Life is scribbled and I am bending over . ”

History turns around , turn around and forget .

Seventh turn to dust ! ! !

Some people who haven’t figured out the situation yet , seeing the reaction at the scene , also know how awesome it is !

Looking at the demented look around him, he who wanted to shout had to shut up and some people who knew it were already numb !

This tube is not human !

However .

Qin Ye’s singing made their numb eyes widen again !

melody . Change to ” Yellow Turban Thief , please don’t make a noise . ”

Japanese grandma and water roll noodles .

Put down the knife if you want to eat .

Go to the emperor and ask for it . ” Yellow Turban thief, don’t make trouble .

Go to the emperor and ask for it .

The Eighth Revolution ! ! !

One of my guests swears !

This is so special !

He wanted to leave, it was too shocking !

” When in the world will he stop showing off like this ? I can’t take it anymore ! I’m going to shut myself off !

Some singers feel so lost !

They can see it !

Qin Ye came here to show off his skills !

What dazzled this time was his perverted musical talent and singing skills !

And the audience was already enthusiastic .

Under their complex eyes .

Qin Ye stopped showing off his skills and sang back to the previous chorus , ” Monsters disturb the order of the world .

At this time .

The melody becomes a ringtone for incoming calls .

Qin Ye made a phone call on the stage !

Hey , I’m singing . ”

Uh, chicken chop rice , eh, add an egg. Bye . ”

Some people want to laugh , but don’t dare to laugh out loud. Does this beat us to death , and then relax a little ?

A rapper slumped .

He can’t laugh at all !

However .

The dimensionality reduction strike strikes again !

” There is a knife in the mouth, and the song is broken .

With a knife in his mouth , he breaks the song .

” Life is scribbled and I’m bending over . ”

” History reincarnates , turn around and forget .

Everyone’s eyes widened again !

Isn’t this the previous paragraph ?

No teleprompter , they don’t feel the same lyrics at all !

Different singing methods were performed , but they had different feelings. They didn’t expect Qin Ye to come here after singing !

this count as the ninth turn ? ” A singer is autistic !

Han Guofeng looked at Qin Ye with a complex expression , with a humble look in his eyes. He felt ten thousand critical strikes !

I just feel that my proud musical talent is nothing in front of Qin Ye !

He can’t write such a song !

Even if he could write it , he wouldn’t want to write it !

So extravagant !

And the several mentors who have been as steady as Mount Tai all stood up and applauded after Qin Ye finished singing !

highest respect is given to the singers on the stage .

Two of the instructors directly made a kneeling gesture , gestured to the action of worship, ” I’ll kneel first , you are free !” ” Worship the great God !

Thunderous applause ensued !

Qin Caizi is arrogant , ” Damn it , how did this really make the tutor run away ?”

” Is this song really that good ?”

” Bullshit , you can’t sing your mentor to kneel . This is a song that makes history !”

” What’s the matter , I’m getting goosebumps . Although I don’t understand it very well , I think it’s awesome !”

Cheers !

Do more people feel that this song is very good !

But there is no clear concept of where it is in detail !

One by one, they looked at Qin Ye and several mentors with eager eyes !

” I’ve been here three times , and this is the first time I want to hear the song’s … Analysis …

The audience murmured .

PS: Let me tell you , in rap , Huaxia style should be written in addition to dialect songs .

As for other styles , the two beginning with ” Night ” and ” Ei ” should be able to write , but they are very late !

The popularity of this song should not be high , but it is indeed a ceiling textbook in some respects ! enter .

Chapter God is holding his hand and writing a song ! ? Seeking full order )

site .

After experiencing a burst of explosions , it finally calmed down !

Su Lingyun stared at all this .

Sure enough .

The man he likes is so excellent wherever he goes, and a few excited mentors also sit back in their place .

‘s so shocking , this song has been looping on my phone for a few days , but it’s exactly the same live as it is on my phone .

Whether singing, arranging , or composing the lyrics are top-notch , I have been doing rap all my life and I can’t write such a song . ”

The killer, the first person to rap, is not stingy with his praise .

At this time .

A mentor laughed and said, Teacher Killer , I have no objection that the lyrics are top-notch , but is this arrangement top-level ?

The audience was about to retort , but heard it .

This is obviously surprising , the only one in the Chinese music scene , I don’t think we are talking about our rap circle , and no one in the entire Chinese music scene will be able to write such a song in another 20 years !

Some fans have their mouths open !

Listening to the teacher’s ridiculously high evaluation , everyone was stunned !

good guy !

Is it so exaggerated ?

host laughed and said to several mentors , you have said so much , I think there are still many audiences who don’t know why you give such a high evaluation . “”

This immediately aroused the interest of all the audience .

mention him , even several mentors are very interested in me !

