Kalia was having a nightmare.Let the wickedness of the saint devour you, and your soul is devoured.

Weakness is evil.All that is weak is being eaten.I am weak and I have nothing.That's why I had to keep wearing the mask of a strong man.

Strong, strong, strong.Faith in the power of persistence like a curse.Badly, in Caria's case, it was also tied to affection.

If you have strength, you will be sought, if you have strength, you will be relied upon, if you have strength, you will be loved.The assumption was sublimated to one truth in Kahlia.Events that deviate from its intended purpose become unacceptable.

In her nightmares, she continues to hurt and blame herself.Because he is weak, he cannot be saved.I kill him without knowing anything.

But what was most frightening to Caria was that she felt the dark joy there.

I killed him, remembered him, and I was stunned and horrified to distort my eyes.Caria always strokes her chest.

Now that you're mine, you're mine.

Love is like violence when you peel off a skin.In any case, for Kahlia, who believes in power, his thoughts are intense.

I want to love you by the time you're violent.I want to be loved as violent as possible.Normal love is too weak in the heart of a girl who is hungry for love.

Even if it is love that is attached to the body of a contemplative person, it may be happy for Kalia.

Again, this malice is cruel.Give despair and a hint of happiness to those who dream.What depends on happiness cannot stand up to despair.

So if Caria were just a strong woman,She never woke up again.

"...... I don't want to"

The silver hair was shaking, and Kalia was bleeding on her cheeks.In both arms are the remains of 'him'.I no longer know how many times it happened.I don't know what kind of journey it was.But Caria killed him, who became an enemy again.

I'm sure it's the right thing to do. A glimmer of happiness rises in your chest as you breathe out a sweet breath of despair.

But Caria shook her head and denied happiness.

"No... don't die."

It was a weak, very weak voice.It seems like a little noise will scratch it away.Silver eyes dropped several times with tears.Kalia exhaled and hugged the body again.

I didn't want such happiness.The happiness I wanted was nothing more than a small one.

By the time she got here, Kahlia finally knew why she was obsessed with him.

- I just wanted you to look at yourself.

That is why, in order to draw his attention, he fangs and faces his teeth.He believed that if he was strong, he would watch.But what is the end of this?What is this future?

- I'm so tired. Let's go get some food when we get back, Caria.

Speaking of which, he said so after he defeated himself.After that, and long after that.There was nothing like abandoning Caria.

If you think about it like this now.I'm sure he wouldn't have abandoned Caria no matter what.Like other humans, he did not imitate Kahlia, who had lost power and standing.Rather, he will allow himself to fall on his back.

Seeing his cold body, Kalia fainted her silver eyes again.Things were simple.

In other words, Kahlia herself, who was nobody, was not even stupid enough to believe him.He hugs his limbs and bursts into tears.

I'm not asking you to forgive me.I just wanted to hear that voice.I wanted to venture with you again.You may get hurt, and there will be many things you don't like.

But then I realized that for Caria, all the days she's been happy.It is the only thing that has not been obtained in many worlds and many journeys.

For a moment, something warm touched his cheek.Nostalgic, but a little while ago.Kalia's cheeks trembled after her tears began to shake.

I can hear voices.

"I asked for the back. I won't turn around anymore - I believe you."


Suddenly, the world was upset.Silver hair swaying, black ravens overwhelm the world.The magic pulsating through the continent remembered this existence.

Giant King. The destruction myth of his king opens his eyes again.With that, she exhaled ─ ─ and waved her magic energy so that the black raven would rupture.

I don't know if there was any consideration for the enemy and allies.However, Kalia's silver eyes were only looking at the enemy.That is, Alueno, who became a human hero.

The black impact ran light through the sky.The throne room shuddered as it roared.Debris is running around, destroying it without being able to resist.

Still, reason was at work.The rubble is scattered, but it has not yet led to the collapse of the Throne Room itself.Rugis and other humans were not exposed to force, and only Alueno was struck.

Caria takes a few steps at once and looks at Alueno.

I won't let you escape anymore.

"... didn't I tell you? I don't think that's a good idea."

Arueno was struck by a shock, and he regained his posture and stepped on the ground with both his legs.

But the agitation was not something to hide.Kalia's power was still being affected.I remembered a clear numbness on my fingertips.

Kalia opens her mouth without turning away from Alueno's golden eyes.

