A Wish to Grab Happiness

Chapter 567: The Sky Coward

Decaying cymbals are entangled in large, mossy buildings. The structure is closer to that of an elf than a human dwelling. It no longer even seemed that each of those individuals formed a city.

This is the fortress giant beast Zebrelilis. Starting at Fort Suzif in the northernmost corner, monsters have taken the lives of many heroes and heroes. It opened the curtain of catastrophe.

Too far, too powerful a presence was now before us. It's already within reach.

"... incredible"

Eldis murmurs as he approaches a fortress giant beast that doesn't seem to be a living thing.

Everyone will do the same without consciousness. The magnitude you look up strikes your heart in any form. Exclaimed or stunned.

But if I thought I'd have to kill this now, all I could get out was a bitter sigh.

"Eldis, I'm sorry, but this is the limit. The horse can't get close. I'm counting on you. You can really do this, can't you?

Bernaglad and the others finally escaped the beast herd with their shields, and Eldis and I fought against the great demon Zebrelilis. But this alone is really a battle between giant elephants and ants. A giant elephant doesn't even look painful when an ant bites its skin.

If I chew you up, I'll break your heart.

It was deeper than here that Ellis and I should have gone.

"Of course. Don't knights believe in their masters?

"... okay, okay. I believe you, Your Majesty!

"Very well - your precious favor. Let's make it big."

There was no falsehood in Eldis's laughter. Rather, I don't remember seeing her forgiving something.


A small lip chants. Though it is an unheard voice, it contains a thunderbolt-like impact. Her blessings and curses made the ground stupid.

In a moment, the vibration that was hitting your whole body is lost. The horse on which he was riding could no longer hit the ground.

The horse was running in the sky. That said, neither did the feathers grow, nor did they become capable of kicking in the air. Eldis used spirituality to jump us all over the horse. The horse hisses and the sight blinks. Dust and dead snow covered my eyes.

Well, I'm not yearning to fly either. I would have liked to fly a little more gently anyway. No, it's not flying, it's just jumping.

Eldis is desperate or breathing roughly. We need to land safely on one of the structures that make up the Zebrellis, just to fly it.

This will not be a joke if the final landing fails and is overwhelmed.

"Lugis... don't bite my tongue."

Tighten your teeth to the words whispered in your ears. Eldis' luxurious body felt closer.

The next thing I felt was a sharp drop. The surrounding air regained gravity in an instant. Breathe and prepare for shock while your internal organs are about to pop out.

But at a far more relaxed pace, the horse landed safely at one end of the building.

To be honest, I thought the horse's legs might be useless, but I was hitting the ground with my hooves without warning. I thought Eldis's Spiritual Art - or Curse - was a glamorous secret, but it seems that such delicate work is also possible.

"... I was hoping I could do it in the size of an army. You can't do it with a boulder. I thought just us and the horses would burn our nerves out. It was like Drigman, but that's not going to work."

"Hey, wait, if that's what you're talking about, just tell me. If it's dangerous, we have to do something else."

I don't like it.

Eldis dropped off the horse, sparkling beautiful blue eyes and maliciously distorting her lips. Unexpecting wrinkles between the eyebrows.

When she said something that wasn't usually the case at this time, I realized it too.

"You desperately try to stop the habit of tolerating as much impossibility as you can. I don't like it. You still think you can handle it if you can't do it alone?

In Zebrellis. Eldis said as he hung his feet on some of the ruins that had decayed. The voice is coming to grip me as you push me away.

I said it after leaving it for a moment.

"- If so, I'd like to. A world where I can do something if I run around alone. It's great."

I knew Eldis looked upset. But it is one of my true intentions.

In this era, I finally learned to rely on people, and I learned to use them. One adventurer came to this place because there was undoubtedly someone to help him, and it is only known that I was able to do it alone.

But even if it were, There's nothing I don't think can be solved by one person. I wonder if that's what heroes are like.

Reliance on someone on the battlefield or in distress is nothing more than putting that person in danger. I didn't think it was a cheap price to make things happen.

--Just as you can never give a cheap price for the disappearance of the gem Agatos.

Wrap your fingers around the handle of the Magic Sword. It may have been a price for someone who had completely changed his appearance.

"If I depend on someone and they lose me, I can't break them forever. I don't think that's necessary."

I see. I heard something good, Lugis.

Eldis snorted her heels as she walked through the structure.

"Stuck, you'll never forget what happened to me. Yeah, I thought you were right. Very good. If you can't forget it and rely on it, I'll think it's okay."

"Eldis, that's what you're doing again!

It was the moment Eldis slightly leaked and shoved his shoulders.

Yes, it's all for a moment. Like a beast devouring a prey that has entered its own realm with one bite.

--Sharp black crawled out of the ruins and pierced Eldis' chest.

◇ ◆ ◇ ◆


Far above.

Instead of flying fake objects like the spiritual art used by Eldis, the red copper that ruled the vacuum and flew muttered.

"You can't do that."


With the aid of the Red Copper Dragon Shadrap, the Magus Lew, who manipulates the gems, runs through the sky.

Lew thought flying in the sky would make her feel strange. Everything you look down on feels small. Each object with a name and meaning appears to be terribly weak.

I thought maybe one of the reasons why the dragons in the past were arrogant was that they were the rulers of the sky.

As the dragon survives, Shadrapt nods to Reu's doubts.

"You can't kill Zebrellis anymore."

Calmly, Shadrapto said to zero the result of observing everything from the sky. Leu feels stunned and suspicious before she rebels against her words.

The dragon named Shadrapto that Lew knew was weak and runaway, and there was a strange, no, in a sense, pleasant attempt to disturb the scene by saying nasty things right away. Respect was difficult but friendly.

However, from Shadrapto today, all this atmosphere has fallen out. She lowers her red hair and spreads her wings to embrace Lew's body.

"Zebrelilis, no, it was only before this really happened that we could kill the Spirit God. Any strong man will be killed while asleep.

--But it just happened. It must have been influenced by my family. "

While Shadrapto was thoroughly calm, Lew blushed his face. I took an unexpected breath because I realized that the red copper dragon in front of me would be in danger and would not be willing to help Lugis and the others.

A luxurious body buries its fingers on the dragon's shoulders.

"... Shad. You... you've never done that before!

Lew never remembered Shadrapto showing the story of Zebrellis sleeping. Not to mention the possibility that it will be influenced by the family and wake up.

Disgusting delusions swirl around in Lew. Emotions lit up on white cheeks. Shadrapto was extremely insensitive to Lew, who was about to lose his breath.

"-? Why should I be given the full power to kill myself? It doesn't matter if Luigis wins or Zebrellis wins."

Either way, you lose one danger of killing yourself. That is the joy for Shadrapto.

Rugis only asked for cooperation in the name of time. It's also a stone to beat Ultia.

If he dies here, Ultia will never win.

Then you should have died. As for Shadrapto, Rugis is more fearful of killing Vrigant than Zebrellis, who lost his instincts.

If that man who kills everything dies, Shadrapto will walk away from death again.

"- I understand."

Lew's words run through the sky. At the same time, Guren covered her eyes. The jewelry responds to her will and sharpens her magic as she rushes through the universe. Severe anger shook the girl's arm and hit the dragon's cheek.

"... what are you going to do? You haven't broken a contract or lied to me. Dealing with scary things is natural for living things."

Against the words of Shadrapto, Reu roared to cut them off.

"--Aren 't you just scared because you're abandoning someone like that?! I'm just abandoning you, so I think it's my turn next! You're not a coward, you're a coward!

The jewels ran through the universe, revealing the rage of luxurious bodies.

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