A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 972: Move around!

Prior to this, although Shenmu Civilization had the place of the Starfall, but not many people knew about it, on the one hand, because Shenmu Civilization had not used this quota for a long time.

After all, for many years, the Royal Family of God's Eyes has not appeared the Royal Monk of the Immortal Consummation, so this place is just a hole card and chips.

Another reason why the outsiders do not know that the Shenmu civilization has the quota is that, according to the agreement of the Starfall, only those who have finally obtained the qualification to ring the heaven and earth drums can be included in the list, and the Shenmu civilization has received the quota. From the moment of the day, although it was at its peak ten thousand years ago, there were once or twice a tribe who entered the land of starfall, but they did not get the final qualification.

Its civilization cannot be marked on the list, and it will naturally not be known to outsiders. Even the Zijin civilization is also an accidental opportunity to explore these situations, so it has had previous cooperation with the Godhead royal family.

But at this moment, with the rise of Wang Baole, the Shenmu civilization was also known by many major forces. With the investigation, when they learned that this civilization was very weak, they paid more attention to Wang Baole.

"Wang Baole? The name has never been heard..."

"There are too many civilizations in the Weiyang Dao region. This Shenmu civilization is just a tiny civilization that is inconspicuous, and there is such an unprecedented generation of pride in it!"

"Obtaining Dao Xing... This time the land of the star falls is too big. Throughout the ages, only the legendary Wei Yangzi has won Dao Xing, but now this time, two people have appeared!"

"There is Xu Yinling of the Nine Phoenix Sect, this woman actually won the Daoxing!"

"Xu Yinling is just fine, Jiu Fengzong is not easy to provoke, but this silent Wang Baole... Dao Xing on his body, I am afraid it is difficult to keep!"

"Even if you are promoted to a planet and fully integrated with Daoxing, there are too many ways in this world to transfer Daoxing...just let him volunteer!"

Among these forces, after the shock, a lot of greed soon rose up. There is no doubt that Wang Baole’s background is insignificant to them. Both the force and its own strength are like a crime. In general, it is not enough to protect yourself Dao Xing is always here.

Even in their view, this is basically like welfare. As long as you can find it and find a way to let the other party voluntarily, then you can get its Daoxing. In this way, among the arrogant people of these many forces, it is even itself. The monks who are already planets are also excited.

In fact, this emperor was not considered, but the information is not equal, so that it does not care about it at all. At the bottom of his heart, Wang Baole’s background is horrendous, and it can be said that there are foreign domains. The supreme asylum seeker, so it does not think that the spread of this matter will cause trouble to Wang Baole.

So Wang Baole, who was still at the moment, did not know that he had been exposed, nor did he know that because of Dao Xing, he had been stared at by many forces.

At the same time, when there was an uproar in the outside world, some people who knew Wang Baole also shook their hearts strongly when they were shaken by this list from Starfall.

Such as Xie Haiyang is one of them. At this moment, he has thought about how to impress the ancestor of flames so that the other party can help himself and fight for the help of the noble person. While preparing for the intensification, this starfall came from the Xie family. The place of the list, and after seeing the name of Wang Baole, who ranked first in the list, Xie Haiyan was also stunned.

Then when he saw Dao Xing after Wang Baole's name, he almost jumped up, his expression was unbelievable, and he exclaimed.

"What's the situation, Dao Xing!!" Xie Haiyang set off a violent wave in his heart, his breath was very fast, and his brain buzzed. His first reaction to this list he saw was that he didn't believe it, but just saw God's eyes. After the sign of civilization, Xie Haiyang had to accept this fact.

"That Long Nanzi is really Wang Baole, this fat man... is too fierce!!"

When Xie Haiyang was shocked here, there was another person who was not calm at heart. This person is the ancestor of flames. With his cultivation practice, he is naturally eligible to receive the list. Although he was slightly aware of this matter because of his previous approval, After really seeing it, his heart was still not calm.

"This disciple, the old man has settled!" With the fluctuation of his mood, the flame ancestor's eyes showed a strong light. He felt that if his future mantle could be passed on by Wang Baole, then there would be no regrets in this life!

Chen Qingzi is also aware of this matter, although in the formation of the Mingzong Heavenly Dao transformation, his strength and his connection with the approval of Wang Baole’s vows made him feel the same from the land of star fall. Information spreading across the Weiyang Road.

With a long laugh, Chen Qingzi's body flicked and the killing resumed. He did not intend to procrastinate anymore. He had to make a quick decision, because he knew very well that while this list was released, it also represented his little brother. After a period of time, it will be on top of the storm!

At this time, it is necessary to have strong people and give them asylum in order to dispel countless evil thoughts and give them the opportunity to continue to grow.

Chen Qingzi's judgment is correct, but because he does not have a comprehensive understanding of the outside news in the formation, he does not know that there are evil people here in Wang Baole, not after a while, but already!

That is the Zijin civilization!

The first time they knew the list, the Zijin civilization set off a huge wave. Through the god-like civilization marked on the list, they immediately analyzed the name Wang Baole, which is the real name of Long Nanzi!

Even as a result, he discovered that the other party was very likely to be a monk who was not a god-like civilization, but an outsider!

In this way, they were angry because of Daozi's capture, and the deprivation of their places was filled with anger. Now they see that Wang Baole has actually obtained Daoxing. All kinds of thoughts in his heart have made the Zijin civilization completely explode.

In this eruption, the anger from Zijin Civilization has also rapidly expanded with a series of arrangements. At the same time, in the land of the stars, in the relics of Wang Baole and others, those who are not qualified to be able to strike the sky and drums The Tianjiao are not without gain, but in the following days, they exchanged with the Star Falling Land at some cost to get their own needs.

This is also the usual practice after the opening of the Starfall, so in this successive promotion, the time has slowly passed by half a month. During this period, some people chose to leave. It is different from when they came, and they do not need to be together when they go. Boats in the land of star fall are arranged to go out every day and send them back to the place of boarding.

In these half months, most of these days have gone, and the revelation of the mask woman is over. After waking up, she looked up at the star where Wang Baole was on the sky, with recollections and blessings in her eyes, then sighed, Chose to leave.

There are also elegant monks, young men in black, little girls and little fat men, etc., who have chosen to leave after looking at Wang Baole, who is still living.

Among them, the first two thoughts are complicated, the little fat man is helpless with jealousy, and the little girl is overwhelming, not knowing what to think, after looking deeply at the stars of Wang Baole, he left Starfall.

They are well aware that the longer the rest time is, the more powerful they are after regaining consciousness. Obviously, this time, Wang Baole will undoubtedly be the longest one.

As for Xu Yinling, the bell girl, three days before Wang Baole's awakening, she ended her breath and swept Wang Baole's stars with her murderous eyes. She sneered and left.

So Wang Baole, who was awakened three days later, became the last person to stay in the Land of the Stars at the moment. When he woke up, he felt that his realm was completely stable, and the cultivation was so thick that he was also terrified, and he was very excited. He knew about the list, which made him dumbfounded, but also quite helpless.

But he understands that even if there is no such list, after those days of arrogance go out, his affairs here will eventually be exposed, but this matter still makes him worry about his heart and inner pressure.

"Being a bird, Lao Tzu also has a background!" In the midst of this worry, Wang Baole gritted his teeth fiercely, cheering himself up, and also said goodbye to Emperor Xingyu.

It was just before he left that he went to the shops selling magic weapons and magical powers in Starfall City. This time...Under the rules of the paper engraved by his own Daoxing, Wang Baole found out that the magic papers were written on his own. At present, it is no different from the jade jade, and you can clearly see everything inside.

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