A Wish to Grab Happiness

Episode 495: Heroes of the Human Army

"- They here heard it was a gathering of the great fools. I think so too. How about you guys?"

Rugis' encouragement began with such a word. I don't think it was an encouragement, it was a word I ignored for everything, such as the script.

Standing on the high ground, Rugis rings his neck in grandeur as he makes sure to look over the soldiers. That also sounded like a light mouth with just a lot of voice.

But I only meant that voice color. The parchment that Rugis throws away gets caught in the wind and no longer becomes just a piece of paper to lay its self on the ground. No one wanted to pick it up.

All the soldiers were just looking at Rugis.

Those who know him from the past, those who have heard him before, those who have admired him. Everyone has a hero in their eyes. I wonder what the hell he'll say.

Rugis looks over at the soldiers carefully between them and then says:

"It's a crowd of people as far as I can see. I had no idea there were so many unwary people trying to deal with demons. It's not weird that you're all dead tomorrow."

Many soldiers breathed in the words of Rugis. I wondered how tough this battle was for those who knew him, and I wonder if it would be terrible if the stranger and the hero were to say so.

A twitch arises in the soldiers, and the agitation spreads like a wave. Everyone was feeling their heart beating faster.

"'Cause it's just like all the rest of us here are big idiots.... Right. Do you know what happens when humans fight demons?"

An unlucky or lucky soldier was fingered from the top of the platform by Rugis.

The soldier clogged his throat for a moment and coughed up, but did a quick glance around him, then responded with a loud voice. There's even something like determination hidden in that word.

"Many will die. But we have nothing to fear death for!

"You're not mistaken. But that's not all."

Rugis' words were quick. Look into the eyes of that soldier from the top of the platform and continue the words.

You must have looked like you took the soldiers lightly. For a moment Eileen left the scene with anger on her dew, but I could see that she was somehow held back by Hynd.

"The answer is one in two - die. Kill the devil and be a hero to mankind."

Rugis said, staring into the eyes of the soldier, and stood up completely as he did so. Now the soldiers didn't bother, and never uttered a word.

Every soldier enters Rugis' sight. The soldiers were just deafening and listening.

"Stuck. You're all suicide applicants and hero applicants. That's exactly what I call a big fool. How you feeling, buddy? I hear you guys are at the forefront of history right now!

I'm sure Rugis isn't interested in that right now, asking about the mood, etc. However, I was most interested in the fact that there were so many people trying to deal with the Great Demon and the Demon Man.

What is there to gain from this battle? Territory, enormous money, or power?

I'm sure none of that. Even if you save this nation called Volvato, all you get is honor. If you become a general soldier, you'll just be caught in a war that's dangerous.

Run away. Naturally, turn your back. Normal. That's the general sensibility of what Rugis knows.

But they didn't run away. Run away and stay in this situation.

- Then it's admirable and eye-catching.

Keep it short and weak. This is what the demon Rugis sees as a human being. In the right path of destiny that Rabul talks about, the soul named Rugis had hardly ever felt human virtue or anything else.

Virtue is what flourishes all the time. Rugis himself understands himself to be in the opposite position to the good.

But now they were right in front of us. So many great idiots who wager death and fight yet to escape in front of the devil have yet to escape.

Rugis opened his eyes. I felt like seeing something beautiful for the first time.

"If you guys can't kill me, I'll kill you because there's no other way. But your whole lives are someone's stepping stone. So what? Then you're the ones who kill. If this is all there is to it, Demon Man, it would still be better to destroy humans!

The crest instructors are breathtaking. It was a direct, radical word unlike any other. But it also has fever all the time now. Temporary emotions rush through the soldiers. Everyone rang their throats.

A soldier is a causal business. I fear death, and then I have to face death. Many of them were ordinary citizens, and with magicians and magical armored soldiers, it doesn't necessarily mean the coming out of the upper aristocracy.

Many have become soldiers to eat and to live.

They act like they're not afraid to die or anything, but they still don't want to die in the depths of their minds. If you die, you can't eat, and you can't satisfy your greed.

Therefore, if the enemy is mighty, show fear and show his back. That's what a normal soldier is.

But the fact is that such a mere soldier will at one point cease to be truly afraid of death on the battlefield.

That's - when I thought I might be a hero myself. At that time, the soldier ceases to fear the great sword of the enemy, nor the spear, nor even the knight's assault.

The soldiers' breath gets hotter. The soldiers who were creating the position also stared at Rugis at times.

Rugis casually takes the Devil's Sword on his shoulder - and slashes the universe. I heard a bird hissing. Apparently, there's one demon bird who was coming to scout, cut off from the front and falls. Blood splashes scattered clean through the white hollow.

"That's nice and easy. It's just a battle, if you lose, it's just a man, if you win, you're all the strongest army of humanity that killed a demon. Turn both days of the day and the results will be quick."

After putting it before that, Rugis said. The Devil's Sword swallows blood to glow its purple electricity, increasing the light so that it is in tune with the Lord.

The soldiers were holding their fists and listening to it. They were beginning to wonder if they were lucky to be here now, while at death.

Only they can no longer tell if it is true or false due to excitement.

"- Bye, let's be heroes and braves. As long as you are the embodiment of your will, there is no word in this world that is impossible. All there is is is a result! Don't worry, if you can't do it, I'll kill you with whatever you want."

A moment of silence, later, with a loud voice, the soldier responded to Rugis. Everyone wields their fists up. I felt a slight but hourly color return to my crimson eyes that only confirmed victory.

Excitement, warfare, and battlefield specific madness swirl among the soldiers. Everyone rattled their teeth and contained in their mouths the liquor that was being supplied. His eyes, which he had only thought of enduring, were beginning to be equipped with fierceness aimed at the lives of his enemies.

On the high ground, Rugis sees the soldiers and what lies ahead as he narrows his gaze. It becomes a black wave, it pushes the streets. its demons crawling through the sky and the earth.

The Demon Army will be forming its formation and coming at us in less than hours.

Originally, the demon Rugis didn't care about such a thing. He wasn't on anyone's side, and all he had was enemies.

But only now, I felt a little better. I saw something good. I saw something very good. For the time being, to the extent that you think you can get drunk with crap.

- A man named Rugis, conveyed by history books and hearsay, whose figure is unclear. Sometimes descriptions change, and there are huge differences in what people have said.

Especially this encouragement in the Volvato capital has a lot of theory that someone else's anecdotes might have mixed up. Unlike the appearance and language that is always spoken, and its contents are different shades than anything else that remains.

But what is certain is that whoever it is, there was a hero who led the human army since Altia this day.

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