[ Those full-length rhyming songs in the Chinese music world ] !

He was stunned !

I thought it wasn’t as loud as those people were playing . There were songs in full rhyme a long time ago , but when I clicked in, I was stunned !

is really a headliner , he has heard all those songs , but they all have two or three rhymes !

It’s just that one main rhyme is used more often. Does this make people point ? Or is Teacher Qin’s song too violent and maddening ?

He only felt that these songs were scum in front of ” A Thousand Miles Away ” and the hot search was slaughtered again !

# ” A Thousand Miles Away ” , the most rhyming song in China was born ! The amazing rhyme # #rhyme mad demon # #.Xie Yi # #.?Xinghuacun Pavilion wine flag style # # ” Thousand Miles Away ” is divided into the source of the lyrics # Various analysis videos are popular all over the net !

hibiscus is picked on the water , and the boat is still there ] It is suspected to be the ” Lotus Picking Song ” by the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Changling !

[ The lotus leaf skirt is cut in one color, and the hibiscus opens the sky on both sides of the face and rains on the flower terrace outside the mountain … getting a line of moss ] and other rap lyrics .

From the Tang Dynasty poet , Wang Wei’s ” Deer Firewood ” is empty and no one is seen , but it is heard . Returning to the scene into the deep forest , re-photographing on the moss ]

eaves are like cliffs , and the wind chimes are like the ocean . I Wait for Yan Return is from the Northern Song Dynasty poet , Yan Shu’s ” Huanxisha, a new song, a new word and wine , can’t help but lose a glass of wine. It ‘s familiar. Yan return network is in an unprecedented boil, and the popularity of the show is getting higher and higher !

More and more people are attracted to the live broadcast room !

Damn , what did I miss? After reading the news , what big thing did Qin Caizi do ?

” What’s the matter ? Teacher Qin is in class again ? I know a lot of ancient poetry again . ”

Just read the lyrics of that song , damn , it’s really rhyming , does anyone else write songs like this ?

of Teacher Qin and Teacher Feng Rong . No matter where they are ranked , this song is the most popular song in my heart today. There are more and more people in the live broadcast room !

Many people want to see if the Chinese style is not suitable for competition as some people say !

site .

The director’s ears heard a report from the backstage .

Director , the number of viewers on our entire network has reached 200 million !

The voice of his subordinates also trembled slightly. The director took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down !

Such brilliance may never be surpassed in the future .

However .

To say that the worst in the audience is Zhao Yanyue’s shocking deeds with the various topics Qin Ye created before !

The minds of the Oita audience are still on ” A Thousand Miles Away ” , so who cares what she sings !

The two returned to the backcourt after singing .

” When I appear on the same stage as him in the future , I leave immediately,” she said angrily .

What’s the matter ?

I originally thought that I had drawn the best position , but now it seems to be the worst !

You can see the effect on the spot !

During the intermission .

The live broadcast room also began to broadcast some pictures from the past , and there was an intense voting on the spot !

Soon .

When returning to the live room again .

The screen has switched back to the backcourt .

A presenter is here .

Welcome back to the finals of ” The King of Songs ” . Next, we will invite singers to compete according to the ranking .

First up is our seventh place in the semifinals !

dong dong dong !

Soon .

The door opens .

When Zhao Yanyue with a bitter face appeared in the camera , everyone was stunned !

good guy ! Teacher Zhao was the last to sing , isn’t it so broken ?

Seventh place ?

Holy crap , when did this game change its style ? The best seat but can’t get a ticket ? ”

what ? Isn’t Teacher Qin the last to appear ? Is there anyone behind ?

I also thought it was Teacher Qin’s last appearance , so I cut to the outside to save my mother . Khan , I missed a song !

you , Teacher Zhao ranks last , and everyone here has a responsibility .

mind us , the live audience voted , didn’t they listen ? It can only be said that Teacher Qin is too dazzling ! ”

Not to mention netizens .

Even the nervous people in the lounge were a bit caught off guard and finally appeared , but they got the lowest votes .

Lu Liang reluctantly said that they regretted that they didn’t draw the last one .

Now I can only be happy !

Zhao Yanyue also wanted to die .

Although she had a hunch that her grades would not be very good , she never thought that she would be the last one !

She walked towards the stage with a sullen face .

The next game and she has no green .

When she first started singing .

The number of votes earned also appears on the screen !

total of 3 votes . (acbg)% is so low that it doesn’t look like the last person to compete in the semifinals .

One by one, the players are ranked from low to high in the semi-finals , and they take turns to go into battle !

Surprisingly .

Lin Yuyan is actually quite famous !

Ranked fourth , second only to the Big Three !

And what she is going to sing this time is her own old song !

The barrage became yin and yang weird again, ” Where is Gu Xiaoyan ? Jiang Lang is exhausted ? [ Funny haha , Gu Xiaoyan was scared by my teacher Qin and didn’t dare to write a song !

” The battle between these two is finally over . Teacher Qin has won. Thank you !”

” I really want to listen to the song written by Gu Xiaoyan , but unfortunately I don’t have the chance ! [ Daqi ]”

” Who said there is no chance ? Isn’t Mr. Feng Rong going to play later ? Maybe Mr. Gu Xiaoyan wrote it ?”

” Yes ! I almost forgot , Teacher Gu Xiaoyan is playing !

