A Wish to Grab Happiness

Episode 450: The Archer of the Demon Bullet

Deputy General Volvato, Heind-Büsse opens his eyes, which are often narrowed. The sight worthy of his eyes was spreading.

The thunderbolt of your Admiral, arguably the spirit of witchcraft. That's now swallowed by the demon's extreme light, which I've never even seen.

Things like this, Hynd had no imagination.

No, that wouldn't be just a loss for Hynd. Neither the soldiers, nor the troop leaders, had placed it in the corner of their heads with another deputy general, Eileen-Ray Lachiador.

Make it a garrison kingdom, a group of urban states, a land far less developed than the Volvato in terms of witchcraft. It's a long way from the future.

How can you imagine that, after all, the spirit of General Magic will be shattered, but it will emit extreme light?

Hynd, in his chest painted with agitation, so left the soldiers around him, once his eyelids closed and stroked with his fingers. That was his habit when he saw things he couldn't help.

"Deputy General Büsse, that is. What is that?"

Something cold falls down my forehead. Listening to his men's voices, Hynd finally regained his reality.

"I don't know, I really don't know. But it's war. Impossible things can happen."

Heind said to the voice of his men as if they were seeking salvation. It was also a word to tell myself.

Yes, it's war. Whatever happens, it's not weird. Reason vanishes before irrationality, and virtue is anointed with evil.

But if the generals get upset, the soldiers panic extra. For a second, I thought about it, then Hynd said.

"- Ready for enemy forward. Let's see the avant-garde no longer collapses. Kick our enemies."

said Hynd in a voice as hard and cold as a stone. My men react to the voice of their superiors, even though they are stuck in their voices for a moment.

"All hands! Prepare to rush!

Compared to the avant-garde soldiers, there is still less confusion in the sorcery armored soldiers directly beneath Hynd, the elite. Then some danger has to be known and launched into the avant-garde. That way, Hynd decided that the avant-garde soldiers would only be good bait for the enemy.

Stuffing the distance from the avant-garde that was starting the assault, Hynd echoes. The sound of horseshoes honking was no longer heard in a rush.

While retrieving the avant-garde soldiers to the troops, Hynd still has a restless heart in his chest. It was never about being upset or anxious.

It was pure, outrageous.

I don't know anybody anywhere, and I don't know who that demon is. There's only one thing for sure. Only that the owner has shamed the Admiral himself.

I just couldn't forgive Heind for all that.

A man named Heind-Büsse is probably unable to give an immediate answer if questioned about his loyalty or integrity to the state. Even if Jianmae can say it, he won't utter a word from the truth.

So much so, that he was fragile in his sense of belonging to the state.

A child born into a house of common people, despised as inferior, and not even given little opportunity to learn.

Did that crawl up to the position of deputy general of the army because the state helped? Is it because the state has given you charity?

There's no way Hynd would say no. All he now adorns his chest with status and honor is his talent and unlaxed drilling. Thus, because of the presence of Mastigious-la-Borgograd, who brought him up from the common people.

Neither the nation, nor the lord of the country, the Volvato Morning for Hynd, belonged, even if it had abominable emotions. He will be imprisoned in the framework of Volvato only because of the Admiral.

That's why burning Hind's chest right now is excessive anger at the enemy.

Stripping his teeth, he leads the soldiers in anger. The soldiers on the front line were finally starting to see.

So Hynd opened his eyes once now. Eileen tells me she hates the taste. The mouth distorts.

It was among the enemy soldiers as they broke the snow and bounced the cold with a blood splash.

A different kind of green uniform, a purple blade that makes your spine colder, someone who is on the front line and drives your enemies away than your soldiers.

The blade was heard to the extent that the one-handed sword was slightly extended, but longer and sharper. Looks close to the Great Sword. For a moment I even felt like I was pulsating.

Convinced. That is the one who is the great evil - the one who becomes Rugis.

Reflectively, Hynd pulled his elbow and shook up his arm.

If you kill me here, the loss on this side will be settled in an instant. Even if one's life is lost, if the pivotal evil of the enemy army dies, there should be no letter of defeat in this battle against his commander.

Either way, the man wasn't capable of being thrown away.

Magic armored soldiers who are said to deserve ten soldiers with one soldier. That spits blood in front of a man, as if even a lamb were a lamb. It was an incredible sight. I thought Hynd saw one end of the reason why his men were told so side by side with the Great Devil, the Demon.

The arm of the shaken hide has heat in Russia. It's proof that the magic implements embedded in your fingers are converging magic and transforming your nature more sharply.

Hynd can't handle numerous sorceries cleverly, like a famous magician. Nor does his body have the ability to just perform complex sorcery rituals.

There is only one thing you can use.

In the past, a time when demons were still primitive. It was rumored that those who use magic can touch people and kill them. Rumors became suspicions, suspicions became facts, and those dealing with magic were persecuted. Even if the magicians at the time were to the extent that the precision did the imitation of fortune.

Therefore, the sorcerer cursed the persecution. To curse people, to kill people. The first primitive sorcery to accomplish murder. Hynd released his arm from his swinging finger.

- The original demon bullet.

Demon bullets rush through the battlefield. I can't kill the Great Evil, so I sewed a shadow and targeted the blind spot.

Normally, it must be an inevitable blow. It's just a threat to people who can't handle witchcraft. You shouldn't even be able to see.

Stuck, the Great Evil One is not normal. He waves his sword as a matter of course, outpacing the speed of the demon bullet. No, that's not all. I took part of it into its body and didn't throw up a single piece of blood.

"Fuck you, you monster - heh!

Whimpering, and so, Hynd saw it.

A gaze that stares straight at the hind. I no longer had to ask whose gaze it was.

A clear hunch passes over the back of Hynd's brain. I'm coming here. They come to kill themselves. Must be.

He leads a far smaller number of soldiers than the Volvato army, and the great evil comes. From the side, suicide row. That's the dead soldier who decided to be ready to die.

But Hynd thought it was different only for me. That great evil, from what I've heard, I don't know about defeat or anything.

After conferring the crest, he fell the walled city of Galuamaria, swallowed the mercenary city of Berfein, and drove even an army of garrisons into retreat. That's how I now have the King's Capital in my hands.

Exactly that of a hero. That's why I don't know fear. I just came here as I wanted and as I waved my strength.

- If it is, I will take it here and show it to you.

I don't know any hesitation, its penetration. Without even looking at the guard soldiers, it flies on one leg and hits the Hind.

The behavior no longer belongs to people. Is there anything strange about being spoken of as a demon? Because at least normal humans don't try to slaughter every horse and kill every enemy general.

In the next moment when the purple electricity was wielded, black blood melted the snow and poured it around. A thick neck of a military horse has been slashed off like a toy.

The Rider Hind was in the universe. His instincts and reflex nerves were grasping the raw with a flash of judgment.

But I haven't undressed my predicament. The Great Evil is taking a step toward cutting back his wrist as if he had anticipated it and not slashing the Hynd that remains in the universe.

In the midst of a moment that felt too long, Hynd was waving up his arms. The aim is the simultaneous firing of demon bullets at super close range. The biggest special fire that Hynd can pour in is now forming a demon with his right arm.

One of them loses his life and one of them survives.

The moment of its crossing, the heavens swayed. A brilliant light rushes through the hollow, and so - immense sorcery blasts into an avalanche between the two.

The jewel-like brilliance was dancing through the universe with dignity.

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