In just the past day , I have made such a breakthrough .

To know .

There are only so many people who listen to songs every day , and as they increase , other platforms naturally decrease !

With such influence , can you really break the Chinese record ?

He thought of a bet with Qin Ye .

He had the illusion that he didn’t even believe it, and it was the early morning of the same day .

Several news shocked the whole network .

#PenguinMusic daily active users exceeded 200 million for the first time # The total number of APP downloads on the three major platforms of Penguin exceeds 10,000 in a single day # ( Explain the numbers , daily active users are the number of people who listen to songs every day , for example , 400 million users , it may be 200 million daily active users , it may be 300 million , and the daily active life has skyrocketed by tens of millions , which does not mean that there are tens of millions of users , but it means that there are so many people listening to the song at Penguin that day . )

#Qin Caizi Music’s influence # #Penguin Group may form a monopoly on music #Time The whole network drama shocks !

Damn , Mr. Qin alone can bring a qualitative leap to such a large group of Penguins . “!

” Eight or nine of the top ten songs on major platforms were from Teacher Qin . Are you kidding me?”

Haha , anyway, I downloaded Kugou in order to listen to Qin Caizi’s song from the Internet cloud I used before . ”

Are penguins trying to rule the world ? ”

Whoever wins Teacher Qin wins the world !

Fans are no doubt excited !

And some singers are stunned !

If they join a new platform , let alone penguins , it would be great if a small platform can drive millions of daily activities !

In Penguin , even a bubble can’t be lifted .

And Qin Ye , it is unimaginable that he can bring such a big profit to the king penguin !

Well , is this to unify the music world ?

Li Zhe, the king of heaven, was also surprised .

He didn’t remember what it was like when he was just bought out by Penguin .

Anyway, it is not on the hot search !

In contrast to other platforms .

One by one was dumbfounded .

users haven’t decreased much , but this is only the second day !

If things go on like this , your users will definitely be slowly eroded by penguins. The entire music circle will be turbulent !

Major platforms urgently held a video conference in the early morning, Mr. Zheng , what should we do now ?

They are network cloud platforms .

the largest music platform besides Penguin Music .

before .

contacted Qin Ye , but they also know that they ca n’t compete with each other regardless of financial resources or user traffic .

It’s just that they didn’t expect Qin Ye to have such a big influence . We should have set a sky-high price in the first place !

They are a little sorry !

But it can’t be blamed on them , because they have already set a sky-high price !

just .

Now it seems that the price that was offered at that time was still too low !

Get ready to sue the Penguin Music Monopoly ! ”

Mr. Zheng’s face was serious !

the next day .

This news is on the hot search !

#Multiple music platforms are preparing to sue PenguinMusicMonopoly # Countless people are stunned to see this news !

These music platforms and Penguin Music have not been entangled in copyright for a day or two !

Didn’t you just sue last year ?

under pressure .

Penguin Music also shared some music copyrights because Penguin controlled % of the copyright at that time !

And this time .

It was because Qin Ye, the penguin alone, couldn’t stop sneering .

Knowing these platforms is panic !

Mr. Liang , what should we do ?

Respond , what can I do ? “” The copyright ?

It really doesn’t work , let them share some copyrights , but Qin Ye didn’t discuss it here . How could he monopolize more than ten songs ? Tian Da’s joke, Mr. Liang certainly knew what the other party wanted, but he wanted to use this method to make himself dream of sharing Qin Ye’s copyright ! !

Even if the copyright of some small singers is shared , it is absolutely impossible to touch Qin Ye’s copyright !

that he has filed a lawsuit with these platforms . He has experience !

Just when the major platforms are surging .

Qin Ye lived very peacefully .

The relationship with Su Lingyun has also grown by leaps and bounds .

this day .

The two were lying on the sand watching TV with each other .

At this time .

A phone call came in .

It was [ Killer ] calling !

” Hello , Master Killer . ”

Qin Ye answered the phone .

‘ ” Mr. Suo , can you come next time ?”

There was an anxious voice over there .

Qin Ye avoided it .

He had forgotten about it !

” Okay , I’ll make the song today , and then I’ll give it to you . You can arrange the rest . ”

” Okay , no problem , excuse me . ”

little things . ” Qin Ye smiled .

