- Saah, n.

It was Rugis' fingertips that broke it.

Its long, rubbing corner reaches out to the sword at its waist. That's how he pulled his sharp white sword out on the spot, just like the treasure sword.

A sword that is not even decorated makes even a seemingly pale impression. I can't see the name, and the authority shown around me is modest everywhere. But how beautiful it is.

Contrary to the white sword, Rugis says, as he puts the treasure sword inside his sheath.

"- I'm relieved. Anyway, I'm surrounded by people who are separated. I'm relieved to hear that kind of human language."

Uncheeked, showing his pointed dog teeth and grinning, Rugis threw a treasure sword under Vestalinu's arm to show it by sheath.

Vestalinu does not think, but brightens his eyes and receives them. As soon as I get it in my hand, I feel an unlikely amount of heat from the treasure sword. So much so that I wonder if something is freshly barking in the sheath.

Not that I've known him that long. Still, Vestallinu saw this for the first time away from Rugis' waist.

That's so much so that we can't even suck each other off.

No, that's what a Lord and a weapon are supposed to be. Especially those who lay their flesh on the battlefield and even place their hearts in the sword trident, never try to distance themselves from their weapons. Because I know it connects my life.

How could he do that to himself?

Rugis steps forward. There is no longer a bare gesture on its back that shows retraction. Heavy beauty was hidden in its footsteps.

Demonization moves to react, and the great white sword is brilliant in the hollow. Vestalinu opened his eyes. Rugis over his back, talks.

"Who's laughing? Only a man who has never stood on his feet can frighten those who fear him. Look, Vestalinu, I'll keep my sword. It's more important than my life. Just take care of it."

What should I take that for? What should I receive? Vestalinu moves his eyes like confused and swallows spit. I found my fingertips trembling badly.

But Rugis waves up the white sword without stopping the movement anymore. He made a roar and uttered a prestige that he would crush his demonization.

The opportunity is once. He swung the first big shot. Only then. I'm sure then, the demonic consciousness will also be directed only at him.

Therefore, only for a moment can you rush through the crossing.

Unconsciously, the legs, which were heavier than Vestalinu's steel, were just running forward.

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