A Wish to Grab Happiness

Episode 547: The Meaning of Death

There is truth in every age and place. Events in which the phenomenon is entangled, the environment is soaked, and it has not deteriorated over time.

That means death is always irrational.

Death cannot be predicted, even if it can be predicted. They show up suddenly, losing their presence. Death manifests itself by all means, even though there are only a limited means of producing existence from nothing.

Death is never retroactive, it is given to all things, and it is spoken with fear to everyone. On the other hand, nothing threatens death.

Death is always superior, no matter how many battles magic takes and how many lives it takes. the giving side, but not the giving side. In any case, death remains irrational.

His Magus, who is clogged and symbolizes death, was an irrational manifestation itself.

--Death is pouring.

"--Retreat! Run with all your might! Don't look at the fallen!

What happened? No, I know what happened. But why did this happen?

― ― Caria wrinkled her eyebrows as she gathered the semi-destructed troops in a blink of an eye.

Caria continues to raise her voice with a lot of confusion in her chest. I retreated most of the soldiers without understanding. That was all I could do. Otherwise, the vast majority may die.

At first, the avant-garde soldier just fell down with a noise. If something comes near, those who fall will not even reply. None of them were blinking. You can't even breathe, you can't even beat your heart.

Stuck, dying instantly.

From a completely invisible position, there are no signals or signs. Nearly 2,000 lives were immediately taken.

Caria felt fear crawling up her heels.

It's not the fear of death. I fear I may have made a fatal mistake.

It is undoubtedly Magus' secret to be able to do this kind of separation. I don't even know how it works, but that's all I can think of.

Like the Controller Drigman, you can kill people from a distance. Or someone who can poison and kill people like the poison Geneva.

It's easy to imagine what happened to Doha Sula and Vestaline, who had appeared as scouts.

"Nh, ghh... firing alerts, no, call Eldis! Run the fast horse!

Caria realizes that in an instant our army was blocked in all directions.

Soldiers can no longer be used here. The more troops you deploy, the more likely it is that the same thing will happen. It is impossible to kill Zebrelilis while suppressing the group of beasts initially envisioned with the deployment of troops.

All the more than 20,000 soldiers rotted. Everything I can hit from here is behind. Caria slapped her tongue in her mouth.

Looks like Rugis has won a lot of battles in the first place. The key to victory is that Rugis always' knew '.

But this is not the case. The manifestation of this death was soon destroyed by a hero known to everyone in the old world.

They must know now.

Not yet. Maybe next time. Get the soldiers out of here!

Large units take time just to change direction. Taking one step backwards was not easy.

For a while, Caria shouted immediately without hiding her frustration.

The sound of screaming in my ear finally reached me when most of the soldiers had finished retreating.

─ It looks terrible. I don't like it. But Karia, I can't bring them back to life no matter how much. Blessed is the only way to hide. "

As a phantom, Eldis was there.

She covered her mouth with disgust in a flock of bodies spreading in front of her. This is not a kind of curse, I immediately realized. Because I blessed them, my life will not return.

Caria said impatiently but calmly.

"- That's not true. Eldis, there's only one thing I can ask of you. There is no doubt that the enemy has a Magus. I'll kill Sole now. If anything happens to me, you tell Rugis everything."

"Can you stop saying things like Rugis to me?

Idiot, Caria blocked Eldis's words. This is not reckless, like Lugis. I wonder if there are people who can do that without dying.

"This is an opportunity, Eldis. The Magus has just unleashed his power. It is unlikely that the second one will arrive immediately. Assault, and if we cut off the enemy's neck now, we'll carry it exactly as it was supposed to be."

"Totally unacceptable. What if the second time comes soon? What if we don't kill the Magus right away? It's not like you. What's wrong with you?"

Eldis was right. Caria seems intuitive, but on the battlefield she is intelligent.

Having been educated as a knight, she understands the strategy, the tactics, the time to leave and the time to move forward. That's why we can thrive on Lugis's reckless assault.

If she had been just an intuitive person, she would have been dead a long time ago. Something is wrong with her today.

"It's no big deal if you reveal who your enemies are right now, where they rolled. If Lugis finds out who he really is, he'll find a way to win. I believe in him. That's how he's gonna believe me. If I were you, no matter what happens, don't pull the enemy's intel."

"Ah! Give it to me! You really wanted Lugis! That's why..."

"- Then they'll die for nothing!

Caria roared like a lion. Unexpectedly, the blue eyes open.

Kalia pointed to the dead soldier's corpse. As if that were the truth before the building and nothing.

"You're right, Eldis. They're dead, they're not coming back. If this is a battle to protect our people, then let us be convinced. If this was a brave fight, let's accept it.

But no! They died without knowing why. Dignity, not even honor! I am a lowly general of them, and it is my duty to give meaning to their death. That must be the case with the general. Their souls are screaming for revenge!

Eldis's face turned pale. The illusion girl has no way of physically holding Caria down. But she really wants to start the assault, and no matter how many words she uses, it doesn't make any sense. I have that much will.

The silver-haired swordsman finally understood that even the soul was a fighting maiden.

For a commander like Eldis, the death of a soldier is a number.

Even a mournful death or a sad death will find no meaning in it. Because the battlefield is always the only place to calculate death.

But not for Carlia. Not for a soldier.

Caria is sure to love the soldiers, apart from the men and women. Honor them and trust them. That is why the soldiers also gave her respect and life.

Therefore, a human named Caria would never accept the innocent death of a soldier. That is why she is now trying to cross a reckless bridge.

It stinks. We don't have time to call anybody.

As Eldis swallowed his exhalation, he shouted.

"- Well, that's no good. That woman's power is not limited to once or twice. It's just a monster that spreads death."

Doha Sula, the Magic Eye Beast, said as plainly as she should. Only a few people have been dragged on their hands, including the stripped Vestarine.

It meant that the rest of the scouts were doomed.

"If you want to die, go ahead. But I can't see the front anymore. I would be happy if you could at least guide me to the main team."

Doha Sula continues her words. Look at the wipe and the face.

--Blood dripped from both eyes, which meant that his magic eyes no longer lost sight.

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