After the host’s introduction , Qin Ye in a hip-hop outfit appeared !

of the prelude is eye -catching .

Dream back to the Three Kingdoms period .

Qin Ye’s rap is also here !

” In those chaotic times , the imperial court was too corrupt . ”

Full of historical elements directly filled .

Many people listened with relish .

However .

More people noticed that this is a good song, yes !

But it’s too far from what the show team blows !

However .

With Qin Ye’s several key changes , all the singers avoided it !

Xiao Tianwang widened his eyes .

As a musician, he certainly understands better than ordinary people .

” There are already five melodies . In my impression, there seems to be no Chinese music scene that uses five melodies to compose a song . ”

He couldn’t even concentrate on listening to this terrifying interlude !

Various songs come to mind .

Including his own songs from a long time ago .

Finally now .

well-known songs , the three melody is very rare , and the four is even rarer !

I have a song from more than ten years ago that uses four melody .

And that song , because the melody was too complicated , didn’t catch on .

This is also one of the reasons why few people do it like Qin Ye !

But Qin Ye has five dans here !

It sounds so good !

I finally know why the show crew brags about this song so much .

Before he finished speaking , he was stunned !

Because .

The sixth melody appears !

Then there were the shocking seven and eight turns , and he suddenly stood up from the chair !

It is unbelievable that all four melodies on the screen are invincible !

And Qin Ye has eight different melodies !

If it weren’t for Ye Zhong’s favor , perhaps the Chinese music scene would never have a second song like this . ‘ he exclaimed in shock .

Immediately .

What did he think of !

If there is anyone who can surpass it , it is only Qin Ye himself ! !

, Feng Rong was also looking at the TV with a shocked expression. You make me a teacher , what a shame ! If not participating in this show , who is qualified to be your teacher in the Chinese music scene ? “”

Many singers were hit like live singers .

in their hearts .

This song can’t be beat !

The majority of netizens are obviously slow to respond. Although there are some knowledgeable and enthusiastic netizens typing analysis , the barrage is so explosive that many people don’t notice it at all .

Until the end of Qin Ye’s singing , the two tutors knelt down and worshipped until . The killer parsed out all kinds of keys !

They suddenly realized it !

Damn , I finally know why the show crew is playing this song , it ‘s so perverted .

I got goosebumps , I’m going , this is simply an invincible song !

” There is no harm if there is no comparison . Now the four-segment melody song in the discourse music world has become extinct . Teacher Qin directly has eight paragraphs . What kind of concept is this , what kind of music can you create this song ?

Next .

Qin Ye’s impassioned words also made some melon eaters shocked by eight melodies . Except for rap , there is no musical form that can control it !

These words are like a spell , are they rooted in everyone’s hearts and singing like this ?

Why did I only think that rap was very low in Qin Ye’s place, but it was so tall ?

The first invincible ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” mocked the passionate ” Huo Yuanjia ” which was a foreigner .

a time .

Countless people became interested in rap, and some rappers finally knew that Qin Ye’s intention to create this song was after the show aired .

The hot search list was slaughtered again !

#Eppic level creation ” Ranwu Spring and Autumn ” # #Refining Arrangement # # Qin Wudi’s latest masterpiece , eight melody scores Spring and Autumn ] # #Chinese music arrangement peak #Everyone understands !

The show crew didn’t brag at all !

Next .

The whole music scene is shaking !

Xiao Tianwang : “” This song is so powerful that it has eight melody , which has completely covered up all its brilliance . As for the final disc of the song , it is also ceiling-level, and the lyrics are as amazing as ever , but everyone only noticed the eight stanzas . Melody ! #Random DanceChunqiu His micro-neck also attracted a lot of heated discussion .

Only those who have listened repeatedly will find out !

Really remove the eight melody , but also the arrangement of no friends !

However .

But it was robbed of all eyes by the eight melody !

shows how awesome the eight melody is !

It really is God blocking God !

Buddha blocks and kills Buddha !

of the Demon Blocking Demon Xiao Tianwang is like detonating a gunpowder keg .

Li Zhe : ” The pinnacle of dazzling skills in the Chinese music scene . If there is no one who is favored by the crowd , there will be no such dazzling works in the next 50 years. #Random DanceChunqiu # Qin Ye ”

Yes !

This is not the best song in the Chinese music scene !

But it is definitely the pinnacle of Chinese music skills , whether it is arranging or singing !

Feng Rong : ” This song should not only belong to Qin Ye , but should belong to the entire Chinese music scene . The arrangement is like a textbook. It is indeed a genius , and I am honored to be your teacher #Qinye !”

Queen of Curved Island : ” After listening to this song ” Fun Dance Spring and Autumn ” , I admire it very much , I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with Qin Caizi ! @ Qin Ye The whole music scene seems to have stabbed a hornet’s nest !



Xu Xiaoyun : ” Wang Qingqing, the Queen of Bend Island, and singers from all walks of life , all expressed their admiration for Qin Ye !

stars come to the DPRK , shocking the whole network !

However .

One article completely detonated the whole network !

It’s the King of Hong Kong Singers !

He has never been on any variety show all these years !

