A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 970: Nine stars and nine ways!

Spirit Immortals consummate the stars, use this as a breakthrough, and enter the planetary realm. Although the methods are different in each case, the process and steps are generally the same, but there are differences in the details.

Generally speaking, if it is integrated into an ordinary spirit star, the process will not be too long, and it can often be done in a short time, and the possibility of accidents is very small. If it is a fairy star, the time will be longer and it still needs Find a closed place that cannot be disturbed.

But generally speaking, the promotion of merging spirits and immortal stars is very simple. However, if merging special stars, the difficulty and risk will increase a lot. Not only does it have extreme requirements for cultivation, but also needs for the soul of the gods.

The more complete the soul is, the greater the likelihood of success. As for its steps, it is also different from the two types of stars: spirit and immortal. What is needed is that the whole monk is integrated into a special star. To some extent, it can be regarded as an embryo. , The monk absorbs slowly in the inner fusion, until it is perfectly integrated with the rules of special stars, so that it can break through and step into the planetary realm!

There is a possibility of failure in the process, and there is also danger. Of course, in the place of the starfall, this degree of danger will be greatly reduced, such as the fat man, the mask woman and other monks who are now in the sky of the sky. They are at this moment What is being done is to integrate into the rules.

However, no one knows exactly what the method of Taoxing's integration and promotion is, because from ancient times to now, only one person has been able to integrate with Daoxing, and the years are too long. It will naturally not spread to the public.

So at this moment, Wang Baole himself did not know how to operate in order to complete the breakthrough of cultivation, but...when the nine-color Dao star burst into its eyebrows, Wang Baole understood.

To be precise, it was not that he understood it, but that he felt the breakthrough method in his life. He didn’t need to do anything by himself. He just walked up step by step based on this feeling, and understood the solidified rules of Taoism.

"Go up..." Wang Baole closed his eyes, feeling the power of the rules emanating from the Dao star in his body. Under the attention of the outside world, his eyes slowly opened, and he was standing in the low sky. He, with his eyes enlightened, took a step towards the sky!

This is the first step.

At the moment when the footsteps fell, a phantom of a star appeared under Wang Baole's feet!

This star is scarlet, as if stained with blood, even from a distance, it is not like a star, but more like a blood cell. With the appearance, a strong **** breath spreads directly into the four directions, even if careful. Go and see, there is a red halo around the **** stars, spreading out!

"One of the nine stars, the red blood channel!" Wang Baole murmured, and there was a flare of blood in his body instantly. This star is one of the ancient stars. The solidification rules contained in it are based on blood and are extremely evil!

With his opening, with the blood on his body, this rule was instantly understood by Wang Baole, imprinted in the mind, imprinted in the soul, so that this part of the body was born with blood, The breath and cultivation of the whole person burst out at this moment!

"Two of the nine stars, the music of orange!" Wang Baole's eyes revealed a strange mansions, and he took another step toward the sky, and the second star under his feet also became magical. The light was bright orange, and there were waves of fairy sounds in the dazzling light. From its body, it spreads in all directions, falling into nothingness, falling into the sky and earth, and falling into the mind of every life here.

It seems that heaven and earth are vocal, and everything is whispering. This is the second solidification rule of Dao Xing.

There is also an orange aura, which transcends outside the stars and shines with the red aura. Wang Baole's breath and cultivation behavior broke out again, forming an amazing wave. From the momentum, it is several times higher than before!

There is no end. In the explosion and ascent of this cultivation practice, Wang Baole walked towards the sky and took the third and fourth steps.

"The Third of Nine Stars, the Flame of Huang"

"Four of Nine Stars, Green Planting Road"

Its figure is getting higher and higher, it is no longer low, but it is close to the height of the sky. At the same time as its footsteps fall, the third and fourth stars will also change, and there will be a yellow halo and a green halo. They are also spreading out in all directions.

Its momentum has once again risen, affecting the sky, spreading the earth, and the powerful fluctuations have been more than ten times that of the previous one, especially the method of flame, which is the technique of fire, is burning in the aura at this moment, making the whole world seem to be hot. The planting path is even worse, so that Wang Baole in the sky, there are shadows of thousands of flowers around it, all blooming!

This scene, while shaking all the people who saw it, Wang Baole stepped out the fifth step, the sixth step, the seventh step... completely set foot on the sky and stood among the stars, and his voice was also at this moment, with the five The appearance of six, seven, three stars at its feet has also spread throughout the world.

