A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 953: The way of imprisoning heaven!

The deep and dark black paper sea is filled with resentment, so that the surrounding sight seems to be covered by endless breath, but it may be on the bottom of the sea, perhaps because of the formation method, or because of the reason of the woman's body. Everything can be seen clearly by Wang Baole.

But it may be precisely because of the polarization between this area and other regions that the black energy of the woman is even more shocking. The sign of continuous entanglement to assimilate it even gives Wang Baole a seemingly from the depths of the soul Trembling feeling.

He didn't know what the black gas was, but at this moment, it seemed that all the flesh and flesh in his body were warning him to the extreme.

Danger! !

Wang Baole's heart trembled, looking at the woman's body, looking at the black gas, and even looking at the place where the black gas spread ... the crack of the seal!

"Here is ..." After a long while, Wang Baole was able to endure the trembling of his body and spread his thoughts to the paper people around him.

"The door to an unknown place!" The paper man did not look at the seal, but looked at the body of the woman sitting cross-legged, his eyes showing recollection and softness, and spoke softly.

At this moment, its voice is also without the strangeness of the past.

"The mission of the existence of the Starfall Empire is to suppress this door. I need you to get closer and expand that magical power there. With the power of its Taoism, it will suppress the spreading gas in the door and give the seal a time to heal."

Wang Baole's expression was solemn. Although he knew what he was going to do when he came, now he still had a strong tumbling mind, and after looking deep, he looked at the paper man.

"Seniors, not juniors do not help, but there are three problems, need to know!"

"You said." The paper man did not look at Wang Baole, still staring at the woman's body, his eyes softened.

"The first question, the senior knows like this woman, so what is your identity and the identity of the old friend of the senior, and why she is here!" Wang Baole said immediately after pondering.

For this question, the paper man was silent for a while, instead of worrying about one of Wang Baole's questions, which contained multiple questions, but the voice with a sense of time, floated in Wang Baole's mind.

"She is my lover, as for me ... your introductory drumstick is part of my soul change, do you know now?"

As soon as this remark came out, Wang Baole's heart was shocked. He thought of the paper man who had said before that an emperor of the Xingyu Empire used to turn the flesh into a heavenly drum in order to prevent the spread of the Black Sea. , Turn the soul of the **** into ten parts, and become the star drummer.

Only in this way will there be follow-ups every few years, and there will be things coming from outside Tianjiao to gain the opportunity to make a fortune.

"My soul is not divided into ten parts, but eleven parts, why the extra part appears in the outside world, I do n’t know about it, because I remember that year, the last place I went to, it was this "Unknown place under the seal." The paper man spoke softly, with a confused look in his face, and a sense of meaning.

"But when I entered there, I lost my memory. When I woke up, I was in a ruin in Weiyang Road, unprecedentedly weak."

"And my lover, she is not from the Starfall Empire or Weiyang Daoyu, she is from ... the unknown place under this seal." The paper man said here, did not continue this topic, although there are too many There are many contradictions, but Wang Baole's instinctive feeling, the other party did not lie, but did not say everything.

Although he wanted to ask in detail, he also knew that if the paper man didn't want to say it, it would be bad for him to ask directly, so after pondering, he asked the second question.

"The second question, the door under this seal ... why must it be suppressed?"

This question may seem unnecessary, but in fact, Wang Baole changed his direction. No matter how he answered, it was inevitable to involve the unknown place in this door.

So the paper man was silent for a longer time before slowly speaking.

"Do you have to know that? Knowing this does not benefit you too much. Once you know it, you will be followed ... So, are you sure?"

Wang Baole heard this, and somehow his body of hair stood up strangely in an instant, and after a long silence, he gritted his teeth.

"The thought of the junior scriptures will surely attract attention. Rather than knowing it now, it is better to know it now and ask the seniors to let us know."

"Monitor!" The paper man said calmly.

Before the paper man spoke, Wang Baole had made guesses, but no matter how he guessed, he did not expect the answer to be ... the monitor!

At this moment, after hearing these three words, he showed some confusion in his eyes, and wanted to ask, but the paper man has closed his eyes, so Wang Baole's heart can only be silent even if there are countless thoughts.

"The third question ... Can seniors guarantee the safety of juniors?"

"I will try my best." The paper man looked at Wang Baole. Although his words were simple, but after looking at it, Wang Baole had a feeling that the other party had no idea of ​​harming him, and indeed did his best to protect his safety.

So after silently thinking, Wang Baole showed decisiveness in his eyes and gritted his teeth fiercely, without any hesitation. Since he had arrived here, in fact, there was only one road left in front of him.

Since there is no choice, then go on!

With the determination of his thoughts, Wang Baole's entire popularity also turned, and his body quickly approached. Although he did not enter the center completely, he sat down on a stone pillar at the edge of the center, but the sense of crisis brought to him by this position was already Strong to the extreme.

Fortunately, the paper man also followed, and the soft light spread out when he waved his hand, covering Wang Baole, which only made his body tremble a little.

"Go ahead," the paper man murmured.

Although Wang Baole had performed the Taoist scriptures many times before, but this time was different, he knew clearly that he used to deter the enemy. The Daoist scripts he developed at most were enough for the first few words, but this time ... he needed to use To meditate with all one's strength, as if it were only in the ear of a sleeping person in the past, whispering a few words, but now it is in the ear of the sleeping person, nearly screaming with full strength, and not yet twice, It is continuous.

"It's terrible ..." Wang Baole sighed a long time, but he was also a decisive person. After measuring his heart, he gritted his teeth fiercely. Deep down, start to meditate!

"Mingzhi ..."

The two words came out, there was no change in the surrounding black paper sea, the seal was as usual, the female corpse was as old, except that the paper man looked sideways to Wang Baole, his eyes were still exposed, and even his chest was a little ups and downs, because it sensed ... … Wang Baole at this moment, as if all the thoughts in his heart were shielded, he could not feel the slightest.

In this scene, it is familiar. Every time Wang Baole exerts the method of the scriptures, he feels this way, and the expectation in his mood at the moment is also skyrocketing.

And at the moment when its anticipation pervaded the mind, suddenly ... a vast might, directly on the land of the seal, under the sea of ​​black paper, suddenly broke out!

An ancient breath that seems to come from the outer space of the star fall, outside the Weiyang Dao, and in the endless starry sky, at this moment, it seems to travel through the years and time and space, and it directly came to this place, even if it just came a trace, or it is with that Where there is an ancient atmosphere, there is a gap-like connection, but for Wang Baole and the paper people, it is still vast to the extreme.

During the roar, the entire sea of ​​black paper trembles with a lot of fluctuations, and the greater rage comes from ... the black gas that surrounds the female body from the crack of the seal!

At this moment, the black gas seems to be stimulated like never before, and it suddenly rotates around, forming a huge black vortex at a rapid speed, covering the entire seal mirror instantly. If you anthropomorphize it, if there is black gas here and now The expression must be uncertain!

This scene made the paper people's expectations stronger, and Wang Baole's Taoist Scripture also read the next sentence at this instant!

"... the way of imprisonment ..."

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