Qin Ye gave them a hell of a start , and couldn’t smash himself into his hands .

Schedule work .



She sent another message to Li Longju , asking him to thank Feng Rou .

” It’s an unrivaled influence !”

She smiled .

He had already made up his mind to bind his company and Qin Ye together .

Even if the sales of his company slowed down in the future , as long as Qin Ye didn’t fail , his company would not fail .

when they are busy .

The hot search has been occupied by this unprecedented live broadcast !

#Su Caizi revitalizes a company with a song #

#.?# #..# #The strongest commercial song one by one ” Handwritten Once ” # #One song , let [ Madozi ] increase millions of fans # All kinds of jokes in the live broadcast room are flying all over the sky, why should I buy it? Empty box !

Buy the anchor !

Netizens are getting more and more happy !

The heat is getting higher and higher !

Midozi ] From a medium dairy company , it has become a big brand that no one knows about !

And Qin Ye’s ” Handwritten Once Upon a Time ” directly topped the Douyin Hot List , the Kuaishou Hot List , and the Penguin Music Chart !

No one can beat the limelight !

In Penguin , what surpassed the previous hit ” Time to Cook the Rain ” is also one of Qin Ye’s few popular love songs .

I finally know that what Chinese style sweeps everything is a lie , even if Qin Caizi does not create Huaxia style , he can sweep everything !

This is Ohua , an advertisement song , it can be the title song of other people’s kings !

Now the only one who can meet Qin Caizi is Lin Yuyan . The goddess is so terrifying . Although the first one was robbed , there are still four songs in the top ten !

Haha , I wonder if Lady Lin will sing a new song in the next issue ? In this way, the more just the better , and there will be more good songs to listen to .

Don’t think about it , although the goddess’s songs are not inferior to Teacher Qin’s , but her output is much lower , and the speed of writing songs is not the same level , Qin Caizi is still invincible !

Each has its own characteristics , do you have to compete ? They are all powerful singers !

That is , the talent of the goddess is not worse than that of Teacher Qin, right ?

Lin Yuyan looked at the voices of online discussions .

I don’t know what to say !

This guy is too cool , the top ten of the entire chart are his songs ! ”

She was a little speechless .

She felt that Qin Ye did it on purpose every time .

I sing the songs he wrote , I will release new songs immediately to suppress the popularity !

Otherwise .

Her fame will skyrocket !

Humph , the cheapskate Lin Yuyan groaned .

However .

She felt a little distressed about other singers . Even the song Qin Ye wrote to her was beaten down like a whack-a-mole .

It’s no wonder that since Qin Ye’s debut , some singers in the music world seem to be dumb and on the other side .

Some dairy companies are facing a formidable enemy, and the market is already saturated .

If another brand rises , it will inevitably affect their interests, especially .

This brand has grown so fast !

It sold more than 40,000 boxes in one session , which is not particularly scary for big brands like them !

But that’s because other people only have so much inventory , and even the inventory that has been around for a long time has been sold !

Think of how crazy the netizens are !

They had a shuddering feeling !

Chief Bull !

The company has an overnight meeting !

What do you say ? Now % of the market share is occupied by our top ten brands . At this time, the rise of a brand is not really a loss. I did not expect that a star can have such an impact on an industry ! ”

Knowing this earlier , we should have asked Qin Ye to speak for him . Now we have no chance !

A senior executive is downcast !

” Now , maybe just wait until the heat subsides , and then take a look !”

Everyone was stunned !

subside ? When will it subside ? Or do you think Qin Ye will get cold after a while ?

… for flowers . ?

The president said solemnly .

Even he personally came to preside over the meeting , which is enough to see the seriousness of the problem .

The man was speechless for a moment !

How is it cold ?

By their word ?

Others are now all over the country , and the influence of Ohua is unstoppable !

Not to mention that there is a huge organization with many traditional cultures behind it. It is the official government . I am afraid that Qin Ye will not be allowed to cool !

To make Qin Ye cool , I’m afraid it’s as difficult as going to the sky !

They are now .

Even if such a big brand is cold , the other party may still be alive and kicking !

Just a few friends of Ye Ye also told me that we are going to hold activities at the same time , and try to suppress the momentum of [Midos ] to the greatest extent !

The president said sternly .

Another surprise !

The boss’s friend , it is estimated that it is also a big brand like the bull, so many big brands want to join forces to snipe a small brand ?

look .

We don’t allow other people to share the cake. Things like this happen among other big brands .

Bright Dairy .

Boss , we asked Lin Yuyan to speak , but the other party refused , /:./’2;”:’, the subordinate’s words made the president stunned .

The first time Qin Ye endorsed [ Meadows ] , he was thinking about what to do if the other party exploded !

best way .

Just find a spokesperson who is as influential as Qin Ye !

wanted to find some veteran heavenly kings, but he found that although these people had high status , the current popularity was definitely not Qin Ye’s opponent .

