A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 928: Li Linzi's abacus!

Upon hearing Wang Baole's words, the fat man's face suddenly changed, and he felt indignant at the bottom of his heart that the guy in front of him was really in the eyes of money. How could there be such greedy people besides himself in this world!

Not only this, but the arrogance outside, at the moment, facing the public asking price of Wang Baole, looking at the boats and ships that were constantly struck by lightning, they all looked ugly. They do n’t care about 100,000 red crystals. I seem to have to buy it, which is contrary to their inner pride. Some feel helpless, and they are also very annoyed by Wang Baole here.

But there is no way, the five days seem to be very long, but they also know that every delay, the possibility of finally reaching the shore will be less, especially when Wang Baole flew out of the boat before. , Making them very clear that the other party is not a good stubble.

It ’s okay if they are united with each other. If they stand alone, they are not opponents, and even if they can join forces, it is not easy to force them to help. Although they are more advantageous, they are not the whole after all. So it is inevitable that there are all kinds of thoughts.

These thoughts quickly flashed in everyone's minds, and because of their faces, even if they were perturbed, they were a little unwilling to be the first ones to bow their heads, so they didn't talk to each other.

Seeing this, the little fat man was relieved and looked at Wang Baole. When he was thinking about discussing to ease the atmosphere below, Wang Baole also saw the entanglement of these people outside. He snorted in the heart and simply added two fires.

"The boat boat has a limited number of people, and the help time is also limited. I only grab 30 of the incense sticks. I can't get on the boat slowly. Don't complain about me!"

As soon as his words came out, all the people outside were anxious. This was related to the creation of the Starfall. They had to work hard in their respective families and forces to obtain this qualification. If they failed because of 100,000 red crystals, they went back. They all felt worthless, so after hearing Wang Baole's time limit, how could they not be in a hurry, there was a sudden voice from the crowd immediately.

"I buy! One !!!"

The first person who spoke was a thin young man. This person was obviously anxious. He simply shouted numbers when he spread the word. In this way, even if more than thirty people spoke at the same time, He is still eligible.

Wang Baole also thought that this guy was good, with a smile of relief on his face, and when he was about to nod, everyone else was anxious, and there were rapid voices, which came out in a wide range of moments.

"Buy, two!"

"Buy, three !!"

The voice that agreed with Wang Baole's offer, in just a few breaths, directly climbed to the seventy or eighty, but the number shouted in it did not exceed thirty. Naturally, many of them clashed with each other, although it caused internal Some glared, but in the face of such a hot scene, Wang Baole is still very pleased.

He was happy here, but the little fat man was trembling. He also reacted now. He knew that it was not important whether he agreed or disagreed. If he continued to be greedy for money, it would be conceivable in the end, so he took advantage of the outsiders to report, and he did not hesitate immediately Take a red card from his pocket and throw it to Wang Baole quickly.

"Daoyou, you are the greatest kindness in the world. In order to support you, Zhou Linfeng was the first to agree to this matter!"

After taking Hong Jing, Wang Baole glanced at the fat man with a smile, and sighed.

"I hope that everyone in the world can understand me as you do. I would like to thank the mainland for their greed for this money. I am helping you, but the way of heaven is detrimental to humanity. I act against the sky and must resist something outside. Invisible disaster. "

Looking at Wang Baole's big emotions, the little fat man's face twitched. He secretly said that this person's face was too thick and his speech was too disgusting, but he was also able to bend and stretch, fearing Wang Baole's regret, so he put on his face sincerely and kept nodding.

At the same time, Li Linzi and others on the boat saw that they could still make money like this. Although they knew that Wang Baole was special on the boat, he still felt a little emotional in his heart, especially Li Linzi. It can be like Wang Baole, then you can take this opportunity to get everyone's gratitude. If it works well, it will not be impossible to respond in the future.

"Stupid, connections are the most important!" Li Linzi narrowed his eyes. He didn't want to offend Wang Baole too much at the moment, so he had to dispel his thoughts by blaming each other. After all, people outside were not stupid. If you have a way to let them in, then this behavior of anger is naturally a plus.

But if there is no way, just move your mouth, then the suspicion of sending blank favors is too big, not only will it not achieve its purpose, but will make people contempt.

Thinking of this, he stood up suddenly and suddenly opened to the outside world.

"Dao friends, please stand in the forest in Xiayun Hanzong, don't rush to pay first. I want to try to see if someone who is already on the ship like me can invite others to board the ship like the mainland.

"You Dao friends, if you can succeed, I don't ask for a reward. I have offended Xie Daoyou this time, so if you can't succeed, please don't blame you."

Listening to Li Linzi's words, everyone in the outside world responded immediately. The words were even more grateful and understanding. Even Wang Baole narrowed his eyes and swept Li Linzi. through.

"Whether Chengdu can sell well, so as to establish a network of connections? Li Linzi's calculation is good." Wang Baole thought, Li Linzi had a glint in his eyes, and after receiving outside support, he turned his head to Wang Baole .

"Xie Daoyou, please don't stop me from trying!"

This sentence immediately made Wang Baole's heart hit. The other party's words were really vicious. If not, let alone, other people's resentment against Wang Baole will not decrease, but it will not continue to increase.

But when this sentence came out, no matter how Wang Baole answered it, it was wrong. He prevented it, and the natural resentment deepened. If he didn't stop it, he completed the establishment of Li Linzi's network.

"This Li Linzi's brain is turning very fast!" Wang Baole narrowed his eyes. In fact, he pulled people into the boat to establish a network. He also considered this matter, but he knew more clearly that the network is the most stable and the most vulnerable in the world. The existence of is said to be stable, because once the exchanges required are continued, the long-term extent can reach the end of life.

This exchange is nothing more than emotion, value and benefit.

The reason why it is said to be fragile is because there is no exchange of contacts, it is just a mirror, and it has little effect, and it is very likely to become a failure point!

So just to pull people into the boat and want to establish contacts, this exchange is simply not enough. Once done, it is equivalent to restricting the personal settings for yourself, and you need to continue to pay for this in the future.

If Wang Baole is really the arrogance of a certain big force, he naturally has the spare power to do it, and the means to make this thing perfect, but he is not.

The resources he got are the things he needs most today!

So in the face of Li Linzi's act of picking up leaks, Wang Baole just smiled slightly and didn't open his mouth, allowing Li Linzi to stand up and start trying to pull people in.

The ending is obvious, it is naturally a failure, and Li Linzi is also depressed. After all, if he fails, the previous words have a little effect, but they cannot be established as a network. They can only be regarded as a small foundation.

Seeing this, Wang Baole suddenly said.

"Would you like to give me 10 million red crystals, and I will help you pull in all the people outside for free?" The words were more spicy than the previous Li Linzi. After exiting at the moment, Li Linzi was obviously shocked and his face looked instant It was ugly, and there was a moment of entanglement in his heart. Naturally, he would not take out 10 million red crystals, so as to exchange contacts. He felt it was not cost-effective, so he snorted and ignored Wang Baole.

"Dao friends, it's not that they disagree, it's really shy ..."

Although there is a response, it is obvious that the outside arrogance of Lin Lizi is also a bit cold here. Everyone is not a fool. This matter and Li Linzi ’s thoughts were clearly seen before. If Li Linzi succeeded, If you fail at this moment, it will be useless to them.

And Wang Baole's words naturally played a role.

At the same time, although he offered a very high price, at least it could be successful, so soon, this deal of 100,000 red crystals started to start quickly.

Seeing this, Wang Baole glanced at Li Linzi and shook his head secretly. If the other party really agreed, he would still treat the other party as a character. Now, seeing it this way is just a sensation.

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