Li Zhe watched the live broadcast at this time , and his eyes were even more dull !

Maybe he should be sitting in our mentor seat !

At this time .

Qin Ye on the stage put down his drumsticks and picked up the microphone !

Just a simple action detonated the network !

The most anticipated thing of all !

Here he is !

Chapter 7 Detonate the whole network ! Epoch-making song !

Looking forward to it !

Qin Ye’s explosive rap is coming !

Scared , there are several rounds of life , the arena is waiting . ”

Life and death win something , sneer . ”

The world is advanced , so what about the first .

” Stop fighting , my generation is virtuous . ” The moment Qin Ye opened his mouth , the promotional video on the big screen suddenly accelerated !

All kinds of explosive fighting scenes appear in the whole promotional film, adding a momentum ah ah ah ah !

The audience is boiling !

It turned out to be rap !

The type of music that no one thought of !

But it detonated the whole scene !

” Another rap song , man ! Is the spring of rap finally here ?

Wang Jiangang stared blankly at the screen !

Just this beginning has already been blown up. There is no doubt that this is another national style rap song .

More people can’t believe it. One reason is that this national style rap is too hot , even hotter than ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” !

It’s because the traditional king of kung fu would even abandon the partners who have worked together for more than 20 years .

I chose a rap as my theme song !

How much?hua is needed , can?conquer the king of kung fu ?

Thinking of the previous auditory feast , they were relieved. Is there anything more suitable than this ?

The explosion song is still ringing my fists and kicks .

But no matter what , only a false name is added .

lakes are unpredictable , who is the strongest . ”

Who competes for the qualification to unify the martial arts . ”

Some caring people pay attention to the rhyme aspect !

Just like the previous ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” , when the four tones were removed , they had a feeling of scalp numbness !

Do you really have to take out the four-voice rap to get ahead ? However , how do ordinary singers learn it ?

The first person to rap [ Killer ] sighed .

His heart at this time was like someone who was dying of thirst in the desert. When he saw an oasis in front of him , the light flashed back in an instant, but when he walked over to see it, it turned out to be a mirage . The feeling of Huang Liangyi’s dream is self – evident !

However .

For ordinary people , it is not as much as they think , they only know that they are going to explode !

The whole song is extremely explosive , shaking their hearts all the time !

Exciting to not be able to !

Unparalleled !

At this moment , Qin Ye’s domineering expression became delicate and soft. He pushed his right hand away !

A voice that made everyone’s scalp numb !

a small town , the years pass by.

Clear courage .

Washed memories .

” I remember you , live proudly . ”

All sluggish !

Shocking !

what is this ?

Drama ?

Damn , I’m numb , what kind of fairy singing is this ?

If I’m not mistaken , this is a legendary opera ! [ Sluggish?f*ck , the opera is integrated into the song ? How can this be done without any sense of disobedience !

‘s so good , it turns out that what I hate is not the opera , but the opera sung by others ! ”

Opera Flowers !

gave everyone an unprecedented shock to the original boiling scene . At this moment, it was as if the pause button was pressed by a higher creature .

Seeing such a scene , Lin Yuyan smiled wryly and shook her head !

When she heard this passage , why was it different ?

Otherwise .

How could she say that she doesn’t understand music ?

Some musicians are equally unbelievable !

Opera and pop music have always been two industries !

But in Qin Ye, it was perfectly integrated !

It sounds so good !

Why didn’t they think of it !

with the deepest shock is Su Lingyun !

When Qin Ye’s drama came to this beauty , her body trembled visibly !

Isn’t this something that I have grown up with since elementary school ?

Especially when she saw so many boiling barrages cheering Qin Ye’s drama , she couldn’t calm down !

It was her dream scene !

” Student Lu Ye actually combined opera and music ? Oh my god , how could it be like this . “? ”

Her eyes changed from dull to sharp !

It was as if a new path had opened up !

Qin Ye didn’t know that his drama had caused such a big swirl !

Still need to breathe on stage to sing !

” Expert boxing’s routines are flexible . ”

” Alive, live , live . ”

To live life is to be spent in its entirety .

this moment .

The benefits of removing the four tones are fully reflected !

The live [ second sound ] was changed here by Qin Ye into a fourth sound, which was several grades stronger than the second sound , and more than many professionals thought about it .

This song has ruined the ever-changing singing at the bottom, and it has been brought to the extreme at this moment .

Fault and weakness have never been mine .

” I-I-I-I-I-I-I- I -I-I-I .