The two hung up the phone .

you going out again ?

Su Lingyun’s tone was attached .

She found that since she established a relationship with Qin Ye , she became more and more dependent on Qin Ye .

Can’t wait to get tired of being together all the time .

Yes , do a song and come back later .

Su Lingyun nodded , looking forward to it again , and said , can I go to that show too ?

Qin Ye smiled and said : go if you want, but maybe you have to stay in the audience with Su Lingyun smiling .



Well , as long as I can go to the scene and listen to you sing, that’s fine . ”

Well , I’ll go first .

Be careful on the road !

the other side .

The killer just finished tutoring a few little singers .

Several tutors gathered together. Qin Ye is sure when to come ?

He said that the next issue can be played , and the song that will be sung later will give me a killer push .

Can a song really save us ? If he is on a regular basis, I think it is possible .

The companion was a little skeptical .

killer is a little helpless , and his demands should not be too high . It’s not bad to hear him say that he’s been very busy recently . How it goes , we can only see the effect !

Can’t even 80 million make him work more ? If someone gave me 80 million , I would definitely work hard .

” Who knows , maybe we don’t understand the world of geniuses .

The killer frowned .

Don’t say anything useless , without him , we would have been cold long ago , and the betting contract could not be completed . If there is a miracle , you can still share some money .

, several companions could only smile and shake their heads .

Unexpectedly , his own circle actually needs an outsider to save him !

The killer also sighed .

He begged Qin Ye , but he was just holding a trace of fantasy and unwillingness .

Actually .

He also knew that it was too difficult , unless Qin Ye would sing regularly as his companion said .

And every song exploded , but Qin Ye obviously didn’t want to do it !

Maybe he has something more important ?

After waiting for hours like this , Qin Ye finally gave him prestige and a few people were overjoyed .

Listen , let’s see what’s the difference between. and us ?

in their expectation . ( Wang Nuo’s )

The killer opened the music file .

Music plays .

They frowned .

This is too low level !

People murmured .

Honestly .

as they are concerned , this song is already very good, but who is Qin Ye ?

The previous ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” and ” Huo Yuanjia ” caused such a big sensation !

In comparison , this song is more than a notch inferior .

they expect is Qin Ye to create a miracle , not a perfunctory song that is not bad for them !

However .

Gradually , their brows began to wrinkle !

I felt that my blood flow was slowly increasing, and then several people stared at the same time !

Shocked !

Scalp numb !

hiss .

The killer took a deep breath !

Damn , someone actually wrote songs like this ?

People exclaimed !

No way .

This song has exceeded his imagination. There has never been such a song in the Chinese music scene, no one wants to write , no one dares to write it !

No one can write ! ! Crazy !

So extravagant !

Compared to this song , what are they singing about ?

This Ohua , is it really against the sky ? ”

The killer murmured .

Perhaps , when this song comes out , the music world will explode ! ”

He was shocked !

It’s not that the rap circle is going to explode !

But the whole music world is going to explode !

Chapter 7 _ A song that does the same thing !

” Rap Listen to Me ” was recorded in Yuhang |.

the same day .

Qin Ye drove by himself and came to the scene with Su Lingyun .

The killer and other mentors greeted him .

” Mr. Qin , Su , it ‘s been hard work coming from afar , please , let me tell you the rules of today’s game first . ”

” No problem . ”

That’s it .

The two followed several mentors to the room .

Some players in the distance were a little excited .

” Six , Brother Killer is really awesome . He actually invited Caizi Qin. It seems that the ratings are guaranteed !”

” I’m still a fan of Qin Caizi. I’ll have to go to him for an autograph later . I’m excited . ”

” I just don’t know which two unlucky bastards drew him today , so I will feel distressed for a few seconds !” Room .

Qin Ye unexpectedly met Wang Jiangang .

Besides him , there were four other people Qin Ye didn’t know .

” Captain , sister- in-law , haha , we meet again . ”

Wang Jiangang couldn’t help it .

He worshipped Qin Ye by himself .

If Qin Ye hadn’t written a song for him and made him famous, he wouldn’t be eligible to appear here .

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