A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 981: quasi!

The way of light, gathering the rules of the Celestial Seal, and repressing it by the reverse, this magical method, from the moment when Wang Baole unfolds, the impact on the inner hearts of the Celestial Master and others can be said to be a general collapse.

He can accept that the other party has the background of star domain power as a master, he can accept the current status of the other party’s return to repair this time, and he can also accept the strength of the fusion of the humane star in front of him, but he cannot accept... The rules are actually exaggerated in front of the other party.

"The difference between the fairy star and the Dao star... is it really so big!!" Tian Ling smirked, and his eyes showed strong unwillingness. Although he has never seen Dao Xing monk in the same life in his life, he can be a special star in the same realm. It’s not that I haven’t fought, and although I am not an opponent, I can still fight a fight with my solid cultivation.

But now... he suddenly found himself wrong, and the error was very outrageous. The crushing of Dao stars against immortal stars in the same realm made his so-called vigorous cultivation behavior a joke.

In front of the rules, everything seems insignificant!

There is no doubt that the rules that Wang Baole has mastered are so much that the soul of the Celestial Master will almost collapse here, but after all, he is a late planetary monk, and his identity as the leader is not inherited by him, but is killed by blood. obtain.

So his combat experience is extremely rich. In the moment when Wang Baole's reverse finger came, Tianling's palm head showed madness. His hands spread out violently. He actually grabbed the middle two planets around him. With a pale face and a horrified heart, the celestial master's seat was repaired to full strength, pushing these two towards the fingers of Wang Baole's coming, and pushed them violently!

"Take charge of you!!"


All this is too fast, coupled with Wang Baole's finger approaching, as well as the gap between the middle and late planets, and the gap between the fairy star and the spirit star, making these two planets in the middle, simply unable to resist, in this angry roar, body He couldn't help but went straight to Wang Baole.

It was even in the moment of thumping, and the breath of destruction suddenly came out in the body of both of them. It was not that they wanted to explode, but that when the Celestial Master pushed away, he sent not only the driving force, but also The influx of his cultivation behavior made his two siblings seem to have been chaoticly cultivated as if they were ignited by the lead, and there was an uncontrollable wave of self-detonation.

At the next moment, at the moment of contact with the light finger that came to Wang Baole, with the roar of the roaring sound, these two potential overdrafts, and the ignited mid-planet monk, the body immediately collapsed and exploded. Some of their planets also shattered into a destructive force at this instant, and in front of Wang Baole, the rumbling explosion exploded.

From a distance, the self-detonation of these two planets is more powerful than the collapse of the stars, and it has directly turned into two huge flesh and blood vortices, directly submerging Wang Baole's figure.

But in this scene, Tianling did not let his breath relax. His tension still exists, and the life and death crisis is even more intense. With the help of the self-explosion of the two planets in the middle, the body suddenly retreated, and the whole body was filled with blood in an instant. Light, obviously unfolded the secret method, at any cost in exchange for the ultimate speed, and suddenly escaped.

The speed is fast, the previous breath is still visible to the naked eye, but the next moment disappears, making the only two groups of flesh and blood vortices on the battlefield, under the constant roar, spreading around, seeming to destroy all existence here.

But...it can't destroy Wang Baole!

At this moment, Wang Baole is no longer a doppelganger, but is fused with the deity and has a real physical body, and his physical strength is already strong, and he was promoted in that fusion. Now he has reached the level of a physical planet, plus God's armor turned so that he did not dodge the slightest, and stepped out of these two vortexes of flesh directly.

In the long-haired dancing room, Wang Baole, dressed in black, looked sideways to the direction of the escape of the heavenly helm, and then turned his head and looked at another direction, looking calm.

"Only these two are left." In his own words, Wang Baole's right hand lifted towards the nihility, and the words came out lightly in his mouth.

"Huang Zhiyan Road!"

As soon as this word came out, the starry sky around it suddenly roared, and the flames left by the ancestors of flames that enveloped the entire god-headed civilization instantly rose, as if at this moment, Wang Baole used his ancient star flame road to change his will Into the surrounding fire, control and drive!

