.” I don’t care , you help me find Teacher Qin , or I won’t go to school . ”

.” Nonsense , is the book for me to read ?”

.” Apart from Teacher Qin , no one else can teach me . ”


.Zhao Ya has a headache .

.Open the door .

.Zhao Lingying’s originally wrinkled face immediately showed a cute smile .

.” Mom , what about Teacher Qin ?”

.Zhao Ya smiled bitterly and said , ” Let’s go . ”

.When Zhao Lingying heard the words , she instantly burst into tears , looked at her father , and said angrily , ” It’s all your fault . ”

.Su Wenchen was even more angry when his daughter said this :

.” Do you really think others are here to teach you ? Don’t know anything ?”

.” Isn’t it a make -up class ?” Zhao Lingying stuck her waist .

.” See for yourself !”

.Su Wenchen threw out the phone to the two of them , and said, ” The others are here for your sister , what do you know, little girl with yellow hair ?”

.Both mothers and daughters stayed together .

.I took over the phone and looked at it . It was the video of Qin Ye and Su Lingyun singing together .

.Zhao Ya was stunned , not because she was surprised to see the two singing together , but because her daughter really went to that variety show .

.On the contrary, Zhao Lingying pouted and said :

.” Singing a song , what’s all the fuss about , my sister doesn’t even know that Teacher Qin is making up lessons for me !”

.The husband and wife were stunned at the same time , then turned to look at Zhao Lingying .

.They think this little girl must know something !

.” Why ?”

.Zhao Lingying was seen a little hairy .

.” Tell me everything you know . ”

.” I went to study . ”

.” Don’t go . ”

.After all, Zhao Lingying was still young , so she couldn’t stand her parents’ union , so she had to tell it all together .

.During this period of time , she has been on both sides of the fire , and she knows some news about the two people well .

.After meeting the timeline , Su Wenchen suddenly realized that he might have misunderstood Qin Ye .

.It’s all a coincidence , maybe a fateful coincidence .

.His daughter and Qin Ye have a lot in common , and it is normal for the two to have a good relationship in that variety show .

.” Now I know you’re wrong !” Zhao Lingying hummed .

.” Neither big nor small . ”

.Su Wenchen glared at her and said stubbornly :

.” Even if he’s not here for Yun’er , my family doesn’t welcome him . ”

.Of course Zhao Ya knew that Su Wenchen was being stubborn .

.” Actually , Yun’er also said that she wants to promote opera after she becomes famous . Sometimes you shouldn’t be too rigid . During this time, getting along with Xiao Qin , the entertainment industry is not so bad now . ”

.” Yes , Mr. Qin told me before that he went to the audition for his graduation thesis . How to inherit classical literature in modern times? All the songs he wrote are like this. During this period of time, ancient poems have become popular on the Internet . ”

.Zhao Lingying helped .

.But she didn’t know that Qin Ye was annoyed by her questioning and perfunctory .

.This made the two of them froze again .

.” It seems to be the case. The songs written by Xiao Qin are very meaningful and literary . ”

.Zhao Ya came back to her senses .

.But in my heart, I was surprised , one was to promote opera and the other was to show classical literature .

.Both entered the same circle with nearly the same purpose .

.Su Wenchen was speechless for a moment , but it was impossible for him to have a good impression of Qin Ye .

.At most, it is not disgusting , and sorry for misunderstanding others .


.Qin Ye prepared the ingredients when he got home .

.Today .

.He’s going to welcome some old friends to this cottage .

.Several roommates made an appointment to meet here today .

.At this time .

.The phone rang and it was Su Lingyun .

.This made Qin Ye a little surprised . Although the two exchanged numbers , they were connected with prestige .

.” Hey , Lingyun , what ? Miss me ?”

.Qin Ye smiled .

.” Qin Ye , can you chat with me ?”

.This made Qin Ye stunned for a moment . Su Lingyun used to call him classmate Qin Ye , but this time it was a bit strange to call him by his first name .

.” Of course , is there something wrong ?” Qin Ye asked with concern .

.” It’s okay , I just wanted to chat with you all of a sudden . ”

.Qin Ye didn’t take the other party’s words seriously .

.” Is there something bothering me ? It just so happened that some of my classmates came to see me today . Why don’t you come over? There is nothing that can’t be solved by one meal . If there is , then two meals . ”

? Pfft ? !

.Su Lingyun, who was still a little lost, laughed . Listening to Qin Ye’s voice , she felt much less lost in the quarrel with her father .

.But to meet Qin Ye’s roommate ? She was a little nervous .

.” What ? Do n’t want to ?” Qin Ye smiled .

.” No , I’ll come over later . ”

.Su Lingyun made up her mind .


.evening .

.Qin Ye and Su Lingyun were cooking with aprons around them. Qin Ye, who had done it by himself, had to be the first to do it .

.” I can’t see , you can still cook ? I thought you didn’t eat fireworks !” Qin Ye teased .

.Su Lingyun said with a hint of arrogance :

.” When I was studying , my parents were not at home , so I cooked for my sister . ”

.” You still have a younger sister ?” Qin Ye smiled .

.” Well , still in high school , my sister is naughty . ”

.Su Lingyun chatted and laughed with Qin Ye .

.Whether she came to tell Qin Ye about her own affairs , Qin Ye didn’t ask much .

