A Wizard’s Secret

Chapter 792: Inheritance ceremony

Around the ancestral position, a huge body has been waiting quietly, has waited for a long time, his eyes are looking at the ancestral land, still a dead silence, it seems that there is no change at all.

A giant next to him whispered, "Your Majesty Knoss, they have entered the ancestral land for so long.

These giants are deeply aware of the danger of their ancestral land. They have sent many powerful giant kings before, but all are dead, all dead.

Even the titan giant Knoss, because he felt the danger inside, did not have absolute confidence, nor stepped into his ancestral land, and this time, because of the inert beast, he had great hopes for Merlin and others. .

However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. To this day, there are still no signs of Mei Lin and others. Perhaps as some giants said, they failed.


Knox shook his head slightly. Although there was no obvious expression on his face, everyone knew that Knox was very disappointed.

So Knos turned and was about to leave. Suddenly, from the dead ancestral land, an unparalleled giant beast appeared.

"Slazy beasts? They are back!"

The inert beast appeared, with Merlin, Santo, Yan Guang, and others on its back, being driven by Merlin with illusions and leaving the ancestral land. The thick death gas seemed to be constantly rolling.

"Haha, Master Santo, did you succeed?"

The Titan Giant should take the first step and fly directly towards the inferior beast. Even though his body is already huge, it is still far less than the inferior beast. Standing on the back of the inert beast. It's nothing at all.

Santo stepped forward. With a smile, he said, "Although it has gone through hardships, I haven't disappointed Her Majesty. I don't know if this is the blood of her inheritance?"

Santo took out the blood of heredity obtained in the palace of the ancestral land. Although this blood of heredity exudes a strong breath and coercion, Merlin and Santo have already tried it, It is impossible to use the power inside.

This is the blood of the inheritance of the giants. Only those giants with excellent talents and the same veins of giants can refine this blood of inheritance.

Knoss took the box and saw the dripping red blood inside, both hands trembling with excitement. He had already inherited the blood, and still relied on the blood to become a powerful Titan giant. How unclear, this is the blood of true inheritance?

"Haha, it's really the blood of inheritance. You actually did it!"

Knox laughed. This was his biggest wish, but he did not expect that it was really done by Santo, Merlin and others. Now with this drop of inherited blood, the Giants no longer need to put it on his shoulders. He can use this drop of inherited blood to slowly cultivate another Titan giant.

"Her Majesty Knoss, we have got the blood of the inheritance. I don't know when the Giants will start?"

Santo asked softly, this was promised by Knos before. Once the blood of inheritance was obtained, the giants had to set off to join the caster civilization.

Knos's smile gradually converged, and he said solemnly: "Rest assured, I will not regret what I promised, but I need to arrange someone first to absorb this blood of inheritance!"

Both Merlin and Santo knew that this was the genius of Knoss. Once selected, it was almost equivalent to the existence of the second Xeon.

Although it is impossible for a drop of blood to create a titan giant, but it has a great chance of success. This is the ancient and powerful civilization that is truly endless and has a long tradition.

Even if the giants changed their names, even before the rise of Knoss, they were almost extinct, but because in the ancestral land, Knoss received a drop of blood of inheritance, the giants immediately rose and developed To the point of strength now.

This is the foundation of a powerful civilization. Unlike the caster civilization, after all, the rise time is too short. If the three major upright wizards die, I am afraid that the caster civilization will immediately fall, and then disappear into the void, never again. appear.

"We can wait for Her Majesty to arrange everything!"

For a long time, Santo nodded and agreed, and there was no way to disagree. He could not force Knoss, but since the other party had already agreed, he would definitely go to the caster civilization.

What's more, the Santo mage now has this incarnation. Through the real body, he can know the current situation of the caster's civilization. On the whole, it is relatively calm. The Rock tribe, the bright deity, and the Atlanta civilization have not moved, but they also You know, the more calm you are, the more you are preparing for an earth-shattering attack. Therefore, you can't belittle at all. On the contrary, you have to be prepared as soon as possible.

