A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 956: The rules of Daoxing!

Perhaps this sentence is really useful. After Wang Baole finished speaking, the vortex completely disappeared, and his eyes also dissipated. Wang Baole was relieved in his heart and made up his mind. Too.

"This stuff is terrible ... where is the Tao, this is clearly calling the big brother."

At the same time, he also felt the difference from the entire black paper sea. The previous black paper sea gave him a cold meaning, and now the cold seems to have no roots, and is gradually dissipating, it seems that it will not take long. Time, the color of the entire black paper sea will change accordingly.

Even now, the color of the black paper sea is different from before. To a certain extent, it is no longer black, but a little gray. At the same time, the vitality of the recovery is becoming more and more obvious, making Wang Baole's body change. He warmed up, and even he had an illusion, it seems ... This piece of black paper has goodwill towards himself.

"It shouldn't be an illusion, after all, I saved this world." Wang Baole blinked, and when he was about to feel it specifically, the body of the paper man next to him shook, and his consciousness regained. There are no paper people with red lines near their hearts, and those above the sea surface. Soon, the life of the entire star-falling land has gradually recovered.

When the sounds of uproar and shock spread from place to place, Wang Baole responded super fast. He bit his tongue and spewed out a bit of blood. His face also remained pale after the previous scare, and his expression was exhausted. He looked at the paper man in front of him.

"Seniors, juniors have done their best."

The paper-man shivered and looked at the seal below. He noticed that the cracks on the seal had disappeared, and noticed that all the black gas around him had disappeared. The excitement appeared in his eyes. I know what happened later, but now all the results have exceeded his expectations, so in this excitement, it did not care about the specific thoughts inside Wang Baole.

In its view, the other party's contribution must be enormous. After all, this effect has reached the level of earth-shattering, and by chanting the scriptures, it can pull such a force, and it also makes it guess the background of Wang Baole, increasing the number of After reaching the stairs, it almost reached the top.

So after seeing Wang Baole spurting blood, he immediately bowed deeply to Wang Baole, and expressed gratitude in his eyes, just about to speak, but the next moment he turned his head suddenly and saw the distance approaching quickly ... brow heart Red thread paper people.

Wang Baole also noticed at this moment that when he looked at it, his heart suddenly burst out, but soon he recovered, feeling that after all, he helped the Xingyu Empire a lot, so he sat there calmly, and looked away with a calm look. Red line paper people coming.

This red-lined paperman's expression was equally moving. It had already noticed the difference of the black paper sea after waking up. After shocking at the moment, he saw Wang Baole and his own kind at a glance.

He was slightly impressed by the former, remembering the alien arrogant generation, and the person who made the boat and boat cross the sea with the help of the thunder from the outer realm. His appearance made the red line paper people raise doubts in the heart, but the next moment, when he looked at When he reached the paper man beside him, his body shuddered and his eyes widened instantly. After a careful look, his expression was obviously unbelievable in hesitation.


Faced with the trembling of the red thread paper people, the paper people around Wang Baole also showed their memories. After the two paper people stared at each other, they communicated in a way that Wang Baole did not understand. He could only see that along with the communication, the red line The paper man's body shook more and more, and finally, after knowing everything, he digested it for a while. Then he looked at Wang Baole, stepped forward, and bowed his fist deeply.

"Thank you, Daoyou! This Eternal Falling Empire will never be forgotten, and there will be many thanks later!"

This is what Wang Baole wanted. After hearing this, he was also satisfied, and at the same time knew that the other party was advanced, and he could not be proud of helping him, so he got up and bowed with his fists.

Then, under the kindness and guidance of the red-lined paper man, he left the seal and returned to the sea. As for the paper man ancestor, he did not leave, but after watching them, he looked down at the female body on the seal mirror Closing softly, silently approaching, sitting opposite him, his eyes closed slowly.

From the beginning to the end, there was no further communication between the two paper people. Obviously, in the previous communication, each other had clear thoughts, so under the guidance of the red thread paper people, Wang Baole looked back and turned around, followed Flying along the other side, flying out of the sea of ​​black paper.

Even after flying out of the sea, he saw a large number of strong paper people outside, and they obviously knew everything by Wang Baole's unknown method. At this moment, after seeing Wang Baole, he expressed gratitude and saw them all.

The goodwill of the paper people has made Wang Baole feel worth this time. At the same time, after flying out of the sea, he also felt a kind of goodwill that seems to come from the entire world. This kind of goodwill is mainly reflected in the inner feelings. The experience is inconsistent with the previous indistinctness here, which forms a strong contrast.

In addition, under the **** of the paper man, after returning to Xingyu City, Wang Baole ’s residence was also adjusted. Instead of living in a hall with other Tianjiao, he was arranged to enter the Xingyu Palace in one place. It is very luxurious, and the aura is extremely rich, let him rest.

Even if he just calls, there will be dozens of powerful paper figures appearing to meet all his requirements, and the red line paper figure will come to visit later.

Although the cultivation is advanced, this red-lined paper man is very polite. Obviously, he learned from his ancestor that Wang Baole ’s background is mysterious, so in the dialogue, he has an almost equal attitude, which makes Wang Baole very It is comfortable, and also answered the other party's questions about how they met their ancestors.

"The reason why I can come here is because of the love of the old seniors, and I can get to know the old seniors. It is also a fate ..." Wang Baole said with emotion, describing the process of encountering the paper people. Minus, did not say anything about the wishing bottle, but he told all other things truthfully.

After hearing this, the red thread paper man also sighed, and inquired and talked with Wang Baole, and then he got up and clenched his fists.

"Don't disturb the rest of the Daoist friends, the initiation of the star will begin in seven days. At that time, it is also the day of sacrifice to the Starfall Empire. At that time, the Daoist friends will be invited to watch the ceremony ..." With a glance at Wang Baole, his right hand raised a wave, and suddenly a piece of paper appeared in his hand.

"Daoyou burned this paper with the fire of his life when he struck the sky drum, and he would be blessed by the luck of my star-falling empire ... The land of my star-falling, the planets are filled, although the special stars are rare, but burning this paper, It must be able to tow one, and if the chance of Daoyou is enough ... may be allowed to try to tow ... the only Daoxing here! "

"It's just that this star has never been pulled successfully by people for many years. If you don't get it, you don't have to be disappointed. After all, Daoxing is also a kind of special star, but the rules contained in it are unique." Red Line Paper People After that, he nodded to Wang Baole and turned away.

Wang Baole took the paper slip and immediately got up to send it, but his mind echoed the other party ’s words about Daoxing. He naturally knew the speciality and uniqueness of Daoxing. Before that, he longed for Daoxing, but he knew he should Probability is not available, but it is different now ...

He vaguely had a hunch, maybe he could ... with this help to the land of star fall, he could get an opportunity to draw Dao star. This idea seemed to be a flame burning in his heart, making him watch the red thread paper man leave When can not help but speak.

"Senior, what is the only rule of Daoxing here?"

The Red Line Paper Man stepped in, and looked back at Wang Baole deeply, pondering for a few moments, slowly speaking.

"Do you know why everything in Starfall is paper? Do you know why my magical power in Starfall and all life in the outer realm can be learned by no one, and even if they are taught by me personally, they are just You can show it here and go back to the outside world ... The reason why you ca n’t unfold it in the slightest? "There was no positive answer, just a few words, and the red thread paper figure turned and walked away.

But this sentence was enough for Wang Baole. After hearing the other person's words, his body was strongly shaken and his breathing was rapid. He looked up sharply at the sky, and his eyes showed strange awns.

"The rules are ... paper!"

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