A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 936: Hades? !

It's just that there are many people in this place, and Wang Baole feels that the Starfall Empire can't not monitor this place. The paper man who comes with him is obviously also around, so it is reasonable to judge that the Dharma is still not used.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The phantom star showed fluctuations in the power of the star. This matter has already attracted the attention of the Xingmei Empire. In the Xingmei City, the five paper figures have already launched their spells to see the place clearly. Everything, it is natural to see that the source of all these changes is Wang Baole.

If at this time, Wang Baole unfolds the meditative method, then the consequences are unpredictable. Fortunately, his caution has prevented these from appearing.

But those arrogances on the battlefield are bitter one by one. After all, hundreds of people face phantoms that are too many to even count, even if ninety-nine of them are weak, but more than fifty planets are enough They made them anxious, not to mention ... there is also a star.

Before them, it is almost a defeat!

In particular, these phantom shots are not logical, so everyone chooses anyway. The first thing to do at this moment is to trap the most threatening star first.

The first shot was Wang Baole. At the moment when the star rushed, his backward body Emperor's Armor instantly turned into magic, and the Divine Soldier was in his hand. He suddenly turned and slashed toward the distant star phantom.

Not only him, the masked woman, Ruyaxiu, the bell girl plus the black man in the dark, and hundreds of days of arrogance, they all tried their best at this moment, beheading the star is impossible, but trapped it for a moment and a half. , Can still barely do it.

In particular, the Bell Girl took out a ring-shaped magic weapon and turned it into a seal that enveloped the surroundings, gathered the power of everyone, and turned it into ice cold, so that the temperature around the star immediately fell infinitely.

After all, none of them are ordinary spirits, to a certain extent everyone can be more or less equipped with planetary combat power!

So during the roar, with hundreds of people shooting at the same time, the stellar phantom rushed, the body was shocked, was forcibly blocked, had to stop, and then instantly frozen in place by the cold surroundings, turned into An ice sculpture exuding colorful light.

Although he is a star, there is still a gap between the phantom and the real existence, but even so, this hindrance obviously cannot be maintained for too long, the ice is cracking rapidly, it seems that at most half of the incense, it will collapse!

At the moment, with the time when it was frozen, the people did not hesitate at all. They all started to gallop backwards at full speed, trying to distance themselves, and rushed out of this plain with a large number of ghosts.

After all, insisting on seven days is already impossible, not to mention finding the magic crystal in seven days. In this way, how to fight, this difficulty, even the four female masks, are all very gloomy in their eyes, only Galloping separately, not confining the battlefield here, but on the entire star.

In this case, there may be a chance to win the final victory.

But when everyone thought about it, they quickly spread out at random, and toward the moment when they were about to draw a long distance, a screaming scream came suddenly from a distance.

The voice was so miserable to the extreme, even though there were many noises on the battlefield at the moment, it was still extremely clear, so that everyone immediately looked at it, and their looks changed as their eyes fell there.

Wang Baole was also in a rapid retreat. The soldiers swept across the hand, slashing the phantoms that were thrown around him, and his eyes shrank when he looked sideways.

In his eyes, he saw a somewhat familiar Tianjiao, his body was pounced on by dozens of phantoms, and those phantoms showed greed one by one, and were devouring his flesh wildly!

The scream not only came from the pain of being devoured by flesh and blood, but also the torture of the soul. The thing that shocked Wang Baole ’s heart was the planet that was killed by the little girl. In the past, we just passed through the body of that day's pride, and brought its soul ... directly out!

Even when it was brought out, this planetary phantom was full of greed, and it suddenly put its **** soul ... directly in the mouth, crazy bite, so that the screams of the arrogance that day also stopped suddenly, the **** soul was eaten, At this moment, the flesh and blood body was directly torn apart and was robbed by a group of phantoms.

This scene is extremely tragic, and it also heralds the end of the crowd once they are under siege!

But at the moment when everyone's face changed, with the death of this person, there was actually a small part of the phantom around them, as if the mist was blown by the wind, and it dissipated in an instant!

If you carefully identify, it seems that these disappearing phantoms were all killed by the dead Tianjiao. Because of him, this scene immediately made everyone who came to realize the strange awns in their eyes!

"The original rules are like this!"

"There is a hidden rule in this fantasy star trial!"

"Kill the beasts, let the phantoms that arise from it disappear, thereby reducing the difficulty !!"

Wang Baole also reacted immediately, but the next moment, his complexion changed slightly, and his body moved backwards without any trace, but just when he moved, almost all the arrogances around him, all realized the hidden rule, and all turned in one direction. He looked over!

Every item is cold and even more murderous!

Fortunately ... It is not only Wang Baole that is concerned, but six people have also been swept by everyone's eyes. These six are the ones who have killed the planet.

It ’s just that the priests and the elder brothers of bells gathered their eyes, and after a little hesitation, they dissipated most of them. The same is true of the mask woman, there is not much convergence, but the young man in black and the little girl, but Became the key goal of the audience after Wang Baole!

There is no enough awe-inspiring background, even if you have a strong combat power, but at this time, in front of the interests, it must be the focus of attention!

Especially ... when there are many people, it's about everyone's future!

"Kill them, you can reduce a star, more than thirty planets, and a lot of clutter!"

"Just killing three people will reduce the difficulty of this trial by at least 80% !!"

Suddenly someone hurriedly opened his mouth, and some people even changed direction, and even tried to surround the three people. Seeing this, Wang Baole's eyes flashed coldly, without any hesitation. The body quickly retreated, and at the same time he quickly retreated, that The same is true of a young man with a big sword.

Her body spread out, and the whole person exploded at a speed, galloping towards the distance. As for the little girl who looked soft and weak, harmless to humans and animals, after seeing that she was being targeted, she showed a cold, her reaction. Different from Wang Baole and the youth in black ...

Although she was going backwards in the same direction, the direction was the stellar power that was barely trapped by everyone. After the moment approached, she shot fiercely towards the colorful ice cubes. The colorful ice cubes outside the stellar mighty body collapsed immediately. When the star burst, the power of the star exploded from the inside, and when the violence raged around, I didn't know how the little girl did it, just a slight flash in the eyes, the star was able to ignore her, and flickered past her. To other people around, no difference in cultivation practice broke out.

In this scene, other people couldn't see the truth, but Wang Baole's eyes shrank suddenly.

"Dharma?" Wang Baole breathed slightly, and that was the moment when the fluctuation of the meditative law on the little girl was weak to the extreme, but he was still able to perceive it as a child.

This made him suspicious, but there was no time to think too much at the moment. Wang Baole was galloping, and it was about to leave the battlefield, but at this moment ... The bell girl looked at Wang Baole from a distance, corner of mouth. With a smile on his face, he went straight to chase after shaking his body!

At the same time, the elegant man started like a man, and his goal ... was the young man in black, as did the mask girl, chasing the little girl.

Not only the three of them, but the people around them also dispersed, and cooperated with the three of them, to the three Wang Baole who tried to escape from different directions and surrounded them!

It's just that because of the escape of that star and the shots of more than fifty planets, the battlefield is extremely chaotic. Although the intention to surround it is good, it is still very difficult to achieve it, especially if everyone's mind is not completely Consistent!

So at the full burst of Wang Baole's speed, he still rushed out of the battlefield area, and even thrown away all those who tried to intercept, but ... behind him, the bell girl was as fast as he was chasing his figure , And left the battlefield together.

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