A Wish to Grab Happiness

Episode 353: Warcraft Disaster

As death and snow poured in, his vision showed his long, wrapped hair shaking hollow. A good look at you, but it would have been in Gallu Amalia, the way it is.

"- For a long time, I don't think you've seen my face. Rugis. Did you increase your wounds again, at all"

The majestic city gate of the puppet city of Philos. In front of that gate, Mattia, the Seal Virgin, said so with a graceful grin.

That way of laughing is oddly loose for her, and she even looks like a kid with a successful prank.

Seeing Mattia's face like that, her lid, which was distorted by the cold of death and snow, opened wide. Grasp the horse's reins with your fingertips.

Perhaps Anne, who had the horses lined up beside her, had the same look as me.

Even though I did hear that someone would come and pick me up when I came to use them. But any of them. I have not heard of the Virgin, who can also be said to be the head of the crest, showing herself until the gates of the state.

This one has Kalia, Fialert, and Alliance Lord Eldis, so I'm not saying that the Virgin's immediate welcome is strange. Still, before they were built, they've just been escorting crests who were housed in prison bellas.

With that in mind, wouldn't that be a long and overwhelming welcome? Speaking of which, Mattia holds up her lips and returns her words.

"You're not the only one who's good at poking people's surprises and making them panic. Sometimes it's necessary to understand the mind on the side that gets ambushed."

Mattia says as she ripples her lips at pranks. The expression and words are soft everywhere.

It should be.

I look into Mattia's eyes and her cheeks snap unknowingly. Behind his eyes, there was a terribly dull color. dark, then eyes that have never had a tranquil grin.

What is hidden is quiet, then a definite outrage.

I could easily read the meaning because I'm sure Mattia is not as willing to hide that floating emotion as the shards are to me.

Tastes bad. Shit. The roots seem deeper than usual.

I immediately realized what was at its root. I must have stepped into prison with Vez. That's the only reason.

When I was told that, the letter gave little details about one of the prison bellas. Well, I should have written some intentions.

The closer Mattia gets to this side, the stronger the color of her eyes, I don't feel that way.

Unexpectedly, I detract from my spine and pull my face. The feeling that I might have done something dark behind me was gushing up from around my elbow.

Mattia still said with a grin as she distorted her lips about what she had said.

"- Whatever it is, it will be cold here. Get them inside now. Doesn't it sound silly to stand up in the middle of a dead snow and catch a cold?

At the same time as that word, Mattia's expression and eyes really loosened this time. The more unusual for her, who would always have some tightening of her expression as the Virgin.

Mattia flies her gaze behind my back. The one at the end of your gaze is a few carriages.

In the carriage are the crests who were housed in the prison bella. With the exception of the critically injured, who could barely move, he made me feel somewhat cramped and wished to travel to Philos in a carriage at the same time.

It's hard to get all their cold gear in this dead snow on a boulder. At that point, if you're in a carriage, you can at least prevent cold winds, and people are gathering around, but hence freezing to death doesn't happen either.

I saw Mattia turn a moisturizing gaze on the carriage, where I finally understood her intentions. She didn't come to pick us up. It was they who picked me up.

Prison Bella called where she was buried. And they were thrown into their place in a violent manner, and they did not abandon their faith.

They lived as crests everywhere, just that they were sent to jail. They stomped on their dignity, denied their ideas and their faith itself and still resisted. They were unreasonably persecuted, stone-throwed and continued to bite bitter.

Virgin Mattia must have once raised a flag for them like that. We became virgins for each other who could not be given salvation.

Only then will it be natural to welcome that return with your own hands. Maybe that's what attracts the respect of the crests?

Totally, splendid stuff. It's not like I can imitate it. Anyway, I must be an extremely selfish person.

This time, and if only I could save Mr. Nines, who is in prison, I guess that would have been good for me.

Not even that, I'm sure, is the way Mr. Nines acted. I just wanted to help for me. All you do is satisfy yourself.

Because it's like that. Something like guilt came swirling through my skull, and I hadn't even been able to talk to Mr. Nines seriously yet.

