A World Worth Protecting

Chapter 997: Seal remains!

This visit did not last long. Finally, in the personal delivery of the Captain, Wang Baole left the Captain’s mansion. At this moment, it was late at night, looking at the bright moon in the sky, feeling the breeze blowing on the face, Wang Baole walking on the street, The look is a little complicated.

He is not the only one on the street, and sometimes he can see three or two passers-by walking in front of him, but all the passers-by seem to see Wang Baole in his eyes, which makes his existence very abrupt at the same time And, like his mood faintly, he has some low meaning.

He thought of Zhao Yameng and Zhou Xiaoya.

From the head of the parliament, he had learned that Li Waner was missing. The other party did not participate in the Dark Swallow Project due to some accidents. This incident made Li Waner very self-blamed and even more unwilling, so... he was able to access some federal secrets She went to some ruins on earth.

Eventually, she disappeared, with no news.

After knowing all of this, Wang Baole recalled scenes of the land where the stars fell, and he has increasingly confirmed his speculation that the figure of the masked woman in his mind has completely overlapped with Li Waner's familiar body.

"Why didn't she tell me? Was there anything unspeakable or unwilling to say?" Wang Baole shook his head and pressed down the thoughts in his heart. He felt that no matter what, the starry sky would naturally meet in the future. After thinking about it, Wang Baole still told the other party about Li Wan'er.

At the same time, from the MP, Wang Baole also knew that in the Dark Swallows Plan, it was not just Confucius who did not return, but also Li Wuchen, who had not returned yet.

However, like Confucius, the fire of life did not extinguish, so simple judgments should not have caused too many accidents of life and death. Although Wang Baole felt a little emotional, he understood that since embarking on this path of cultivation, he can only bless each other.

"As for those relics..." Wang Baole's eyes narrowed. This matter was a hidden danger after all. The relationship between the Moon Star Sect and the Earth was uncertain, but in any case, the other party's power was magnificent, and it was very fragile compared with the current Federation. As a result, there is a strong inequality between the two parties.

And this unequal, so that the Federation does not have any initiative.

"In this case... It's better to seal those relics!" Wang Baole's eyes revealed a fine awn, and then he slowly closed his eyes, his consciousness spread out, covering the entire earth, searching for all the relics.

With the spread of his consciousness, everything on the earth was clear in his mind in an instant. He saw the thousands of lights, which came from a city, and countless sentient beings at this instant, the joys and sorrows occurred.

The appearance of sentient beings in an instant represented a different life, and it gave Wang Baole a deep feeling, which caused ripples in his mind, and then he saw the endless wasteland, which was once a gathering place for beasts, and now it is basically invisible. Too many fierce beasts.

Even if there are still others, they have gradually changed their habits under the suppression of these years and become harmless, because only in this way can they have room for survival.

In addition, Wang Baole also saw the vast sea and the mysterious seabed. At the same time, the huge sea beasts on the bottom of the sea were also swept by Wang Baole's consciousness at this moment, and he shivered.

"There is no secret." Wang Baole murmured, seeing the aura that was slowly growing throughout the earth.

Although these auras are weak, they can continue to radiate. Since the spirit era, the auras of the earth no longer all come from the fragments of bronze ancient swords, but they have slowly condensed themselves in the continuous change of the environment.

It is conceivable that even without external help, I am afraid that after thousands of thousands of years, the environment of the earth will become stronger.

Looking at all this, nine areas finally emerged in Wang Baole's mind!

There are nine ruins!

These nine ruins are distributed on the earth, and the distance between them seems to be irregular. However, in the overall sense of Wang Baole, he faintly saw the traces of the prohibition of the array.

In particular, there are three places in it...Wang Baole didn't see any record in the secret records of the Federation, that is to say, these three sites...Before this, the Federation did not notice!

And they are located deep in the seabed.

At the same time, with Wang Baole's current cultivation practice, he did not see any special fluctuations in these nine ruins. Everything seems to be no different from the ruins.

But it seems that there is no trace of anomalies. Since the Lingyuan period, there have been too many intruders missing.

"Yuexingzong...is it an enemy or a friend?" Wang Baole narrowed his eyes, stepped forward, and disappeared on the street. When he appeared, he was outside the first ruin!

This ruin is buried deep in the ground, above it is a mountain range, where the fierce beasts once gathered. When Wang Baole appeared, it was all desolate. Although the mountain peaks were blue, but it was hard to hide the denseness here. Breath of death.

Obviously, a long time ago, there was a war between fierce beasts and monks, and the entrance to that ruin was a mountain stream. Although most of it collapsed, it was still passable, and it still existed around the entrance. The power of the formation, just a glance, Wang Baole immediately recognized that this formation came from the Taoist Temple, on which there was the unique looming mist of the Taoist Temple.

"Is the Taishang elder the original seal..." Wang Baole shook his body, ignoring the array and stepped into the mountain stream, galloping all the way until reaching the inside of the ruin. The place was empty, only on the ground at the end, there was an obvious Traces of ancient formations destroyed.

This array seems to have existed for a long time. There are even some signs of weathering on the ground. Taking Wang Baole's cultivation as an example, it can be seen at a glance that the role of this array is to transmit, and the scope of coverage is enough to cover the entire ruin. It seems to be destroyed, but in fact it still has power, but the scope is reduced.

After gazing at this array and memorizing its structure firmly, Wang Baole's eyes flashed, and the nine ancient stars behind him turned into stars, and at the same time, his right hand was raised and he pressed slightly towards the array.

Under this press, the earth suddenly trembles, and the formation is also in this tremor. There are cracks on it. These cracks are increasing. Finally, in a roar, the entire formation is torn apart by invisible big hands. , Directly translated into four.

A large amount of aura even visible to the naked eye rises from the broken place, spreads vigorously towards the surroundings, and finally covers all directions, and merges into the world.

At this point, the power of this formation is considered to be completely expelled!

After checking again here, and confirming that there are no omissions, Wang Baole turned and left, went to the second, third, and sixth places!

The following five relics are distributed in different regions of the earth, some exist in rivers and rivers, some exist deep in the ground, and others are in a pristine rainforest. They also have different appearances and exist in rivers and rivers. It is a statue that doesn’t look big, but it actually contains magical powers, and its majesty is like a small world of stone cattle.

Deep in the ground is a dungeon, and in the original rainforest is an altar dedicated to unknown gods.

These relics, without exception, are in the records of the Federation, so there are traces of seals, but in Wang Baole's view, these seals are not perfect, so as he passed by, he formed the formation of these five ruins, All torn.

But to his regret, these five ruins seemed mysterious, but he didn't see any clues in it. It seemed that everything collapsed on the moment the ruins were opened.

In the end, Wang Baole set his sights on the depths of the seabed, and the three sites that were not recorded by the Federation and were not even noticed by humans!

They are... a huge rotten whale with tens of thousands of feet, and half of the body is buried by the mud on the bottom of the sea. The exposed part diffuses the dead air and affects the surrounding sea area, making it dark.

The other is a shattered temple that is covered with seaweed and seems to be changing under the might of the changing world!

In front of the temple, there is a statue of a monk, whose face is blurred, but the stone sword on his back still exudes a strong breath, causing all the marine life close to it for countless years to accumulate in a circle of decaying bones.

The last place is a mountain!

There is a stone gate underneath the mountain, with a rune engraved on the gate. This rune contains a strange power, which allows all practitioners who see it to instantly see the meaning of the rune in their minds.

The rune means...


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