A Wish to Grab Happiness

Episode 337: External Wall Talks

Exactly. The woman's presence pays off around the prestige. I thought that's what English looks like.

Valerie-Brightness. Keeper, storm rep. Who once, in the prelude to the catastrophe, followed the group of warcraft twelve degrees and became the guardian of the Kick-Ass Garrist kingdom. I hear that the end of the day was a noble and glorious ride with the Devil.

Excellent. This is the hero I know. It attracts people, it's grand, it's so full of natural discomfort everywhere.

Valerie says in a ringing voice, like a bell. I had the feeling that my ears would be paralyzed.

"That's right. Our victory has been decided. Is your commander in charge? Poor soldiers, they die because of your incompetence."

Valerie solidified her whole body with magical armor, releasing words with only her fierce eyes shining. That's what I said there were no more words.

A crowd of solidified soldiers behind his back shakes him slightly.

You mean you won't give me time? It is unclear how far we are discerning the situation on this side, but it seems that it was not of an excessively long nature.

Okay, here we go. It's the most troublesome and hateful nature. It's much easier for a guy to worry about me anyway. If she wields her arms with all her might, she will hold it for half a day. That alone will kill us all.

Me, Vestalinu, the soldiers.

I thought if you exaggerated, you'd show me about the frustrating shards, but they wouldn't. What is it, something?

From the inside of my body, I could hear my heart pounding. I see one sight in front of me. It seems like the Silver Margin Bunch Blue guys are going to step into jail and mow their lives all they want. There's a prison figure overflowing with crest blood.

An inescapable death. Clear sight of death. No matter how many times you chew it up, it springs up.

But I didn't put it on my face. I grin on my cheeks as I feel something that hits me. Vestallinu was beside him, Commander, and he took control with his hand of calling him that.

Yes, but whether I want it or not, I'm nothing more than a commander to both Vestalinu and the mercenaries. If so, how can I be seen in a panic now?

Unfortunately, it is not easy to turn over this prison now. If you set Valerie free, the Garrist kingdom will regain its vitality and again show enough leeway to drive the Warcraft group back a few times.

I can't do that. It's no different than before. The crest teachings, and that's how the Garrist kingdom dies. The world turns into a world of demon warcraft. In that case, I can't say that my friends and Arueno, who are too reliant, are safe.

At the very least, to the extent that the Kingdom of Garrist requires coordination with other countries and other forces, we need to take away its leeway.

So here Valerie stitches it up. You have to. After her words, make her jump words uninterruptedly. Turn your thoughts and tongue fully, that's all I was good at.

"Incompetence isn't something I know what it is. By the time you're here right now, we've had enough."

It can only be seen in the distance, but Valerie's eyes are as if they are unwavering. Can I just call it the will of iron blood?

I'd like to be completely defensive by now. No. At the time I moved my gaze from Valerie, Arre would step in without any hesitation.

Only your lips, shake them.

"We drove the soldiers and brave men down in the Sanio Plains. The Cathedral's proud Cathedral Knight collapsed in Flimslat, and that's how the Keeper, General Valerie, is now treading in places like this."

Wherever possible, discouragement was applied and agony was hidden. Don't let them understand what's in my chest. It brings death in without any excuse.

So I have to keep my word.

"If that's the case, who's going to protect Archet, the capital of King Garrist, yeah?

Regardless, as long as the Patron Officer is present, he will not be able to enter the Wang Capital so easily. Valerie should be aware of that part too.

But now, if you can shake the mind of enemy soldiers at all, that's fine. I don't mind if the mercenaries around me and Vestalinu are given a respite to calm their minds.

But contrary to my thoughts, Valerie moved her eyes and opened her mouth.

"Let me ask you one thing. What's your name?"

He had a hard voice. Valerie's eyes are piercing me straight. I feel some intention there. But I don't know what it is.

I waved my lips for a moment and returned the words.

"- Rugis. They say Vrilligant or something, but that's not my name."

I said, moments. I found myself shot through the throat. They are not caused by bows or arrows, nor by some sort of throw.

It's just that Valerie's gaze was burning my throat with enough heat to even make me feel like a physical shock.

Now my words clearly touched her scales. Intuit that. I was waving something like an emotion that I hadn't shown earlier, now without the appearance of hiding one.

I don't know what's going on, but her name is Rugis, and she's pointing resentment at it.

"Rugis. Well, you are - you are Rugis. You're the one who hurt my allies!

Every time I lay one word over another, I can see the heavy pressure on its voice color. The air tightened suddenly, as if she had strained herself to tension and compression.

Allies. Who. Who is he talking about? I can stir him up a little more if I know where he is. I can't predict. To be honest, I have too many thoughts about the Catholic Church. There were some factors that would have bought resentment.

Ride yourself out slightly. Let me just say a few things that aren't in my mind.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know who you're talking about. It's not even memorable. Is he dead? Then I'm sorry, give up on your bad luck. Humans give up is the key, okay?

That's what the battlefield would be like. That's how you've pruned your life, I said, including what I meant.

Moment after moment, the air broke. I don't think it's possible, but it did sound like it. The audio source is indisputable, Valerie, the person.

I could see Vestalinu flashing his cheek by his side. What, is there something you want to say? If we don't do this, we won't be able to buy time. Besides, if the opponent gets a little angry at me and it's a monotonous castle attack, there won't be anything more.

Valerie says with a voice that erupts from the bottom of the earth.

"- Come on down, Big Bad Rugis. Just because you're alive and you're there is a reason for me to kill you. In the name of Valerie-Brightness, I will kill you. Die in despair, paint your blood and die, just die."

It was an unexpected, word. Surely a single hit is something she once did a few times, and she's probably a person who likes that sort of thing.

Still, on a scene like this, she strikes a knight at her crest human opponent.

Originally a single knight is a place of honor for knights and generals and should not be so easy to do.

If it is to be done, it is a battle with so much honor or a battle to clear up resentment. For example, hate? You mean I've got someone so valuable to Valerie?

But good. I don't mind. I don't think I'm going to fight Valerie or anything, but if I still get a lot of time, I'm going to survive.

If it's Vestalinu, you'll have everything in place for your defense in the meantime. Besides, I had another guess. I don't know how trustworthy I am.

In addition to the letter addressed to Mattia, I still have eyes if the addressee of the other letter I sent catches up with me.

Shaking the treasure sword at his waist, he exhales, says.

"That sucks for an inviting complaint. You want me to ask you out a little more glossy."

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