"Luigi. Can't you do something a little more thoughtful?"Just one word to wake up to doesn't have any aftertaste. "

"... I can't afford that."Kalia, can you stop us? Just a few seconds. "

Luigi treated Caria's awakening as if it were natural.If I hadn't come back, I'd have trusted you with something strange.

The idea I had just assembled with Fearart and Eldis changed.If Kalia is around, we can get another move.

All you have to do is stop them. It all ended in a few seconds.

Kalia nods honestly when she sees it.I even felt satisfied.

"--OK, I'm your shield."Then let's do our part naturally.Stay there, you. "

Silver Eyes gazed at the Fear Alert and Erdis behind them.The personality does not seem to mesh, and after all, there is a similar part at the root of it. Both nodded lightly.

"Leave it to me. The Elf's curse will go well with you." I'll do it well. "

Besides, there are a lot of things that Lughis won't tell you when he's done with it.

With a smile on Fearato's face, Caria stood with her black raven to her side.The myth of the giant is overflowing from her bloodline.Altia's prestige was being devoured.

Giants are different from other races.Be a spirit, be a dragon, and after being defeated by Altia, I yielded to its feet.The forces were downsized and only survived in small steps.

But the giants were different. They have perished.

Numerous blood families and family members died, spitting out a curse on Altia and losing their lives.And the king of the giants, while laying his rotten body upon the earth, was not good enough to bow to Altia.

The King of the Giants was the only one who could not kill his flesh.Altia could only destroy their people.

Destroyed, the king ceded his originals to the little giant.Dignity, for the good of my family.They perished because they were unwilling.That's why I'm now putting my fangs on the human hero again.

The originals were never subordinated to Altia.

"─ Unlocking the Original" "Titan Myth" "

A thoughtless and unyielding roar resides in the black raven.The ultimate in destruction that once smashed the canopy just by swinging it down.Now that the temple and the faith are gone, it is only the original, but its essence will not be lost.Even the world is screaming at the tough arm of a giant.

It resembled her essence, which only remains in Caria's memory.Just destroy it, just power it.There is no longer a purpose there.Even reason is crushed at the end of the figure.She never got hold of the original, but she was most compatible with her desire for proper destruction of the original.

Now that it was in place, it was a lamp on Caria's chest.

“Yes, I don't mind. No matter how much you keep walking.That's why I'll teach you the end that can be given to you. "

Alueno sees the threat to him and does not let the golden sparkle shine.

It was a matter of course. I have seen despair many times.I knew the plight many times.Alueno even shares Alutia's memories of his many world tours.

Sometimes the church that was lying on the bed became a nest of nemesis.Sometimes people besides myself have been eaten by nemesis.Sometimes people claiming to be gods were deprived of their beloved existence.

So what is the current predicament?There were three demons who tried to take away their loved ones.I couldn't even get into despair.

Alueno immediately runs his thoughts.

I don't know how to kill him.

How should I deal with it?

How can we despair him the most?

I came to a conclusion immediately.I threw away the divine sword. I had already used it.There is no reason for Arueno to stick to something that can only be pierced.For her, every weapon, every means.We have a choice because we need it to take him away from us.

After seeing Lughis for a moment, I saw the giants, dragons, and spirit droppings.Alueno throats.

"Actually, I hate it very much."

I might have seen them for the first time in the true sense of the word.I recognized them as enemies, not as malicious targets.

"I'll tell you what I've become."

That's how you sing. Your mouth shakes and your throat sings.It is no longer a triumph. Singing victory and glory. The triumph of humanity.

Once upon a time, Altia sang a song that was played by all mankind.

― ― A song that mankind proved to have subdued the magic.

"- We won. Hoist the flag.The demons were making a noise and collapsing.We'll take care of them. "

What should I call it?

Luigi didn't know. Neither Kalia nor Fialert knew about it, not even Eldis.However, in reality, the demon envelops the throne room while emitting even a divine glow.

The army of demons fades from the vortex of magical power emitted by Arueno.

Altia, who became the king of great demons, swallowed up a number of demons.An army of demons that she destroyed and used as her own.

Everything that encompasses human mythology rises up from her shadow, like the singing of Arueno.

Even those who were once called demons.

"Rougis, you won't give up."I'll hang out with you until you give up. "

"Do I have to give up?"Altia must have killed these people a long time ago.Then what's the reason I can't do it? "

The New Kingdom and the Old Kingdom. Archdiocese and crest. Mankind and God.

Everything was coming to an end.

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