"If you want to follow, then follow. In a very distant era, the genius of my giants, accepting the blood of inheritance, even invite some powerful beings to come to observe the ceremony! You should be invited by me, VIPs who come to watch the ceremony. "

Knox glanced at Merlin and others and said slowly.

"Watching the ceremony? Yeah, let's also see the blood of the inheritance of the giants. How amazing is it?"

Master Santo smiled. Now that he can observe the ceremony, it is naturally better. He can know the magic of the blood of inheritance, and can grasp the every action of Knoss.

So Merlin drove the inert beast, followed behind the titan giant Knoss, and slowly flew towards the Titan plane.


In the sacred Titan plane, there is now a lot of enthusiasm. A giant giant king has rushed from all planes. This is the only invitation from the Titan giant among the giants.

Because, it's related to the entire Giant! His Majesty the Titan Giant, Knoss, will pass down the blood of the Giants for a powerful Giant King, which means that the Giants may be able to give birth to a second Titan Giant!

This is indeed the biggest thing for the entire giant race, so as long as it is the giant king. Just have the ability. Are able to span endless areas. Rush into the Titan plane from a distance.

On the square outside the palace of the Titan Plane, the square here seems to be specially prepared for such occasions, which is huge enough to accommodate countless giants.

Today, almost all the giant kings of the entire giant family are gathered, and the powerful breath is released unbridled and gathered. It is also a powerful force.

In particular, these giant kings, if there are still some battles, are circulated, and the entire square is filled with turbulent will to fight.

"It is indeed a civilization famous for fighting. Giants are really born warriors!"

Seeing these giant kings, Santo Master couldn't help but admire the natural warriors. This is the best praise for the giants. Each giant has good fighting qualities. Enemies against the Giants are also terrible.

Think about the ancestral land. The remnants we saw when the survivors swept across the void, and few forces and civilizations could resist the opposition, but they still sent a number of powerful black star warriors and countless puppets to fight the titan giant. The giants are powerful.

After all, not all civilizations can alarm the survivors to send the Black Star Warriors.


Soon, the palace door opened, and from it came a tallest of almost all giants, the Titan Giant! Giants are a natural fighting race, and the will to fight has almost imprinted on their blood.

Moreover, the most intuitive measure of a giant's strength is its height. The taller the giant, the more powerful it is without a doubt.

The entire giant family now has only one Titan giant, so there is no doubt that the Titan giant Knos is the most powerful. He is much taller than the giant kings in the square below.

"You guys, today is the most important day for our giants, because, I have to follow the oldest ritual. Our ancestors of the giants have left the blood of inheritance, but for various reasons, the blood of inheritance cannot be found. And Today, I found a drop of inherited blood. With this drop of inherited blood, I want to complete the ancient ritual of the Giants and give the blood of the inheritance to the best and most powerful giant king of my giants. King of Monterrey! "

When it comes to Monterrey, the following giant kings immediately cheered. Obviously, Monterrey also has great prestige among the giants.


From the square below, immediately jumped up a tall and burly giant king. Compared to Knoss, this giant king is naturally quite "small", but it is higher than other giant kings on the square. On many.

The strength of the giants is reflected in their heads. Therefore, at a glance, it can be seen that the giant king of monte is probably the giant of the giants, second only to the giants of knos. It is equivalent to the civilization of the caster, like the King Verwell in Augustus, second only to the three upright wizards.

However, if there is no blood of inheritance, the Giant King of Lei will stop here and become a Titan giant. It is not so simple, but now with this blood of inheritance, it will be different.

Knos's eyes were also on Monre's body. The blood of the inheritance did not need any "talent" excellent giants, because in the giant family, there is no talent, and the strength is actually reflected in the blood.

The more powerful the blood, the more powerful it will eventually grow. Maybe some giants can accidentally break through the trance, but that kind of giant is relatively rare.

