However .

parties could answer , Penguin Music was the first to sit still !

Directly through his public account , he reposted the articles of these media with the caption : ” Everyone is welcome to come to Nanzha at any time !

Not only that !

Penguin Music also made a big banner recommending the song ” Besieged on All Sides ” !

It really makes everyone who eats melons laugh and pee !

” Good guy , it’s arrogant to lose music ! Or you can play , are you afraid that others haven’t heard this song ?”

” Just kidding , Nanzha Pizza Hut is called for nothing ?”

” These media are really impatient . They want to sue me for Qichuan Music ?”

” Does Qi eat publicly support Teacher Qin ?”

” Nonsense , as an artist , do you want to support those media if you don’t support Teacher Qin ?”

” Haha , Mr. Qin is invincible , and he has the support of Qi suddenly . Is this more than dare to say a fart ?”

Netizens are excited !

And Apple Media .

of Qihu Music , I want to die so much !

To be honest .

Qin Ye wrote this song , and they did have the conditions to sue each other !

But they are also guilty !

For people like them , the way to solve their own problems is never through laws !

Not as a last resort , they won’t do it !

You can see the song that hangs at the top of the chart !

feel as uncomfortable as they want to eat shi !

President’s Office .

What the fuck are you doing ? Can’t even do that ! If you can’t kill others, you can hammer it !

He spit out angrily .

Liu Yiwei stood there and shivered !

I didn’t expect that he didn’t play cards according to the routine !

he was careful .

Not sure what to do with this job ? Now you tell me what to do ? “The president rebuked .

They are riding a tiger now !

Continue to report the previous news , it’s fine until Qin Ye can’t kill him .

They don’t have to pay any cost , as long as they wantonly smear it !

Now .

Don’t let others point to the nose and output , that song is more like a knife hanging around the neck , this is not resolved , they report the best results that nothing is useful .

Just to force Qin Ye to submit , at the very least, he must apologize publicly , delete Wei Neck or something !

Their reputation can only be preserved. Liu Yiwei thought about it, boss Dao , I think we can make a fuss about this song. Our previous thinking was wrong !

shouldn’t be your own reputation , but …

He speaks his mind in a prudent manner .

Well , this matter was provoked by your weekly magazine , hurry up and do it for me ! If you can’t do it, wait for the class to end !

The president cursed .

n’t worry , I’ll get this done .

Liu Yiwei assured .

Feeling relieved, Qin Ye was in the dormitory at this time .

Look at the information that Wu Hao’s company found .

It’s all news that everyone knows, and that’s what their company looks like .

He was a little speechless .

That can’t be helped . If there are any private things that we can easily find , then they will not live for so long .

Wu Hao said helplessly .

In turn , he asked carefully : Then should we report this ?

Qin Ye thought for a while and said , ” Report , no matter how small a mosquito is , it’s still meat !

He looked at the [ black material ] in his hand !

Also a little speechless .

Sometimes it is so black that everyone knows it , so it is not considered black material !

Anyway, this is a protracted war now .

Lin Hu next to him shouted , Brother Dao Ye is not good , this is more disgusting than doing something again .

Qin Ye was taken aback .

walked over .

, I saw all kinds of black posts on the Post Bar of Binhai University .

For ” Besieged on All Sides ” !

The first few are !

Originally, Senior Qin Ye was my idol , but since I listened to ” Besieged On All Sides ” , the image of Senior Qin Ye collapsed in my heart . It was a disgrace to our school’s reputation . Now I don’t dare to say that I belong to Binhai University !

My mother asked me , is ” Besieged on All Sides ” really sung by the students of your school ? I don’t even know how to answer !

It’s all like that !

The message below was even occupied by the navy. Of course, there were many voices supporting Qin Ye .

Where did the ghosts and snakes come from ? Posing as a student , you have the ability to expose your student ID !

Is it because the media blackmailed Senior Qin Ye first , and did not let Senior Qin Ye fight back ? ”

When you black people , have you ever thought about the feeling of being black ?

And students build buildings !

Said to protect Senior Qin Ye !

Brother Ye , it must be those media companies that have made a fool of themselves .

Lin Hu was worried .

To be honest .

Before Qin Ye was exposed to those candid photos , it had already affected him a bit at school !

Now .

To make a fuss about this song again and increase the value to this level , Qin Ye’s reputation will definitely be damaged !

Brother Ye , why don’t you go and check with the number of people in the school management post bar that these trumpeters will not allow posts .

Lin Hu said sternly .

useless , I really want to come to school to do things , there are many other people’s accounts ! Let them go , let the school take care of it if the school wants to take care of it , it doesn’t matter .

Qin Ye said casually .

ah ? Just watch them smack you ! ”

Several people were a little speechless .

Qin Ye pushed his hand and said as if everything was under control : Do you think I didn’t think about this situation before singing this song ?

People are a little bit disgusted !

Qin Ye continued to sing this song . On the one hand, he wanted to let the wolf out of his anger , and on the other hand , he wanted to give them another point that could be hacked .

this way , their focus has changed , and they will no longer harass the good guys of Lingyun !