How can there be time to write songs for Goddess Lin ! ”

Ye Wenjie looked at the barrage full of ridicule .

Also helpless .

Finally .

After Lin Yugu finished her performance , the reaction was very enthusiastic !

But what everyone cares most about is the ranking of the top three !

To be precise .

It was Qin Yao and Feng Rong’s ranking !

This is the first time that the Chinese style has appeared on this stage , which is in sharp contrast with other music !

Now it seems that the top three results have been proved for Huaxiafeng !

But everyone knows .

Those who say that the Chinese style is not suitable for this competition do not mean that the Chinese style will be at the bottom on this stage !

It’s hard to win the championship !

Now .

It’s time for the test, and the host of the backstage knocked on a door again, and Lu Liang appeared in front of the camera !

oh oh oh oh oh !

Some netizens even cheered. Does this mean that Huaxiafeng is at least the champion and the runner-up ?

However .

What’s even more surprising is that even the third place in the semifinals , the vote rate was only .%!

terrifying is it for the remaining two to get votes ?

Many people feel their heartbeats start to speed up !

Soon .

Lu Liang finished singing , the camera switched to the backstage again !

Feng Rong and Jiang Tianming appeared in front of the camera at the same time !

Dear viewers , the semi-final champion and runner-up were born among the two teachers around me !

Two teachers , why don’t you guess who is today’s semi-final champion and the host laughed .

Jiang Tianming picked up the microphone and said , ” Mr. Feng Rong , at least in my heart, the song ” A Thousand Miles Away ” sung by the two of them is the best today . If I were an audience, I would definitely vote for them ! Huaxia style song , so amazing oh oh oh oh !

Some fans are boiling !

What’s more exciting than hearing compliments from your opponents ?

Some fans are also worried .

Finally .

After the host asked Feng Rong a few more words , he was about to announce the semi-final champion. He held the hands of the two of them and said to the camera whoever I will raise next will be the semi-final champion today . One person will take the lead on the stage !

Let’s count down to 3. The host raised Feng Rong’s hand high !

Congratulations to Mr. Feng Rong for being the champion of our semi-finals , and congratulations to Mr. Jiang Tianming for being the current runner-up . The competition is not over yet , Mr. Jiang Tianming, please prepare to perform on stage !

The whole network is boiling !

” Huaxia style is invincible !” Haha , my teacher Qin’s first trip to ” The King of Songs ” was the champion !

It really swept everything , and this gold content is really high , the runner-up and third runner-up singing guests are all the national team !

Is my teacher Qin not at the national team level ? “”

What about those who say that Chinese style is not suitable for this stage ? It’s a slap in the face ! ”

Many media are also announcing the first words of the results .

Get the message out .

#.? debuted for the first time and won the championship # #Is there really no one who can stop Mr. Qin’s Huaxia style ? # #.?YDS# #Feng Rong teacher became the most popular scene of the song king .

After a brief introduction by the host , Jiang Tianming took to the stage !

When people saw his number of votes , they were all shocked. They didn’t expect that this was the runner-up , and the vote rate was only .% . Qin Ye and Feng Rong’s votes could already be calculated !


Totally crushed ! ! !

In the competition where the strong players gather , one group gets more votes than the other groups combined !

Even the national team couldn’t stop some of Qin Ye’s singers who had finished singing, and they were stunned to see the number of votes .

They were all together at this time .

” What if Qin Ye himself came to the competition ?

Xu Xianghao asked .

Everyone was stunned !

They were all taken aback by the votes .

Now that I think about it carefully , although Feng Rong’s overall swing is relatively stable , he has only won a single championship !

And now .

But to crush them all , it can only be Qin Ye plus … . Of those divine songs Qin Ye wrote to Lin Yuyan , the worst was the runner-up !

If Qin Ye himself came to the competition , ” Maybe , no one can beat him !

Lu Liang said with emotion .

Do you think that Teacher Jiang Tianming can win ? Although he has a huge disadvantage in performance , the number of votes in the semi-finals is only counted as a ranking , not in the finals . Teacher Feng Rong only has an advantage in the order of appearances . ‘ asked a singer .

They don’t think about the championship anymore !

I don’t know , if it’s a normal game , Teacher Feng Rong will play in the back of the game , but Teacher Feng Rong is very likely to sing songs written by Qin Ye !

That . It’s hard to say !

Everyone fell silent .

Chapter 77 The sky is vast ! When. descends from the clouds to the mortal world !

on stage .

Jiang Tianming’s high-pitched vocals are plundering !

He also played his full level .

Wait until he finishes singing .

scene sounded ~ thunderous palms thank you all !

the field amidst numerous cheers .

Although .

He is slightly stronger than Feng Rong , but not too much stronger .

Not to mention .

It is very likely that Feng Rong was singing Qin Ye’s song . In addition, he lost to the opponent in the semifinals , so he was at a disadvantage in the ranking !

So. _

For now, he’s at a disadvantage .

But seeing such a scene , he felt a little more confident in his heart !

At this time, the host took the stage again .

We all know the next player , that is our semi-final champion, Mr. Feng Rong !

And the songs she brought were also written by our talented Qin Ye !

Ah ah ah !

The scene is boiling directly !

” I knew that Teacher Qin definitely has a new song !

Haha , Gu Xiaoyan , who didn’t wait for Goddess Lin , was waiting for Mr. Feng Rong’s talented Qin !

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