A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 959: The best arrangement!

At this moment, Wang Baole, who was gloating over the little fat man, was still sitting cross-legged in the palace hall. While looking calm, he also ended the last week of Xiuwei.

As his eyes opened, a flash of fine awns appeared in his eyes, and under this fine awn, the originally dark palace was like a flash of lightning.

"The Spirit Immortal has taken another small step in the degree of the Great Consummation... More importantly, my soul is also more exquisite than before!" Wang Baole murmured, taking advantage of the rich aura in this palace and the whole world to him This kind of gentleness, in these seven days, Wang Baolexiu went to a higher level, feeling the wholeness of the whole body at the same time, but also felt the kind of overflowing meaning of the bottle.

Even if he doesn't know much about his current state, he still has a clear sense of blessing to his soul, knowing that he has now reached the pinnacle of a real spiritual immortality!

This kind of peak not only includes cultivation, but also contains the spirit of the soul. Even if it excludes other foreign factors to a certain extent, except for the absence of the physical body, the rest is exactly the same.

"In this state, once promoted to the planet, after going back and integrating with the body, my combat power... will reach a level far beyond the same level!" Wang Baole's eyes showed expectations, and his body momentum also followed, making the temple around There were fluctuations and constant spreading, and a respectful voice came from outside the hall.

"Master, auspicious time is coming. If you have finished your cultivation, can I wait to come in and bathe and change your clothes."

Wang Baole heard Yan Xiu, got up and waved his hand, and suddenly the door opened, and came three paper men. All three looked like women, their faces outlined beautifully, and there was a feeling of the person in the painting, especially the body. There is also more warmth and softness than before, and when looking at Wang Baole, there is some shyness in the respectful attitude.

This made Wang Baole wink, and the dark road could be that his charm had grown uncontrollably and intangible, and even the paper people saw that they were moved.

Affected by the shame in his heart, Wang Baole coughed and quickly spoke.

"I don't need this, I just heard Zhong Ming, is the sacrifice of heaven about to start?"

Hearing Wang Baole's words, and seeing his reaction, the three sisters all smiled in silence, and their brows were agile, and one of them responded briskly.

"Master, you are anxious, you are a distinguished guest of the Starfall Empire, and you are scheduled to go in with your emperor when the ninth bell rings. It's still too early, the fifth sound hasn't arrived yet. Isn't it negligent to you?"

"The ninth sound?" Wang Baole blinked. Although he felt that entering with the red-lined paper person seemed to show his identity, he couldn't help asking.

"What about my companions? How often do they enter?"

"They, can only enter in the fourth sound, need to wait for your majesty and you to come inside." Sister paper smiled and stepped forward to bathe Wang Baole.

Wang Baole hesitated for a while, but did not refuse the bathing and changing of the three sisters, but it was different from the bathing he imagined. The bathing here used a kind of dust, but it was very effective in cleaning, and it also left a touch of lightness. Fragrance.

As for the dressing, it literally means that Xingyu Empire attaches great importance to Wang Baole and presented him with a set of special robe. The material of this coat is paper, but no matter whether it is touched or visually seen, the material can not be noticed. There is a satin meaning.

Its white color, under the service of the three sisters, was finally worn on Wang Baole, making him in a white robe, set against the black hair, like a punk, and also seemed to be more integrated with the whole world. .

This bathing and dressing process took a long time. It was not over until the eighth bell ringing outside, and the three sisters finally looked at Wang Baole and bowed to him.

"Son, please follow us."

Wang Baole touched the robe on his body, and was very satisfied in his heart, and he was very happy. So with these three sisters, they walked all the way to the cabinet deep in the palace.

Due to his respect for Wang Baole, all his questions along the way, these three sisters were told truthfully, so that Wang Baole understood the process and details of this heavenly sacrifice, and also noticed where he went, it seemed to be The back door of the main hall of the palace.