No one can hide from us . ”

The king of kung fu in the backcourt heard this passage again , and his heart couldn’t help being excited !

this moment .

He seems to have really become Zhai Yuanjia in the story, ” I didn’t expect that someone my age would be ignited by a rap song .

Maybe this is the magic of music ?

he added .

the best theme song in his dozens of kung fu movies !

Qin Ye, who was also the most shocking, stopped singing . Some instrumentalists still maintained the melody and were still so passionate !

next second , Qin Ye raised the microphone again !

Scared , there are several rounds of life , the arena is waiting . ”

Life and death win something , sneer . ”

Soon .

The one-of-a-kind drama strikes again .

a small town , the years pass by. ” Clear Courage . ” Washed Memories .

I remember you , live proudly . ”

Ah ah ah !

Somehow !

Audiences who were originally not interested in opera Sibo are even more excited at this moment. This singing method brings them unprecedented freshness. When can operas be so amazing ?

me me me me me me me me me me me me me me . ”

No one can hide from us . ”

Qin Ye finally stopped playing !

There was thunderous applause !

Some viewers seemed to pat their hands red and swollen to show their invincible respect for Qin Ye ! Teacher Qin is invincible ! !. can also be so passionate , national style music can also be so burning , and rap can be so explosive ! And that appalling drama !

just brutal , what a fairy song this is , it really opened my eyes !

Teacher Qin made me understand that music can still be like this , and I finally believed in Goddess Lin’s words ! ”

This may be an epoch-making song !

as the audience said .

When Qin Ye first started singing opera , he was noticed by many music-related media .

This unprecedented way of singing , let them who have been in the industry for many years know that this must be a breaking news !

For a while, related news sprang up on the Internet like mushrooms after a rain. # Qin Caizi made a breakthrough again , integrating opera into songs # A song , including national style music , rap , opera # epoch-making singing method , epoch-making song ” Huo Yuanjia ” # also Coupled with the screenshots they took while watching the live broadcast, this topic has been spreading on the Internet , and more and more people have noticed !

Magic City Academy of Drama .

an office !

Professor Su , look at this news ! Some people even combined opera and songs , and the acceptance is much better than pure opera !

People screamed .

Su Wenchen was taken aback .

Opera is a drama , a song is a song , and who came up with the favored thing ? ”

He was a little angry .

He is obsessed with opera and will never allow others to tarnish this national quintessence. He hurriedly took his mobile phone and watched a short video .

This time , I was stunned that it was him again ! !

However .



That pure play style deeply stabbed him .

This Qin Ye has such a strong foundation in opera !

He was shocked !

Qin Ye ? do you know this person ? “The colleague asked suspiciously .

Su Wenchen nodded subconsciously .

Indeed , although it is not a pure opera , but without any opera skills , it is absolutely impossible to sing like him , and I don’t know which master’s disciple he is .

Colleagues give high praise !

Eh, this made Su Wenchen stunned !

Take a look at the comments below , it ‘s guaranteed to blow your mind ! ”

colleague said .

Just open the comments below , there are already more than 2 .

isn’t it ? isn’t it ? Is this still the drama I know ? How can I sleep while listening to operas like this ?

Indeed ! If you want operas like what Teacher Qin sings , I listen to them every day !

How arrogant ! Singing an opera for Lao Tzu made my blood boil , worthy of being a great talent !

You know how shocked I was when I first heard it ? The whole person is stupid , so arrogant !

Su Wenchen looked at the comments and was shocked to know .

As a professor at the Academy of Chinese Opera , of course he knows the current situation of Chinese opera, and they are still at the top of the industry ( Wang Wang’s ) !

Like some low-level opera troupes , it is difficult to even make a living. There are often videos on the Internet. A opera actor is performing on the stage , but there is no one in the audience !

That kind of bitterness , perhaps only professionals can understand but now .

These netizens clearly expressed their love for opera , and even said that they were looking forward to ” Could this Qin Ye be helping Yun’er ?”

He thought of this .

When did this song come out ? ” Su Wenchen asked .

Just now , I heard that the press conference is still going on !

Party ?

Yes , this song is the theme song of Teacher Ye Wenjie’s new movie ” Huo Yuanjia ” , and a press conference is being held now !

Su Wenchen was dumbfounded again .

He thought it was created by Qin Ye for his daughter, but he did n’t expect it to be the theme song of the King of Kung Fu movie .

” Where can I see it ?

Douyin , let’s take a look now , I believe some media will ask about relevant news .

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