A Wish to Grab Happiness

Episode 375: Ear Striking Disaster

It was demonization and a flock of people who could be taken by it that Archet, the king's capital, spat out of the gate. They walk in powerless footsteps, not separating men and women. The look is varied.

Something that is five bodies satisfactory. Something that's losing its arm. War defective and bandaged. But there was no such thing as intact as being alone.

Many of them were soldiers. Those who waved their spears to the end to defend the king's capital, and they waved their courage with their shields up. In it, unfortunately, it was they who were not killed and captured.

It's demonic to cover your surroundings and bring them in. They are big enough to look up from a human being. Even the relatively small ones had a physique about one turn above that of adult men.

Everyone in man had a definite hunch.

We are doomed here. You get your head cracked open by a show and your heart is broken. No matter what, the compatriots who were both taken by demonic nature never returned.

When I think about it, there's tension that makes me want to shake. I want to get on my knees in this place right now. With all those thoughts, there was still nothing to cry out.

With men and women, they are soldiers of the Garrist National Army. Among them, those who stopped their feet to the end and turned their teeth toward demonization. Some of them behaved bravely while being citizens.

That's their pride. It may be called human possession. Even if the chest is squashed by a cold death hunch, the lamps of dignity alone are stretching their spines.

Every time I move forward, the thread of tension is about to bounce. He carried more blood all over his body than his heart needed, and his breath leaked with strange heat. I wonder what will happen. I was conscious not to think about it somehow.

Demonic walking ahead, says Cobolt moving the cat's face oddly. There was a light-colored fairy thing flying beside me.

"It's my third time, too, and I'm getting tired of it. It's up to you, so ask me, Ga."

For the soldiers, there is little surprise that witchcraft shows intelligence and twists words. I've been through this several times while I was in captivity, but I still haven't gotten used to it. I feel like I'm having a bad dream, even if the cat surface speaks out.

A fairy beside a cobolt shines its dull light.

"If you swear allegiance to us now, don't obey, La, the devil says forgive me. What do we do?"

Doesn't matter at all, Kobolt says. While you listen to yourself, it's as if you're not interested in that response. I guess it's true that I'm getting tired of it.

I don't have a choice. Be people, be demonic, it's only natural to feel tired at the same time as getting used to if you let them see the same scene over and over again.

So it's the third time for Kobolt to see and hear this. I was in the lead, a relatively large woman said.

"No, don't be ridiculous. What you guys did to our country! Don't let the Warcraft get you on track. Sooner or later His Majesty the King will come to get your necks. Remember who begs for his life then!

He was superior as far as he was concerned. No human being can pronounce his words so magnificently while at the time of his life. I wasn't exactly there right now.

Well, Cobolt enlarges his pupils.

"Right. Brave. Temper too. But at the end of the day, people like that cry and beg forgiveness for help, for I'm sorry. What about you, Nah?

The cat surface peels her fangs small in front of the woman. It's not intimidating, I just smiled. That's a mockery. It may have been an obstacle to behave in a grand manner.

"Let me tell you something first. You and the others. I didn't die fighting bravely, I ran around and died. Tell that to the guys inside. As punishment, your family will be humiliated and killed by another human being. I'm dying cursing you."

Woman, Cobolt didn't miss that and the strong eyes of the soldiers around him. With some boredom, Kobolt still liked this moment so much that he was trembling. It seems that the preparation of a hard pile is shaken from the ground up.

I would have understood. I would have been prepared. Many of their families are still in the king's capital. If you turn to your own teeth, naturally the family you fail to protect dies.

Will you be killed, offended, or enslaved? That's mostly the end of a fallen city. So I should be ready.

But when it comes to getting ready, there won't be any shaking, it isn't. The human spirit is not so strong. Kobolt knew that very well.

The enchantment of the surrounding magic rings its throat with thoughts.

"If you have a husband, Le, he dies with his intestines eaten alive nu. If he has a daughter, the child conceives the son of a warcraft. Would my grandson like a cobolt? Or is the troll good? I'll let you decide, yo."

Perhaps its location was the limit. The woman roars to extinguish the voice of Kobolt and waves her arms. It was shackled, but still better than doing nothing.

Definitely will die. Unparalleled and unbroken. But still, it's better than being able to poke at such a miserable reality. I thought so.

But the woman didn't die.

The same goes for the soldiers around us. They broke my leg, devoured my arms, ruptured my eyes. While being treated like a toy and being molested. It's like I didn't die. The demons will never forgive it. Because they are so commanded by the Lord Demon.

