It was as if he had found his sustenance in his heart .

family members thousands of miles away watching this bright moon just like me ?

This may be the best gift God has given them !

” When the moon will be there, ask Qingtian about the wine .

During the second stanza .

If there is aerial photography, it will be there .

Up and down the country , in the tall buildings composed of countless lattices .

Figures keep coming out .

them looked up at the sky , and some looked at the night view of the city .

There is confusion , relief , and self-deprecation in his expression .

In this quiet night , staying alone , looking up at the starry sky , listening to this song , my soul has been redeemed .

And this time .

The ending subtitles also started appearing on the screen everyone knew .

This is the real press , and even the host doesn’t need it !

Let it all be seen with the end of the song .

Shi valued Qin Ye and this song !

I hope that people can live together for a long time ~ Juan . ” After Qin Ye sang the last sentence .

This is the end of the whole show .

Goodbye , Teacher Qin , thank you for letting me spend such an unforgettable Mid-Autumn Festival ! ”

The adaptation was so good , listening to Teacher Qin sing , I wanted to cry but couldn’t cry . That feeling is really true .

Who is not ? Maybe this is the meaning of Mid-Autumn Festival !

who are wandering abroad can be reunited with their families !

” I wish my grandmother far away in my hometown good health and a long life !

this moment .

The single scene seems to have become a venue for netizens to vent their emotions. They all send blessings to their relatives in the distance. Is there a blessing here , is it my family ?

A girl thought naively .

It’s peaceful here though .

But Wei’s neck is fried !

#.. starts with the ancient poem again# # “Hope for a Long Life ” , or become a must-have track for the Mid -Autumn Festival # #The only person who is qualified to adapt this poem # #Music gives this ancient word its meaning in modern times # ( Wang Nuo’s )

#..?born to press the stage # There is also unprecedented boiling here !

I’m so stupid , I’ve changed it so well , what is it compared to’s ?

” It’s so beautiful . It’s up to me to fully express the emotions in the words and adapt the ancient poems. It’s up to me, the talented Qin , to do anything else !”

Haha , thank you Qin Caizi for letting me hear such a nice and interesting song !

Countless people applauded Qin Ye !

This made some previous singers who wanted to adapt this song bewildered !

They almost didn’t get sprayed to death , Qin Ye was praised by the whole Internet as soon as he came !

This double standard … No , this gap !

Forget it , this style is not suitable for me , I can’t force it , and I won’t rub it in the future !

A singer comforts himself at home .

madman who even killed the original program because of the adaptation of ” Shui Tiao Song Head ” !

What’s the matter ?

With all the words in front of him , Qin Ye of others is the finale, but he is so miserable !

He didn’t know that someone was worse than him .

That is the little fresh meat that is on the show on !

He passed a song ” Water Melody Song Head ” , and the number of micro-neck fans soared by hundreds of thousands, but … all of them came to spray himself !

Seeing Qin Ye singing the same lyrics as himself , he began to doubt his life.

Chapter 7 Two official articles , establishing the status of the rivers and lakes !

Ask for full order )

Magic TV .

Because of the phenomenal popularity of ” Musicians for All ” .

The skewers prepared by many mentors and players were also arranged at the end .

They just finished taking off their makeup and looked at the reports on the Internet about Qin Ye and ” Hope for a Longer Life ” , and they were also stunned .

Especially when they were removing their makeup and listening to that song .

I really can’t wait to push the staff away , it’s amazing to go back to reunite with my family !

really want to ask Qin Ye what it’s like to be on the Yangshi press stage !

Li Zhe said with emotion .

To be honest , he has become Qin Ye’s big fanboy !

Xu Xiaoyun smiled and joked : Isn’t this easy ? Let our goddess Su know the teacher if she asks .

Su Lingyun’s face was slightly red when she was amused .

Hahaha , I really envy you , mentor Feng Rong , or you have a vision , this disciple is a little too good . ”

Li Zhe was a little embarrassed .

At first .

They all fell in love with Qin Ye , but their enthusiasm as a mentor prevented them from winning over each other too much .

contrary, Feng Rong was always concerned about Qin Ye .

Take him to the event !

By the time they want to act , it’s too late !

Now .

the director let Qin Ye sit on the tutor’s seat , there must be not many people who have an opinion, but Feng Rong is very proud , and said , ” I am most proud of this in my life , probably this is the thing . ”

She turned to Su Lingyun again and said : Lingyun , Qin Ye asked me to take you back by the way , let’s go ! See you in the finals , everyone .

Said that she left with Su Lingyun under the envious eyes of everyone .

At that time , if it wasn’t for us not letting Feng Rong steal Lingyun , it is estimated that these two people are in a team now !

Xu Xiaoyun said helplessly .

Li Zhe nodded lightly and asked , ” However , although Su Lingyun is also very good , she still can’t face Qin Ye . Did you prepare any secret weapon for her this time ? ”

Xu Xiaoyun pushed her hand .

What kind of weapons do you think would be useful ? ”

Well, Li Zhe was overwhelmed by this question .

He had an illusion , let alone Su Lingyun , he might not be able to beat Qin Ye himself .

said that , it would be nice if Ling Yun had Qin Ye’s talent , at least that would be a little suspenseful . ”

Moreover , with her conditions , she really has Qin Ye’s talent , and she will definitely be a generation of queens in the future !

Xu Xiaoyun was helpless .

As netizens said , their goal is to fight . The national runner -up Li Zhe thought thoughtfully and said , ” She may not have the same talent as Qin Ye !

hmm ?

Xu Xiaoyun raised her eyebrows and picked a good guy !