"Five of nine stars, blue cloud road!"

"Six of Nine Stars, Blue Wind!"

"Seven of the nine stars, the purple bite!"

The cloud path is changeable, the main illusion, and the fog body. As soon as this path comes out, Wang Baole's body immediately has a sense of vagueness. With his understanding, the meaning of cloud fog is revealed in his eyes. From then on, unless it is There is a unique rule for the appearance of the Dao stars in Yun Dao, otherwise, in this Yun Dao planetary monk, if he is king, who dares to be king!

The main speed of the wind channel is more intangible. The appearance of this road makes the storm around Wang Baole roar, and its speed is self-evident. At the same time, with the cloud road, it can reach a terrifying superposition!

The last is the purple bite!

This way is mainly devoured, everything in the world, everything in the universe, there is no irresistible existence. At this moment, with the appearance, Wang Baole’s body instantly gives people a sense of a vortex. This vortex has no end and seems to be able to devour all!

Wang Baole can imagine that this way of engulfing cooperates with his own seed, and its power must reach the earth-shattering level. Even his heart can't help but think about it, will the seed be the same? Dao stars? !

Now is not the time to think, so this thought was just flashed in Wang Baole's mind, and he was depressed, and what followed was a crazy climb of his cultivation and breath. During this climb, his hair was flying, he His clothes are dancing, his fighting strength has surpassed dozens of times when he did not come to the Starfall, and it is still exploding!

And his figure is now high in the sky, with the stars as his companion, and Wang Baole has taken the eighth step while shining for it!

"Eight of the nine stars, Bai Weiguang!"

The eighth star, radiating bright white awns, appeared suddenly. With the illusion and the spread of the aura, the glaring degree of its light exceeded all, because... light is its way!

Looking up, the sky of white sky is like sea, and Wang Baole's momentum is once again rising. The whole person is like a heaven and man. In that infinite momentum, he walked out of the ninth step and approached the end of the sky infinitely!

"Nine out of nine stars, black is dead!"

The way of death is the way of death. It looks the same as Mingzong, but it is actually completely different. The latter is more of reincarnation, and the former... only represents death!

At this moment, with the appearance, Wang Baole's body was shocked, and his binocular pupils were extremely dark. While the whole person exhaled endless life, the fluctuation of his cultivation practice was also at this moment. The climb erupted to the extreme, making the sky tremble and the earth roared. At that time, Wang Baole at the end of the sky revealed enlightenment in his eyes.

"In the future, I will use the nine-star rule to create my own nine magical powers!" In a mumble, Wang Baole looked down at the earth, then raised his head again, looking away from the sky, and after a long time, under the feet, the aura of nine auras shook everyone. , And the buzz of nine stars, Wang Baole walked towards the end of the sky...

Step 10! !

Ten steps to the sky!

As it fell, the nine stars shook violently, and they all flew into the sky and merged into Wang Baole's body one by one. In his body, they gathered into nine-color Dao stars!

And the nine auras were also approaching in an instant, imprinted on their eyebrows, and turned into the imprint of the nine rings!

And his cultivation behavior broke out completely at this moment, and instantly pushed its momentum to rise up and down like crazy, until the sound of the broken mirror reverberates in Wang Baole's ear, his cultivation behavior... a breakthrough! !

Step into... the planetary realm!

This world is different in his eyes!

The sky, the earth, the wind, the clouds, everything... seems to have been veiled, revealing the essence. While gazing at all of this, Wang Baole also finally understood what is the only law born in his Dao star !

"The rule of being overbearing!" Wang Baole murmured and lifted his right hand upside down. A cloud of cloud was caught by him out of thin air. When it appeared in his hand, the cloud of the cloud quickly transformed into the naked eye until it became a piece of paper!

Wang Daole smiled, the only rule of Dao Star formed by all powerful people, even the recognition of the Supreme Master of the Outer Realm, was naturally not paper. Looking at the paper cloud in his hand and watching it revert to cloud with his mind, Wang Baole smiled. The light shone more and more, and murmured softly with the only sound he could hear.

"How to imprint...Can imprint the universe, under the blessing of Dao Xing, even if the person to be imprinted is the only rule of Dao Xing, it will not be spared, and once successfully imprinted by me, it will be difficult for each other to compete! "

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