A Wish to Grab Happiness

Lesson 414: The Monster of Doctrine

Frontline, far behind Wang Du Alche. Streets leading to the puppet city of Philos. Dead snow piles up and white makeup is applied to its streets.

It must be very rare for a merchant to pass through here. Not a single trace was seen there. Because of the lack of prey, there is no appearance of the Warcraft treading and vandalism.

Therefore, the only thing that tarnished that white was the trail of rigid military shoes.

This place is no longer rearward.

More than 2,000 soldiers proceed as they trample and vandalize the snow and trigger silence. What they list is a crest religion flag. Its appearance in the wind also appears to be a flame that burns from time to time due to its shades.

The general who leads them is Salenio, whose crest religion is heavy town. Those who believe in him also have their necks tied. How brave that outfit is.

But it is not the Catholic Church, which is their greatest enemy, that they turn to wave their swords more than this. Nor was he of the evil demonic kind.

The enemies are brothers and sisters who inherently share faith - but they differ in their doctrinal claims.

The current system of Virgin Mattia, does it accept or not accept the rise of a Rugis hero in that way? If you say so, that's all they do. They wave their swords.

Having lived together in faith, they went differently because of their faith.

There was no longer a single one to recommend withdrawal or suspension of the operation. Everyone is aware that they are where they cannot go back. I moved on to a point where I couldn't retreat.

If so, it is only in silence that they continue to soil the snow by letting the banner of the crest sweep.

"- Dear Saleinio. Dead snow began to fall. You'll be able to resume your march soon."

A thin voice echoed in the tent during the great break. I know it belonged to a man, but it was a voice that really came into his neutral ear.

Salenio nods at the words of sideliness and moves himself gently. That alone brought down the weight of the armor I wore all over my body. My muscles scream slightly and my bones make strange noises.

I didn't think it was going to be like in previous years, but Salenio grinned bitterly in his chest, not putting it on his expression, wondering if it was so old. In this case, this will be the last imitation to go to battlefield.

Win or lose.

The sideliner opens his mouth as he serves the water that has just been boiled to Salenio. The situation is somewhat intimate when it comes to speaking to the heavy-duty town of crest religion.

"It was a surprise that Mr. Salainio was going to battlefield himself."

I was wondering if it would stay in Gallu Amalia. Salenio responds with a deep wrinkle distorted by his words to which he adds.

"Don't say it, Bernard. I can't get out. Nobody's going to move on until he gets his foot out."

Leaks a crouched voice and says Saleinio as he laughs. After I said that, I still thought it was something I didn't like to get older.

Be Salenio. Be the elders who believe in him. Once upon a time, the crest religion waved its legs and arms for him, sometimes bleeding and persevering in his doctrine.

I've done dark things behind me for that, and I've exchanged my life around armor like I do now. The nostalgic past mirrored for a moment behind Salenio's lid.

But it was a long time ago. The crest teachings are no longer transforming their appearance.

From reason to emotion. From intention to impulse. It was not the doctrine honoring intelligence that was lost, but it was in Salenio that the crest religion felt as if it were another creature today.

Salenio thinks. Human beings are those who always follow profit and fear, slaves of intention. That's why we survived so fragile and built civilization.

If we lose it, humans cease to be so different from wild beasts.

The crest religion therefore believes in intelligence and makes good intentions. Because I believe that's the way to make humans prosper. Why did that start to change?

The culprit is unmistakable, that Rugis heroic traitor. That's one factor that made the tide change.

But that doesn't mean he's everything. The extent to which a single human being can be changed is known. The truth is, there was a seed somewhere. It's just that the reason I sprouted it is because of that guy.

Secondly, Salenio saw his own palm. I thought my once stiff, thick fingers were much thinner.

When I was younger, I had more ambitions than I could grasp on this palm. But what about now? How many things are held in this hand?

"... Bernard. You're still young. Why did you want to go out with Non?"

Many young humans heroize those who should or should be Rugis after all. Especially the bloody young man, who seemed to like that kind of unscrupulous person.

Side service, called Bernard, strokes his jaw with elongated fingers, clogging words for a moment. But the next thing I know, I started answering softly.

"It will be because Master Saleinio's interpretation fits the nature. I'm afraid I can't see ahead. With reason and intentions down, you can see ahead for better or worse."

When he heard it, Saleinio nodded that it was the apparent answer. I prefer the temperament to say that it suits me, not to be absurd or deluded.

Perhaps many of those who follow Salenio have a similar reason to Bernard at its root.

There will be profits, there will be intentions. But in the end, what lies at the root of it. I'm just saying that the crest teachings towed by the Virgin Mattia and the Rugis thing are unfamiliar. The older you get, the harder it gets to change.

But myself and the Virgin. No one knows which is right. Salenio holds up his wrinkled cheeks and grips his fist.

The form of faith that I am and the form of crest that the Virgin and Rugis show. Which of them will lead the crest religion to prosperity? Which is the truth?

Only history chooses that. Saleinio believes that only the truth will survive.

If history chooses itself again, it must bring down the city of Philos and, at the end of the day, stop the roots of the Rugis.

But if history chooses him. If that's all fate follows him around. You should decide to be ready yourself.

- Old man, newbie. Either of them must be swept away.

Always destroy and regenerate with the organization. Sometimes it was necessary to detach part of the body and remove unwanted parts.

Otherwise, you stay pregnant with conflicting opinions, all the graphics are bigger and you just can't get moving. Normally, that would be good, but now is not the time to be laid back.

Only by weighing knowledge on it is the mere existence of clinging to the system unfavourable for crest teaching. Whatever the majority of thoughts, Saleinio says no.

Perhaps only Salenio has such an idea among these more than 2,000 soldiers. Only Bernard, a bystander, had a slight understanding.

People, even if they seem to have the same idea when they look at the superficial layers. There are many things that are different about what is at its root.

A man named Salenio is a monster of the crest doctrine, wherever he goes. I don't hate everything if that's why.

Therefore, an organization called Crest Religion continued to exist during the collapse of the past.

Saleinio looked out from the gap in the tent. Dead snow made him sink slightly, and he stopped coming down. Enough marching is possible.

Have your hips equipped with a protective dagger and wrap your coat from the top of your armor. As he leaked his white breath from his mouth, Saleinio contained only one sip of water. Ahead of that distant vision, I think of the city Philos.

"Come on, have you had any luck"

I twisted my cheeks.

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