And rarely appear in public !

But he is the well-deserved number one in the Chinese music scene, and no one can replace him !

Because of Qin Ye , he has updated the micro-neck talk arrangement talent that has not been updated for five years. I am not as good as Qin Ye . In the future of the Chinese music scene, your network will explode !

What the hell ! Do you want to inherit the title of King of Songs ?

” Even King Chen Ge said this , his scalp is numb !”

Haha , I didn’t expect Huaxia Song Wangzhen to return to the Internet because of a song !

I finally know why no one can surpass this song in the next 20 years ! This is bombing the entire music scene ! ” The entire Chinese entertainment industry was shaken by a song !

under such impetus .

” Rap Listen to Me ” exceeded 200 million broadcasts on that day !

Directly created the record of the fastest variety show on the entire network to reach 200 million , and brought this half-dead variety show to the peak of the entire network . It is worth mentioning that the previous record was set by ” Musicians of All Nations ” !

It’s also because of Qin Ye ! !

Brother Lei , there is really hope . Even if the next few episodes break down , as long as Mr. Qin explodes again in the finals , we can still finish the third gear !

Several instructors are excited !

‘m afraid it will be difficult to break down . This song has made many people interested in rap . Teacher Qin has good intentions !

The killer was also excited .

He seems to see a bright future

Chapter ” Legend of Thief Handsome ” theme song ? The first song of the album is confirmed !

However .

The sensation the song caused didn’t stop there .

After experiencing the shock of the eight melody , some people who like Qin Ye’s literary style even noticed the lyrics .

There is such a knowledge blogger on Douyin .

Originally it was Mingfu !

Seeing that the song ” Fun Dance in Spring and Autumn ” caused such a big sensation , he liked Qin Ye’s songs and quickly aimed at the traffic .

in the new video .

Today , instead of talking about Daming , we will talk about the story of the lyrics [ Seven Stars Serial Defeat ] in ” Ranwu Spring and Autumn ” .

The entire video is more than a minute long , and it ‘s not finished yet .

However, it has attracted huge traffic, likes, and attention . Please update it quickly .

Bloggers , I know that updating videos is very hard , I just want to say that if you are not dead , get over here and update videos ! ? Funny ?

” Damn it , if you don’t talk halfway through , you should find a class !

” Come to our factory and screw the screws , better than Hadu !”

Although various spit molds .

But .

The number of likes for this video has also exceeded 1.5 million !

video playback volume is even more than Wang Wan , and the completion rate is also very high !

Let this knowledge blogger be overjoyed !

To know .

Some of his previous videos of the Ming Dynasty generally only had 300,000 to 400,000 likes , and some even had tens of thousands !

He knew he was going to fire !

But what made him dumbfounded was that some of his colleagues saw that he was popular , and they followed suit and imitated it !

Directly compare the lyrics of ” Ranwu Chunqiu ” with the history and explain it

All of a sudden !

People just realized that this song aside from the arrangement , the lyrics are equally astonishing !

So much historical knowledge !

” I’m gone , I thought the lyrics were a bit funny before , but now it seems that I have no culture !”

” Later , as expected of Teacher Qin , singing a song made the Three Kingdoms popular !” Everyone, come to listen to the song , no , you also come to learn history ?

Teacher Qin has started the class !

Since I fell in love with Qin Caizi’s songs , my cultural level has improved a lot , and people are more confident !

Teacher Qin has spread historical knowledge to us again , everyone is ready to compare the paper and take notes ! !

In this way .

The history of the Three Kingdoms successfully ranked second on the Douyin Hot List .

The first one is indeed the song ” Ranwu Spring and Autumn ” , which is also related to the Three Kingdoms !

Some knowledge bloggers who talk about history are so dumbfounded !

They have never been treated like this !

What is it about Ming and Tang ? I want to praise Qin Qin Ye, a knowledge blogger in Qin said with emotion .

What else do singers have but silence ?

We sing about love .

You Qin Ye sing about history ?

Who do you look down on ?

Home is the same as before .

Qin Ye’s phone was blown up by @ !

Of course .

In the past, I was targeted by various netizens , but this time I was targeted by various singers !

He picked out a few important people and replied .

A little sad for a while .

It’s only 8 dan. If other singers knew what he was thinking , they would probably have the heart to beat him, and Su Lingyun beside her was also very happy . She looked at Qin Ye with admiration and took her mobile phone as a microphone , and said that Qin Ye’s classmate , I would like to ask you to create such a powerful song , what do you want to say to everyone at this time ?

He pointed the phone to Qin Ye’s mouth again .

Looking at the increasingly lively girl , Qin Ye also smiled and cooperated .

Ahem , I would like to thank **TV, my seniors in the music industry, all my fans , and my lovely Lingyun classmates for their support !

” Giggle . ” Su Lingyun smiled coquettishly : ” Even I have a share , so happy !

Of course , behind a successful man , there must be a woman like Ling Yun .

Su Lingyun felt sweet in her heart , and gently rested her head on Qin Ye’s shoulder .

However , Qin Ye is so excellent , what should I do if Lingyun can’t keep up with Qin Ye’s pace ?

she murmured .

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