What a pity. Standing in front of Mattia makes me feel extra like that. Light, breathless.

Mattia pushed the horse forward to see how the carriage was behind me.

Between them, there was a slight gaze with Mattia. Its lips ripple.

"Rugis, there's a lot to talk about. But now I can't thank you enough for holding it in my hands."

That doesn't include anything. Whatever, it was an honest word. Take the word for a moment with your eyes wide open. That's how I shrugged my shoulders and said.

Hi, my cheeks are pounding.

"I told you before. I just did what I wanted. That's all I can do."

"- So you say you and I want the same place. My hero."

As always, I had burning emotions in the back of my eyes. Still, with a terribly beautiful grin, Mattia said so.

I want you to stop at all. This one says he's not used to being praised for letting go. I lifted my hands lightly and replied.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

"First, let's sort out the information that serves as a handbill."

Anne says in a room in the city of Philos, as she no longer juxtaposes the predetermined phrases.

I guess it wasn't originally a place for so many humans to get together. In a somewhat narrow space, the faces that were the Lord of the Crest, in addition to the Virgin Matthia and Eldis, Kalia and Fialert, faced each other.

Philos, once ruler of this city, is also sitting opposite me.

But why not? I feel the white eye with the monocular glasses staring at this side more strangely than ever. I don't remember doing anything to her.

"It is well known that a messenger came to the crest from the kingdom of Garrist."

While the content itself was not significant, it slightly clouded the words, and what the messenger said as a chat was the essence, Ann says.

It is about Zebrellis, the fortress giant beast who appeared in the northwest of the kingdom of Garrist. Thus, the Warcraft disaster manifested itself in various countries.

They just eat people willingly and continue to trample civilization in that way, the messenger said. That is how it is only as a chat, the messenger adds:

If necessary, there may be a need for countries to join hands in response to this catastrophe.

If the sender is just a nobleman, it really ends with just chatter. Should I be happy or sad, I wasn't. Thus, faces are supposed to face each other.

The person who sent out the messenger was Patron Officer Jace-Brackenberry. Turn it into the Yingjie of the Garrist kingdom and the shield of the nation itself.

As soon as I heard the name, I could see that Kalia had clearly strengthened its eyelids. The silver eye is so strangely flattered, rarely even nervous.

I wonder if Kalia, who was originally the knightly class of the Garrist kingdom, can feel the weight of the name Patron Officer more than anyone else. At least on this occasion, is it Karia and later the Philosophical one that feels the weight of its name as a real feeling?

I know my name and its meaning, but I can't carry it on my shoulders until I feel it.

Continue the words as Ann ascertains her face-to-face reaction.

"There are no shards of error in what the Messenger said when he gathered information from various countries. The kingdom of Garrist was crushed to its knees by the fortress giant beast named Zebrellis, and the fangs of the Warcraft disaster are pounding on every nation."

I just bite my inner cheek a little bit, looking for words. I didn't know my fingertips were looking for bite cigarettes to miss.

The Age of Dead Snow is an unfortunate time when both warcraft walk freely.

Naturally, to some extent, a Warcraft disaster can happen.

It is only a common tragedy that one or two of the villages and settlements are blown away at random. Nobody tries to be very concerned.

Even the nobles who walk around the territory with our faces all the time pretend not to see it. I had no choice but to die and snow, so excuse me.

So much so that Dead Snow was the worst time of year.

Based on the rest, Anne says the scale of the disaster continues to grow too much.

"Warcraft calamities are things that are inherently just a bunch of warcraft moving around for no purpose. It's just something with a wider range of Warcraft actions than normal, so to speak. But this time, we continue to swallow cities and settlements, as if we could be led by something."

Within the face of the crest teachings, a man with a wrinkle like a wrinkle on his face returns what it means to be led. Contrary to the impression I get from my squeamish voice, it was quite frank.

Ann nodded and responded, but said it was not definitive yet.

I hear that there are warcraft and demonic beings.

- Demon Man. That's what they call it. That's what they're showing the nations.

To the words, the treasure sword at the waist and the white sword leaned slightly. There was a noise of iron roaring as it moved.

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