” For me, take a rest first !” The audience was stunned !

Let me tell you , maybe I have researched a little deeper than you . If there is something wrong , I hope Teacher Qin will correct it ! “The Sixty-Nine Killer looked humble .

Qin Ye smiled helplessly and said , ” Teacher Killer , everyone is just communicating with each other , no need for this .

Hahaha !

cough cough .

Then I’ll start . “The killer moistened his throat and said : First of all, you must know that almost all the songs on the market now have the melody of ABABB , or ABABC .

In order to make the audience understand better , he also sang two fire songs on the spot. Some stunned audiences suddenly realized what the hell , really , the songs of several singers I like are all this model, so this is the first time Look at the essence through the phenomenon , and know how the melody of those songs is composed .

It is almost always a main melody , plus a sub-melody , which is switched in turn to avoid audience fatigue .

And Mr. Qin Ye is terrifying , he is ABCDEFGH!

The audience was shocked !

Eight different melodies are interspersed , and there are six particularly obvious transitions , but they are matched very smoothly . This is the pinnacle of pop music arrangement technology ! The pen of God ! ”

At the beginning , thousands of horses are galloping , followed by strumming drums , hipp playing discs , and pipa interludes , which directly bring people into the song story .

Among them , Mr. Qin also joined the battle between the two armies , and the sound of the weapons colliding was called a magical work !

I believe that when Teacher Qin wrote this song , God must be holding his hand !

Everyone is stunned !

good guy !

They have come to understand !

This is the only one in the Chinese music scene !

No one has ever written a song like this !

The killer ignored this , he was already immersed in this song, and continued to say that you should know that like we write songs, we will determine a melody that runs through the whole song ! ”

” But Mr. Qin has eight melody sections , and each section only takes its essence . For pop singers , at least four songs can be made , and for us rappers , eight songs can be written . ” But you use it in In a song , I finally know why you are so popular ! ”

” Like how we felt when we first heard the song !”

” No one wants to write , no one dares to write , and no one can write in the Chinese music scene !”

” Your songs are not only extravagant in words , but also in arranging , they are extravagant to the extreme !”

” Your music is a luxury in the Chinese music scene . It ‘s an honor to hear this song !”

Super high evaluation !

Everyone understands now !

They also finally know the difference between this song and Han Guofeng !

The latter is to connect ready-made lyrics with one or two melodies and a rhyme !

This difficulty is not small !

But compared to Qin Ye’s , that is, children play the house !

Others are eight melody , eight words !

This is what no one wants to write !

With such talent , isn’t it better and more profitable to write eight melodies into four or five or more songs ?

On the other hand !

Others write songs , interspersed with two melodies , just a few arrangements !

But Qin Ye has eight melody , how many interspersed and combined ways are there ?

How difficult is it to achieve perfect results ?

Not to mention those [ special ] voices interspersed .

How many musical cells will die to write such a song ?

This is what no one dares to write !

Also no one can write !

The more people think about it, the more numb their scalps feel !

” Quan , I finally know what luxury is .

” For someone else , I have already made a few more songs to make money , but Teacher Qin merged into one . ”

” Is this the best of the best ?”

” God , the killer teacher is right , God is holding the hand of the genius to write the song !”

The place is boiling !

Qin Ye was a little embarrassed to be praised , and said with a smile :

” Actually, it’s not that difficult , just think of the melody and just fill in the lyrics.

Everyone was petrified on the spot !

Want eight melody ?

” I’m going , why are you still up ?”

A player complained .

At this time .

Han Guofeng, who hadn’t spoken to Qin Ye until now, stood up and said to Qin a little embarrassedly . Teacher , I have a question for you .

somewhat unnatural for him to call Qin Ye, who was not much older than his son , as his teacher .

Qin Ye smiled and said , ” Mr. Han , feel free to ask .

What does that last paragraph mean ? It was the nonsensical part of answering the phone that seemed to be afraid of Qin Ye’s misunderstanding . He quickly explained that I knew that you must have put a lot of thought into writing this song . That kind of interspersed should have your intentions !

Some singers who were hit to autism before also came to be interested !

They thought that Qin Ye was afraid that the eight melody would be too shocking , so it was funny .

Come to think of it now .

How can someone ruin the whole song because of this painstaking effort to write a song ?

Du Qing stared at the stage without blinking .

Qin Ye smiled and said , “This song is about going back to the history as a modern person , but in the end, we have to return to reality , so let history be a joke .

Everyone is Zhao .

He looked at Qin Ye with such a look of admiration !

Putting history into a joke , so free and easy , freehand , and even more romantic !

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