According to what he had learned before, this time of the sacrifice will be hosted by the Emperor Xingyu. The place is outside the main hall of the Royal Palace, Xinglin Square. The square is so vast that it can accommodate 100,000 people at the same time, but anyone who is eligible to enter here , You have to step in under different bells.

And the sooner you enter, the more you have to wait, and the Emperor of the Starfall will be the last one to appear. Its appearance will be widely watched, and it will officially start the ceremony.

Thinking of this, even though Wang Baole had some guesses in his heart, he could not help asking.

"That... this is going to the main hall of the palace?"

"Yes, Your Majesty is waiting for you there." After responding with a smile, the girl next to her took Wang Baole to the back entrance of the main palace of the imperial palace. Entering through this gate, you can see a small road.

When sent here, the three sisters did not follow, but paid their respects to Wang Baole, did not get up, and seemed to wait for him to go far before getting up.

Wang Baole hesitated for a moment, looked at the path in the door, his expression slowly calmed down, and stepped away. As he stepped in, he immediately felt a swift sweep of consciousness passing by himself, but just swept away, and immediately dispersed In this way, Wang Baole did not stop all the way, walked through the passage, and after stepping in, he had already arrived in the main palace of the Xingyu Empire!

His position is close to the royal chair. Looking around, you can see the whole hall. Although everything in this hall is paper, the color is very bright. At the same time, whether it is a huge pillar or a statue around it, it gives people a Kind of grandeur.

At the same time, there are hundreds of paper people standing there motionless, but after seeing Wang Baole, most of them nodded slightly, showing goodwill in their eyes.

"Little friend, how well have you rested these days?"

When Wang Baole looked at the hall here, he heard a soft voice in his ear. When he heard the sound, Wang Baole immediately saw the red thread paper figure from the other side of the royal chair.

"Meet the seniors, practice here these days, and help the juniors a lot!" Wang Baole bowed his fists.

"That's good, my monks, everything talks about fate. At the same time, the heart and intention are also very important. Sometimes it is not available, maybe just because the timing is wrong, it is not suitable." The red line paper man walked and smiled , The words spoken moved Wang Baole's heart.

"There's something in this..." Wang Baole thoughtfully and responded tentatively.

"There is a saying in the hometown of seniors and juniors, all the misses are for the best arrangements."

As soon as his words came out, the footsteps of the red-lined paperman came to a halt, and he seemed to think about this sentence carefully. In the next moment, he showed a strange awn, and looked at Wang Baole carefully, and suddenly laughed.

"I am looking forward to seeing the best arrangement for you!"

"Little friend, let me go out, the festival of heaven is about to begin!" The red thread paper man said here and walked outside the hall. Wang Baole also suppressed his inner thoughts and walked beside him. When he walked together, there were hundreds on both sides. The paper men also followed the two in succession.

Seeing Wang Baole and the red line paper people, they had to walk to the gate of the palace, and even here, because the position of the main hall of the palace is much higher than the outside square, so Wang Baole saw the center of the square at a glance, and a cyan giant with a size of 100 feet was erected. drum!

The meaning of this drum permeates the years. Although the distance is far away and the details cannot be seen, Wang Baole still feels his tremendous momentum. Just a glance makes Wang Baole's heart fluctuate, as if he saw the galaxy, saw the starry sky, saw The sky and the stars!

It is precisely because of the vastness of the drums that Wang Baole's sight is completely attracted. Without looking around the square, it is tidy and gives a sense of denseness. Tens of thousands of figures standing!

I didn’t even notice that the masked women and others in these tens of thousands of figures would naturally not see it. At this moment, because he didn’t show up, the appearance of the bell girl and the little fat man was proud of the former, while the latter was somewhat proud.

But this triumph will soon turn into horror... because at this moment, the ninth bell sounded suddenly in the whole palace. The bell was long, surpassing all the previous ones, and turned into a tangible ripple, spreading the entire star. When the city fell, Wang Baole and Xingmei Paper Emperor, two people side by side... under the attention of the square, they appeared together outside the main palace of the palace! !

As it appeared, the sky changed!

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