Why didn’t she think of it !

At the gate of the community , Su Lingyun got off the bus .

Mr. Feng Rong , I went up , thank you .

Feng Rong waved her hand , showing a kind smile and said no thanks , just call me teacher just like Qin Ye , we are all family , Coco .

Su Lingyun smiled softly and nodded !

back home .

Her phone rang , and it was her mother who called .



Ma Lingyun , are you really not coming back for Mid-Autumn Festival ? How can I feel at ease when I live outside alone ? Don’t worry , when you come back, I promise that your father will not dare to say anything to you ! ”

The mother’s concerned voice on the phone made Su Lingyun condense .

After struggling for a few seconds , she whispered to her mother , I won’t be back this Mid -Autumn Festival , I will definitely come back next year to accompany you , don’t worry , there are classmates and me !

the phone, Zhao Ya wanted to persuade him to say something , but after thinking about it , she sighed .

Well , you have also grown up , you must protect yourself outside , you know ? ”

Mmm , Mom , I’m fine .

The two hung up the phone .

Su Lingyun sighed , looked at the missing bright moon in the sky , picked up the phone and gave Qin Ye a message of prestige .

When she learned that Qin Ye had rushed to the airport , the corners of her mouth curled slightly .

With brisk steps , I went to the kitchen to get busy on the other side .

what ? Will she come back ?

Su Wenchen said a little nervously .

Zhao Ya glanced at him and said , ” It’s not because of you , your daughter is so old , why are you interfering with her choice ? ”

Su Wenchen froze .

the past , he had to refute a few words , but for some reason he couldn’t refute it now .

, who is different from his star image , now he really sees people , not just the circle .

I also feel a little worried and miss my daughter .

Don’t worry , Mom and Dad , my sister is doing well outside , I think your worries are unnecessary .

Zhao Lingying said with a smile .

She is not worried about Su Lingyun . Whoever dares to bully her sister will either reunite with her family or greet each other on the phone. The two news appeared on this special day, which set off the whole network first .

It is the article of the public opinion network , the most authoritative official media in this country. The Mid-Autumn Festival night is originally a day for family reunion. It is divided into platforms and various figures . There is no bottom line for traffic . It arbitrarily adapts and wastes the country’s cultural heritage , and consumes the feelings of the public. , This kind of behavior should not be advocated , I hope relevant units and individuals will take a lesson #.#.?#Du Xingzhu . ”

This news is like a bomb , detonating the network .

before .

Although everyone scolded Aiyi and Du Xing for destroying classics , they never thought that this farce would be officially named and everyone knew what it meant !

This is playing a big game this time . For traffic , I am afraid that it will suffer heavy losses . ” I rub it, I also bought the stock of , what should I do ? Trembling !

feel sorry for the brother upstairs , and I can only wait to die . The tragedy cited by a song is really untouchable .

What’s so special , this time Du Xing is half cool , haha , I’m calling you eyeballs , now you’re suffering !

he played with other ancient poems , it would be fine , but this one was so significant that I wanted to vomit it at the time , it really ruined the three views .

Netizens were outraged . (acbg)

While some singers who were brushed off by TV stations were shocked , they were also a little fortunate !

of Guangdong Satellite TV for brushing my adaptations down , otherwise , this time, it will be me who is cold , or the leaders of the TV station have the vision. A singer patted his chest !

Originally .

He felt a little regretful that he didn’t get traffic this time !

It is only now that this traffic is indeed traffic , but it is also traffic with explosive packs !

You can set yourself on fire at any time !

He knew that the TV station must have also anticipated this , and then gave up traffic and brushed these programs !

How to say that others are big TV stations , the vision is the high point !

And and his Mid-Autumn Festival party crew passed the Wei Neck Dao Ling on the same day !

” We are deeply sorry for this , and sincerely accept the criticism from the official media and the public , and will strengthen the program review in the future . … The relevant person in charge has been suspended pending investigation , and will give a satisfactory explanation to all netizens who have been hurt.

Next .

Du Xingrui also wrote immediately , reflected on his behavior , and apologized

Some people who eat phoenix are speechless !

Because one song has so many arches in it , it can be regarded as creating the history of Chinese music !

Although this Du Xingrui is not completely cool , it is necessary to fold the commercial value in half !

The price is a bit painful !

This also sounded the alarm for other artists !

to touch these things

At the same time .

They also realized how difficult it was for Qin Ye to go all the way to the present.

this guy . ? . Most edited !

And .

This time it seems to be an adaptation of ” Water Melody Song Head ” … .

However .

Another news soon after , moving again ! : “The Mid-Autumn Festival is full of flowers and the moon is full of flowers . On this special day, a talented person from Binhai University adapted a song ” Hope for a Long Life ” , which warmed the whole country . In this traditional festival , he presented a different kind of gift to the people of the whole country. Gift ! #.?#Suye ! ”

Another bomb !

The whole country is boiling !

There is no more than an hour between the two articles . also shared the song , which represents the recognition of such an adaptation

” I’m going , have the official fathers discussed it ? One sings the red face and the other sings the white face !

If I remember correctly , this is the second time that Mr. Qin has been praised . The last time was ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” , which is also very meaningful !

Haha , I laughed so hard , the same words , one goes to hell , the other goes to heaven , why is the gap so big ?

Is it something like this in the future , it’s just that my teacher Qin’s patent is stuck. At present , it is like this . If other singers want to touch it, they have to consider whether the price can be afforded . They all underestimate the status of this song in everyone’s heart It’s okay to change , unless you have the talent of a talented Qin , otherwise you are looking for a spray !

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