.She didn’t care too much , which made her feel very comfortable and her mood was much brighter .

.At this time .

.The doorbell rang .

.” They should be here , I’ll open the door . ”

.” Well , go get busy, I’ll wrap it up here . ” Su Lingyun smiled .

.The door opens .

.Three boys and one girl .

.Wu Hao was the first to give Qin Ye a bear hug .

.” Brother Ye is awesome , I want to hug Brother Ye’s thigh tightly . ”

.” Go away , I’m not interested in men . ” Qin Ye said with disgust .

.” Haha , it ‘s so fragrant . Such a fragrant smell must not be made of leaves . You can smell it as soon as you smell it . ”

.Li Longju joked .

.” Nonsense , there are still voices in the kitchen , still need to smell ? Let me see who is an old friend ?”

.Lin Hu joked .

.He is now working in Modu TV , but it is not the same place as Qin Ye , and there are not many opportunities for the two to meet .

.A group of people came to the kitchen with curiosity .

.It turns out that Su Lingyun, who is graceful and tall , with a beautiful face, is flipping the kitchen utensils !

.Several people froze in place for a moment !

.” Damn it ! Isn’t this Goddess Su ? Ye Zi , you are awesome ! When did you get together ?” Lin Hu said loudly .

.When Su Lingyun heard the words , her little hand shook , and a blush appeared on her face .

.Turning his head , he finally let a few LSPs see the pretty face that turned all sentient beings upside down , with shy brows .

.” Hello . ”

.Su Lingyun tried her best to show a generous smile .

.Li Longju looked at Qin Ye with an ambiguous look on his face , and felt that Qin Ye’s supernatural powers had subdued such a stunning beauty .

.Looking at his girlfriend again , she is also a class flower , but compared with Su Lingyun , she has lost more than one grade .

.” This is sister-in-law , I’m glad to meet you , I’m your fan now !”

.Li Longju laughed .

.When Su Lingyun heard this , her face turned redder and more charming !

Chapter 4 _ Factions scuffle ! All crazy ! ? Fifth more ?

.night .

.A group of people gathered around the rectangular dining table , with Qin Ye and Su Lingyun sitting on the main seat .

.Li Longju is still in charge of the atmosphere . Just after setting the meal , he directly holds the wine glass :

.” Come on , let’s honor our master with this first cup . ”

.” Cheers !”

.Everyone drank all the wine and drinks in the cups .

.Several people chatted while eating and drinking .

.Ye Ye , why didn’t I see you so arrogant when I was studying ? Flying out of school ? Do you know how I felt when I heard your ” Youth Chinese Story ” ?

.” That’s right , now that Ye can throw out a little bit of information at random , it can make the news I write make headlines . This influence is really comparable to the king of heaven . ”

.” It’s said that the eighteen changes of the female university , you can change more than a woman . ”

.A roommate chatted about how they felt during this time .

.Qin Ye didn’t say much , just casually said a few words .

.Instead , Su Lingyun became curious and said :

.” Why isn’t Qin Ye like this at school now ?”

.Everyone was stunned .

.Li Longju smiled and said :

.” Sister- in-law , let me tell you , Ye Ye is very honest at school and the only person in our dormitory who studies hard . ”

.Su Lingyun blushed when she heard [ sister- in-law ] . It was the first time she heard someone call herself that when she was so old .

.I don’t know why , but it’s not disgusting , but a little sweet .

.” That’s right , sister- in-law , let me tell you the truth , Ye Zi didn’t even have a girlfriend in college , so in the future, when it comes to the issue of men and women , he will not do well because he doesn’t understand it. Don’t think about it . ”

.Lin Hu drank a few glasses of wine and spoke boldly .

.” Eat your meal . ”

.Qin Ye glared at the open-mouthed guy .

.Su Lingyun’s face is shy , but her heart has captured the key information , Qin Ye has never talked about his girlfriend .

.Isn’t that the same as yourself ?

.She also seldom spoke , so she just watched Jingjing and several good brothers chatting .

.Occasionally speaking of Qin Ye , she listened carefully , and from time to time she showed a silver bell-like laughter .

.Really like the hostess of this house .

.One person is full of food and drink .

.” Go chat on the sand, I’ll leave it here . ” Su Lingyun smiled .

.” I’ll help too !”

.Li Longju’s girlfriend Xiaomei took the initiative .

.The two women knew each other at this dinner table .

.Qin Ye nodded , and then took a few people who had been drinking too much to sit on the sand in the living room , and poured them some tea .

.” Ye Ye , I really envy you . You have reached the pinnacle of life . When I saw my sister-in-law on TV , I didn’t expect to be so virtuous . ”

.Lin Hu said with envy .

.Qin Ye didn’t refute their title either .

.” By the way , you just happened to be here. Accompany me to buy a car these days , otherwise it will be troublesome to wear a mask every time I go out . ”

.Speaking of the car, Li Longju became interested : ” What price are you going to prepare ?”

.” One million , I don’t have a lot of money . ”

.” It’s awesome , I’ve only driven my old man for more than a million. It’s really promising . I’ll be called Brother Ye in the future . ”

.Li Longju gave a thumbs up and ridiculed .

.” Then you have to flatter me . ” Qin Ye smiled .

.” Look what you can do !”

.The two talked about what happened in the car .

.At this time , Wu Hao, who was using his laptop to handle official business, screamed .

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