Several people suddenly realized .

Li Longju gave a thumbs up , Dao Ye brother , you are attracting firepower , let them shoot at you to protect your sister-in-law ! Let her know what you think , it is estimated that you will be moved to cry , strong !

Haha , if I were a woman , I would marry you .

The monkeys help .

roll .

Qin Ye scolded . Actually , there is another point , that is, I was praised too much before , as if I had to speak with reason , I had to sing with poetry , and I had to spread traditional culture . ”

Just like before I released an album, I had to sweep the Golden Melody Awards . I didn’t like this feeling very much . Through this song , I also told these fans that I am also an ordinary person , and I have flesh and blood . A black is not a bad thing ! ”

A few people were stunned when they heard it !

What is this ?

They probably understood what Qin Ye meant !

Jing is saying , my achievements are too high , my aura is too strong , and I am too limited in doing things. Some people dream of getting things , but Qin Ye’s place has become a burden ?

So. _

Just let these media black and white , let yourself fall a little from the cloud , and let yourself be closer to ordinary stars ?

” Damn , Brother Ye , you are the king of Versailles !

Wu Hao was speechless .

He felt that he was worrying for Qin Ye for nothing. What should he do? The battle with these media was not going to be decided in a day or two . ” Qin Ye smiled .

When everyone saw this, they didn’t say much. They were busy with papers , researched information , and played with their mobile phones. It took two days like this .

Li Longju, who was playing with his mobile phone, screamed !

Brother Long , what’s your name ? ” Xiao Qingcheng was speechless .

Li Longju looked ugly and said , “I ‘m afraid it’s Brother Ye’s idea , and it will come true !”

Everyone was surprised !

Hurry up and come around !

The Internet is swiped again !

Binhai University posts , forums , and various posts have been exposed !

students of Binhai University are ashamed of Qin Ye # # Qin Caizi’s image among the younger brothers and younger sisters collapses #Good guy !

Several people finally understood that the intention of these media was not to blackmail Qin Ye on the post bar, but to blackmail Qin Ye as a student of Binhai University !

This rhythm !

Countless times stronger than outsiders !

As expected of [ professional media ] !

However, the most astonishing thing is that some mainstream media even named Qin Ye and he was the one with great background !

Oriental : #Qin Ye , Qin talent has always been a role model among singers, and has made great contributions to the spread of Chinese traditional culture . You should know what your identity means !

As a public figure with such great influence , he should not write a vulgar song like ” Besieged on All Sides ” to express his selfish desires , which will bring bad young people . I hope more corrections are made !

The news has also gone crazy !

Douyin above !

The heat is directly in the first place !

#Qin Ye was named by the Oriental Dragon Network # Good guy !

This directly scared a lot of people from Dongfeng !

Although it is not an official media , but the background is very big, you can see how awesome it is by looking at the name !

Put it this way .

No one else has a history of hundreds of years !

also has its own TV station . Although it is only a small local TV, it is not comparable to ordinary media !

In many people’s minds , half of the official media’s influence covers all aspects of China , and the entertainment section is the smallest section , and its influence far exceeds that of many entertainment media who often speak for the common people !

The news he reports is highly sought after by the public and has made a lot of benefits for the common people !

Therefore , many of his words are authoritative !

Every time I name an artist in the entertainment industry !

It can have a strong impact on the artist because .

He has a deep cooperation with some official media every time some major events , many people will unconsciously think about it .

Ordinary people in Oita , just looking at the name Oriental Dragon , treat him as an official media !

At this time, I named Qin Ye and ” Besieged on All Sides ” !

The result is predictable .

don’t know the actual situation think that Qin Ye was named by the official. Oh my god , Mr. Qin was named by the Oriental Dragon Network . It’s over !

Indeed , although the song ” Besieged on All Sides ” is nice , it is not suitable for Teacher Qin to sing !

Upstairs , what happened ? It’s enough for Teacher Qin to be hacked , but it’s not enough to write a song to fight back ? Douyin Living Buddha ?

That is , if you were hacked , it is estimated that you will be scolding your mother . My teacher Qin has been very disciplined, okay ? It’s been very nice .

Even if I was named by such media , the news that my teacher Qin is still a superstar quickly made a hot search .

that rushes to the top of the hot search list makes many people feel ridiculous .# Qin Caizi was forced to become a superstar. Some media and singers are speechless when they see it. What is forced to become a superstar ?

what was before ?

Is it God ?

It’s strange that they thought the title was a bit apt !

Even if Teacher Qin is named by this kind of media, it may be very affected !

Can you expect Qin Ye to become an ordinary star ?

That is impossible !

Even an A-list star ca n’t compare to Qin Ye !

Isn’t it just forced to become a superstar ?

When Liu Yiwei saw this , the corners of his mouth twitched .

That’s it , what about blowing it ?

Qin Ye , don’t worry , our struggle has just begun , let’s see who will kill who in the end !

he said coldly .

I have always done dirty work and have a bad reputation !

You Qin Ye are different !

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