A Wish to Grab Happiness

Lesson 363: Multiple Tongues

Largd-Ann turns some thoughts in her head as she licks her lips small. Now, how do we take the lead in this place?

In front of them, several old men, beginning with the old man Salenio, spoke about future trends in Rugis.

Do it. Do it alone again. Do it. Do it. Something of that kind.

Hearing them, Ann almost accidentally had a bitter grin on her cheek. The faceless mask that remains on his face shakes slightly.

I think you've done something similar before. I have made many assumptions about how the Heroes will move and what they are thinking.

Watching the old men interact makes me overlap my old self.

As a result of repeated similar thoughts, Anne had come to one understanding of Rugis. Although it is very unpleasant.

The act of trying to read his trends from the outside somehow. All of them, they're pointless.

I don't know, Ann's cheek hits me. In my thoughts, there was an overflow of things I didn't want to remember. The same is true in the walled city of Gallu Amalia. That was true both during Belfein and during the joint meeting with Gaza.

He doesn't try to absorb any of his feelings. Sometimes I even act wondering if I'm really the same rational person. Now, you can always take your face for granted.

- Oh, then. It was a terrible humiliation.

When I think of them, something really hot comes to mind. Ann strained her shoulder as she forced herself to swallow the exhalation she was about to be thrown out.

With Rugis and ourselves, the thinking is fundamentally different. He's not very much, but he can't be any rational person.

That's why Anne breaks off that it's pointless to assume his actions from one to ten, etc. All you need to do is direct him one step to the other side's thoughts in that last part.

When the field rolled and no one could stop anymore. I wish the last push was my own hand. Now it's time to drop him where he thinks he is.

They were a slightly darker manifestation of Anne's arrogant role as an adjuster. I might have said mean.

Anyway, I'm only a messenger to Rugis now. Plus proud of his adjusting role, all he's doing is just swinging at him.

Hello. If you come to the conclusion that you were like this until the end of the day, I'm sure you'll only be a civilian to him. It will only be one of the weeds that will grow there.

Ann's white teeth engaged and made a small noise. I'm sorry about that. He said he was bothered to get here, and if he tried later, he wouldn't remember one thing, etc. It can't be accepted.

So the last place he thinks. About one of them, the crest religion - let's put it in my hand and show it. May he never forget it again.

What, not to his detriment. I'm just trying to modify his direction a little bit, which can just be called orbitless. That would satisfy both the Hall of Heroes and the Virgin Mattia.

For that reason, they are available.

Ann raised her face slightly and stroked Salenio, the face of what could be described as anti-Rugis, with her gaze. No one, he's just a man with a wrinkle on his cheek.

It is very easy for them to read. The purpose is clear and the thought is pure. Besides, he has ears that listen to people's words. Much better than what Chaotic Rugis did.

If you give them words and pull them off the road, they'll make it. They belong to me. I am not going to give in to the Virgin Mattia.

Ann therefore takes the lead on this occasion. Take the initiative to elicit opinions and also pinch your mouth in the direction. Let's do something good for them sometimes.

What, I wish there was a victory this way at the end. Their thoughts, too, are good if frustrated at the end. Until then, let's say we're on our side.

I'll try to win one last time. The end is the crown of all.

And Anne strokes her lips gently. Hot breath leaked slightly into the hollow.

- This is a good opportunity. Always here to regain the lapse in Philos. Give back the disgrace that has been mocked in front of the Hero.

Ann strengthens her gaze as she widens her eyes. The disgrace inflicted on the Roseau was now burning her breasts.

That intolerable glitch. Impossible humiliation. Maybe that's one thing, and Rugis even scorns me. When I thought about it, I didn't even feel like something dark and heavy was coming up in my gut.

If so, I will salvage it here. If I crush what can be described as anti-Rugis, I will have to review myself with him. Ann's lips are tightly tied.

Did you care for the look on Ann's face like that? When I realized, the elder Salenio was peering into Ann's face from the front.

I look at Anne in the eyes of an old man who doesn't speak a word and just seems empty. He even made me wonder if I was stunned for a moment.

Unexpectedly open your mouth.

"What is it, Master Saleinio? Is there anything you care about?"

Salenio listened to Anne and said as she made her wrinkles tilt. Its voice, which even feels the weight, echoes in its earlobes.

"- No, whatever it is. I was just praying for the crest. Largd-Ann"

Raise your eyebrows. Neither can Anne guess what is in that word. But there will be nothing.

Ann lifts her shoulders only slightly. After all, he's the one to be on guard. Just him.

Anne has had several such gatherings before, but there are two main attitudes towards herself among its participants.

Those who represent trust and those who expose clear mistrust. The former, of course, is easy to give, even in the latter. If you can see the emotion, you can either pick up the bud or smash him. Neither is so difficult.

But none had eyes like Salenio's. An eye that seems to be turning its head about how to use this one instead of trusting it or being alert.

Perhaps for him, whether Anne is hostile to the truth Rugis or not, it's all right. In conclusion, if it is in his interest.

Saleinio continued his words without changing the color of his eyes.

"I would expect from you a shameless achievement in Largudo's name. No, I don't think it's a word for you."

Shame on Largudo's name.

Is this a nail point? Or is it really just encouragement? What a hard time reading this old man. Ann grinned and nodded, but exhaled in her chest.

Largud. Anne takes her name. It's not a family name or a blood name. did not make him discover where he was born again. It's like a title in crest teachings, so to speak.

Within a generation, a child who is supposed to be worthy of him for generations is to be given the letter of Largud in his name. It is not granted status, but it is nevertheless an honor. They all bear Larguedo before their names.

Its origin is the name of the divine beast who once supposedly placed himself in the West. Whenever the Catholic Church increased its power, its name was denigrated and at some point it was treated as a warcraft, but in the crest, it is still the object of reverence as a beast who served the Lord Ouffle.

Beast of Wisdom. That name, which means the wise, is exactly honor itself. All the children of the crest were raised when they were told that it was within their goal to become Ralgud himself.

Its appearance is greatly transformed by generations and myths, but there are always two things to be told. Whether it is in the form of a man or a beast, it is always spoken of as a child.

The other is that Largudo has multiple tongues.

Ann says, moving that tongue smoothly.

"- Yeah, of course. Because of the crest. Let's pour in everything in your soul."

A deep grin was on his face.

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