If you change the flames of other star powers, even if Wang Baole has the rules of ancient stars, it is almost impossible to shake it. After all, the gap between them is too large, but the recognition of him by Flame Patriarch makes everything different.

Staying in the fiery sea of ​​Shenmu civilization, not only did not exclude Wang Baole, but came with a sense of enthusiasm, and in a flash, according to his mind, broke out in this Shenmu civilization, lifted directly from the edges of the surroundings, like Wang Baole. The place is the central point, and it rolls up suddenly.

At this moment, if you can stand in a high enough position and look down, you can clearly see the sea of ​​fire that permeates the god's civilization, just like a huge ring of fire. At this moment, the ring of fire is shrinking rapidly. Everything in it exists, as long as it is not. With Wang Baole's permission, he couldn't rush out of the ring of fire, and could only keep going backwards while the flame was rolling!

And the speed of this contraction is extremely fast. The whole process is more than ten breathing times. As Wang Baole raised his hand, there were two embarrassed figures on his left and right sides, under the contraction of the sea of ​​fire. , Forced to retreat back.

On the left is the Celestial Master, on the right... it is the Heavenly Patriarch!

Both of them now have a look of despair in them, the feeling of powerlessness from the heart makes them seem to laugh only at this moment, but compared to the ancestor of the heaven, Tianling is obviously more indignant. After the figure was forced out, he suddenly looked at Wang Baole and shouted.

"Wang Baole, kill as soon as possible!!!"

"But!" It was Wang Baole's cold voice and the figure that appeared in front of Tian Ling's palm in a flash, and there was... Wang Baole's right index finger!

It's just that the moment the index finger points out, it is no longer flesh and blood, but paper. It is the paper rule printed by Daoxing Tuo. As it falls, it echoes in the ear of the Celestial Master and there is Wang Baole. A strange voice.

"Paper Warrior!"

This method is the power of a star meteor that Wang Baole bought when he left the land of star fall. Its power is not small, but under enough rules, it can convert everything into paper, like a seal, and a puppet!

So in the next moment, at the moment when Wang Baole pointed his finger at the eyebrows of the celestial constellation, under the double pressure of the powerful flame of that star field and the double suppression of Wang Baole Daoxing, he could not resist the struggling celestial helm, and his body trembling The expression on his face solidified, and when he bowed his head reluctantly, he saw his body, which was visible to the naked eye.

All the process was just seven or eight breaths, and finally the trembling palm Tianzu witnessed it with his own eyes. He saw that the heavenly palm had completely turned into a paper man, and after shrinking rapidly, it became a slap-like size and fell in. He took it away from Wang Baole.

This scene made Zhang Tian Pao's scalp numb. When his heart was shocked to the extreme, he saw Wang Baole turning around and staring at himself.

In the blink of an eye, Wang Baole raised a finger with his right hand, and suddenly a white light containing paper rules immediately approached the palm ancestor. At the moment of the white light, the palm ancestor knelt without any hesitation. Come down, at this moment he doesn't care about his identity, his cultivation behavior, nothing at all, only about life and death, and quickly spoke!

"I am willing to be a slave and never betray my whole life!!"

At the moment when this sentence came out, Wang Baole's regular beam of light paused in front of the palm of the heavenly ancestor, and Wang Baole also fell silent, seeming to be thinking.

The whole process is about ten or so. For the ancestor of the palm, the long and endless ten-odd breath made him feel more tortured, his body trembling more and more, just when his own anxiety and despair seemed unable to control, he finally listened When it came to him, there was a voice of hope like a natural sound.


With the reverberation of the sound, the light beam in front of it suddenly changed, and finally turned into a mark with the meaning of Dao Xing, immediately imprinted on the palm of the palm of the ancestor!

Since then, all his thoughts, all life and death are in the hands of Wang Baole, and the implication of the meaning of Daoxing makes this mark recognized by the law of the starry sky. Unless the same Daoxing people can suppress Wang Baole, they can be forcibly erased. Otherwise... eternal existence! -

Is the delay so serious...

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