"Oh, I wish I had died in battle. That would have made it easier to die."

"Ah-ah, ah-ah!?

No conversation, no response. There was just a lot of screaming. Every time the sharp finger of the cobolt pierced the orbit, it rang.

A fairy was shaking in the dead snow as she watched it.

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"... it's cool. This is where I've been lately. I don't even know how to be busy."

Show me your tongue and Grandpa says, keeping the area around Komikami under control. The scream that had been ringing in my ear since earlier finally left my ear.

Eldis opened his mouth with a wide distortion of his expression. It seemed to spit out something abominable.

"Apparently, you're close to us. Carrying voices and illusions in the wind because they are good at spirits and fairies"

So? When I suddenly thought a scream poured into the back of my ear, I couldn't hear anything else. My back tooth, which I had unknowingly chewed up, hurt slightly. You even did it when your voice shook you, your vision was shifting.

"I see... there are some uses for spirituality like this. In this case, the people of the King's capital will lose their livelihood day by day."

Say it with a bitter look as Mattia shows her blushed face.

That would be so. Everyone would go crazy if they kept hearing people scream and scream until they were killed. That's not just the people, soldiers are the same.

In particular, I hear that the soldiers in this fort were part of the national army. He belongs to the same organization, has received the same training, and may have talked about it.

If he keeps asking me to die like that, well, I can't be serious.

I feel the worst. I haven't seen anything like this in a long time. Even the bottom of the ground would have prepared a few more prisons. Leaks exhalation. In my mouth, it was hot.

"So... why is this one just more static? There must be some reason."

Naturally, it would definitely be an invitation to do such an imitation. We're waiting for this one to crawl out of the fort. It wasn't outrageous to this point in the boulder, but it was still a hand on the battlefield.

Fighting on the flat is a much easier decision than dealing with opponents who have stood on forts and fortresses. So when we do this, we fall in comparison with patience.

But as far as I can tell, the demons are a few hundred or so. If that's the case, Grandpa Richard won't have to be invited in.

If the enemy is normal. The white jawbeard swayed at the end of his sight.

"You know that. Because soldiers die in vain, the Virgin of the Crest. When they attacked the king's capital. Of course there wasn't anybody in Wang Du."

There was a corresponding national army, a herd of warcraft and other forces that were just toothless. There's just enough protection for Wang Du.

But it still didn't work.

Grandpa says with little movement in his mouth. The voice is stretched with such deep and quiet outrage that it has never seen before. I can't see the look on your face. But right now, my grandfather is very passionate about words.

"- Demon Man. There is a peculiarity called that. You may say that the King's capital fell for all of them."

Neymar, the deputy who was holding back beside Grandpa, says in a quiet voice. But I still feel something boiling in that voice, too. I guess we're all the same when we feel something we just can't handle.

The devil's peculiarity - in other words, the original. What will make the Great Devil or the Devil if he is taken? It is proof of their existence, a miracle that goes far beyond witchcraft and martial authority.

Once upon a time, many heroes, brave men, died before them. Similar to that keeper Valerie. I can see how much of a threat that is without asking.

"In front of that demon, the earth is distorted. Soldiers play and fly. I don't know the reason, the magic theory as if...... let's dare say this. There was no way to be."

The land to stand on sways, and the soldiers swing by our unclear power. We don't know who it is.

I see, I just don't like hearing it lightly. Someone who's not very good but doesn't want to fit the blades in a serious comfort.

At least if you attack with a large army, they have just enough hands to pull out. Because if you come to a protracted war, is that the lowest invitation?

Sigh from the depths of your lungs. I don't see a place to do that when I say emotions are moving around my chest indulgently. I felt that way. I don't know, bite off the chewing tobacco.

"So, Grandpa"

I say with a breath leak. The distinctive smell ran through the nostrils. Richard's grandfather's deep eyes looked at him. I say with my cheeks up.

"No way, I'm gonna stand there until the dead snow is over, how dare you? If you're busy, you can't help it."

Grandpa got used to his teeth and moved his throat wide. You even look like you're smiling.

"Let's be fools. Who the hell are you talking to? It's the last few years that I've forgotten the King's capital, isn't it?

I wonder who this grandfather is telling me things. Maybe he was still busy.

Wang Du is where I grew up and that's how I ran around the back streets. The alley and the groove. I even know where the sewage is. It's all in my head. Memories of crawling miserably are still alive.

Yes, everything.

I rattled my teeth, and that's how I held my cheeks wide up. Grandpa had the same look on his face as me.

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