He aimed at Lin Yuyan !

Who made the other party the only singer who could compete with Qin Ye ?

Although they don’t know how long they can fight , they don’t have a better choice !

The price they offer is also very sincere . 20,000 is basically the pinnacle of endorsement !

” You can contact her again immediately , you can’t let [ Midos ] gain momentum , and add another 30,000 !

Good !

The subordinate immediately contacted Lin Yuyan .

With a gloomy face , he said , ” Boss , her agent said that the president who will not endorse no matter how much money is added frowns !

Celebrities who don’t love money ?

And endorsement is the best way to make money !

Some celebrities have more than ten endorsements , and the total endorsement fee for one year is 100 to 200 million !

There is only one possibility of not accepting endorsements , that is, the money is not in place !

But with such high sincerity , the other party is still not satisfied ?

Boss , it may be that Lin Yuyan has been in the limelight recently . She does n’t want to compete with Qin Ye on this . If we don’t have such a good effect on our endorsement , it will also affect her .

Subordinate analysis .

The president nodded. You can find out about the new spokesperson . We are ready for the event in the past few days . We may join forces to suppress this [ Midos ] !

That’s it .

For many dairy companies , today is destined to be a sleepless night !

Qin Ye’s influence is beyond their imagination ! enter

Chapter 3 Tomb Sweeping Day , Poetry Reading Event !

these days .

Qin Ye accompanied Su Lingyun to play in the sea for a few days , and of course he sent her away .

He also pays attention to the sales of [ Midos ] .

Although not as scary as the song day !

But the daily output is almost exhausted by the live broadcast room. Now , I am closely related to this brand. If one day , this brand can really grow up and become a company like Mengniu .

Every year I do nothing , I can get hundreds of millions of endorsement fees .

And .

There will come a day when the commission you take will not necessarily become a share in decision-making !

On the way back to school .

Qin Ye received a call .

It was Mr. Li who called .

Mr. Li . ”

Xiao Qin , are you at school now ? ”

No , I’ll be back in about ten minutes . ”

” Okay , come back to my office , I have something to do .

Qin Ye was taken aback .

He didn’t think much about it and agreed .

Soon .

Qin Ye came to the teacher’s office .

What he didn’t expect was that there were a few “Seven, Five and Three ” people he didn’t know .

This is the famous Qin Ozi , I finally see you .

The leader walked over with a smile .

Qin Ye instinctively shook hands with him and said hello , what can I do for you ?

Haha , let me introduce myself , my surname is Liu , and I am a director of Binhai TV . “”

Hello , Director Liu .

Qin Ye smiled .

If the TV station wants to grade it .

The first echelon is of course Yang Shi !

The second echelon is the provincial TV stations , such as Magic Capital TV , Imperial TV and so on .

The third echelon is these exclusive channels with provinces , such as movie channels .

The fourth echelon , only to this kind of local city TV station !

This type of TV station is basically only watched by local people. You can’t even find these TV stations in other provinces , and the ratings are extremely low. Talented Qin Qin , to be honest , we are looking for you this time to invite you to participate in the event .

What activity ?

It was an event prepared for the Qingming Festival, and he began to explain the truth .

Qingming Festival is coming , but Qingming Festival is not as popular as New Year’s Day and Dragon Boat Festival after all .

Some TV stations rarely hold parties at this time !

This festival is a bit special , I can’t get up when I’m hi, and no one sees it when I’m not .

With him here today , Binhai TV wanted to hold a party while Qin Ye was still there !

Of course .

‘s not the kind of concert , and this festival is not suitable either !

It’s poetry reading !

There will be some literary and artistic programs interspersed in the middle. Qin Ye is a bit unnatural , said Director Liu , do you want me to perform a poem recitation on the program ?

, isn’t it condescending to let a big star like you participate in the poetry recitation ? We would like to invite you to sing a song .

Director Liu was a little embarrassed and said , ” Of course , you also know that our small TV station may not be able to offer a price that matches your price . We can only offer you four million at most. Qin Ye nodded .

Or those big TV stations are rich. Actually, he doesn’t have much to do on Qingming Festival. It’s not bad to make 4 million !

” Ok , no problem . ”

Qin Ye agreed .

Director Liu was overjoyed and said thank you Qin Caizi . The day before the Qingming Festival, he had been the director of Binhai TV for so many years .

This is the first time I have come into contact with such a big star as Qin Ye !

With Qin Ye supporting the scene , he is full of energy !

The two chatted briefly , and the other left .

Teacher Li has been listening by the side .

Seeing that the other party spent 4 million to invite his students to attend the event , and looked like he was flattering , he was secretly proud !

” Mr. Li , if I have nothing else to do, I’ll go first ww

Qin Ye smiled .

” Wait . ”

But Teacher Li stopped him and hurriedly said :

“I have something to tell you !”

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