Therefore, Knoss chose the most secure method and directly chose Monlay, the recognized giant clan second only to his powerful giant king, to accept this precious blood of inheritance.

"Montray, do you remember the ancestor's oath?"

Before accepting the blood of inheritance, there must be a series of rituals. These rituals are very old, and Knoss has never done it. Therefore, today is also the first time to complete these ancient and complicated rituals, but there is no At any point of impatience, he seemed to be immersed in a strange, very sacred atmosphere.

"Once ancestors, never be cowardly, guard the people, guard the civilization, we will always be the most powerful fighters!"

Meng Lei uttered the oath of his ancestors in a deep voice. Suddenly, a more intense warfare rose into the sky, making Merlin and Santo's faces slightly changed.

It seems that this seemingly complicated ancient ritual has deep meaning, and it is not useless. Maybe it can increase the chance of refining the blood of inheritance.

Merlin will not let go of any ritual. He knows that this is a rare opportunity to accept the blood of inheritance, and it is almost a demonstration of the process of becoming a Xeon being. Therefore, both Merlin and Lu Guang are staring at it. Knoss and Monterrey also helped them to integrate into the rules and become Xeon existence.

Knoss's expression remained unchanged. After seeing the ancestor's oath, Monty just nodded, and then said in a deep voice: "The blood of inheritance was the essence of the ancestor of a Titan giant at the beginning. , The purpose is to be able to pass on to future generations. Therefore, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and there is only one chance, you must grasp it! "

After exhorting, Knoss took out the box and opened it gently. Suddenly, the powerful coercion radiated out. For Merlin and others, it seemed only coercion, but for these giant kings , But it is incomparably kind, and the oppression on the blood.

This is what only Titan giants can do, no doubt, this is indeed a drop of blood inherited by the Titan Giant!

Knoths grabbed his hand and caught the drop of blood in his hand, and then Monty closed his eyes, leaving Knox to put the drop of blood on his forehead.

Soon, the blood of inheritance was gradually incorporated into Monterrey's forehead, and a strong breath emanated from Monterrey's body. It seemed that even Monterrey couldn't control it. The blood in his body is also frantically rushing.


It seemed that he couldn't bear the pressure, and Montray yelled.

Even Knoss stood far away at this time, staring at Monterrey seriously. As he said, this is a rare opportunity, but it is only an opportunity, fleeting.

Soon, a huge vortex emerged from the top of Monterrey's head, and a powerful force was faintly brewing.

"The power of rules ..."

Santo glanced up at the vortex in the sky, and he clearly felt that it was a powerful rule. At this time, it was apparent that Montray was already trying to integrate into the rules.


Maybe other giants do n’t know the rules, even Merlin. Only the light and Santo and Knoss can feel the power of the rules.

But Montray's ever-increasing body is obvious and very eye-catching, because every short period of time, because of the powerful power contained in the blood of inheritance, Montray's body will skyrocket, almost catching up. Knoss.

The power of the rules in the sky is getting stronger and stronger, and the pressure is getting stronger. When Montray grows to a third of Knoss, he stops. At this time, Montray also looks up into the sky. The vortex.

"The most critical moment is whether you can fully refine the blood of inheritance, integrate it into the rules, and become the second titan giant of the giant clan, here it is!"

Santo's expression was also dignified, this is the most important moment for giant king Meng Lei!

"Must succeed!"

Knoss stared at Monterrey. He knew how rare and important this blood was. The giants at this time couldn't stand the failure!

"Once ancestors, my will is to fight, and I will fight to the end whenever I can!"

Monty's voice seemed very low, but his willpower was extremely firm, and the sky-high warfare almost integrated into the huge vortex.

At this time, you can only rely on Meng Lei. The blood of inheritance can help Meng Lei to shorten the accumulation time, and break through the trance, which can motivate the rules.

But whether you can fit into the rules, you still have to rely on Monterrey. At this time, no one can get in! (To be continued ...)

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