Seeing so many barrages discussing herself , Tina was excited .

” Am I going to fire ?”

Next .

Her phone just … exploded !

Open it and see , all kinds of private messages and attention messages keep ringing !

It only took more than 20 minutes since she sang ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” .

of fans of more than 2 million has skyrocketed by more than 100,000 !

Her heart seems to be jumping out , how long has it been ?

When today is over , how much will the number of fans increase ?

No one can imagine !

And all this , just because she sang a song ” Compendium of Materia Medica ” in front of Qin Ye , Qin Ye praised it !

” Just sing a song in front of Teacher Qin like this , it’s on top of my previous eight years of hard work !”

While she was excited, she was also a little sad .

This is Qin Ye’s influence !

The show continues .

Qin Ye and Su Lingyun sang ” Qilixiang ” , the fans were even more excited !

It’s just that it’s a big blow to some single dogs .

of the next three guests also made them fully understand the meaning of the show !

Moved , with blood !

It is also a tribute to Qin Ye’s rap achievements this year !

Finally .

The theme song that tickles everyone’s heart is coming .

When the director announces the Dragon Fist ! (acbg)

The whole internet is on fire !

” Northeast East with Dunhuang as the center . ”

” The coastline of this nation is like a bow . ”

Immediately after the opening, the audience was shocked !

A rap show instructor listened to such a rap , and his blood boiled !

” It’s really the first person to rap . Who can write such a song except you ?”

A song is over .

The entire China is in deep shock !

” I can only say that I’m invincible , what’s the matter , I sing it apart !”

” Fuck ! F*ck ! A travelogue variety show with such a big layout !

I’m gone ! ”

” It ‘s so shocking . I think the program category is called ” Qin You Ji ” . It can be called ” Dragon Travel Notes ” or ” Dragon Travels China ” !”

” Matt , I won’t watch this song without this Spring Festival Gala this year !”

“+, but I think songs like ” Orchid Pavilion “, ” Longguo Dialect ” and ” A Thousand Miles Away ” can also be played on the Spring Festival Gala . It ‘s so confusing . Which song should Teacher Qin sing ?”

” Let’s just sing a few more songs . Someone else’s star will make a skewer . Can’t I, Mr. Qin, make a skewer alone ?”

” That’s a good idea upstairs !”

The audience was thoroughly sung !

But the conversation of the car later shocked all the audience again !

Another all-rhyming song ?

” I’m going , I didn’t even pay attention !”

” Mr. Qin, does this rhyme silently ? It ‘s terrifying !”

” As we all know , there are two types of rhyme , Mr. Qin’s rhyme and the rhyme of other singers ! Talent is really not the same level !”

After the show , some fans also voted on the forum !

Played some of Qin Ye’s new songs this year .

Which song to choose for the Spring Festival Gala !

Some people saw this and voted .

that everyone realized that none of the songs Qin Ye composed were of the Spring Festival Gala level !

Even the three songs sung at the graduation ceremony are qualified to be on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala !

Horror boundless !

Except , of course , ” Besieged on All Sides ” !

Just after the twenty-four hours ended , Penguin Video specially announced the data obtained by ” Qin You Ji ” !

Video views exceeded 200 million on the first day !

The highest number of simultaneous online users exceeded 100 million !

the same day .

There are more than 20 related news on the hot search !

# ” Dragon Fist ” , Mr. Qin created the peak of Chinese style rap again # #The song that shook the whole of China # #Qin Youji refreshes various variety show records # # China’s first popular variety show was born # The data in just one day has already exceeded a lot The data accumulated over the years of popular variety shows !

Unbelievable brilliance !

Looking back at the astronomical fee of 30 million yuan for the first phase , everyone who eats melons only thinks … Penguin Video has made a lot of money !

Sheep Vision Complex .

got a headache when he looked at the news submitted by his editors !

For the first time, he was worried that a singer was too good !

This ” Dragon Fist ” , if other singers sing , they will praise the song even if they don’t praise the singer .

It’s amazing and meaningful !

But Qin Ye sang , but it gave him a headache !

Really , since Qin Ye’s debut, there has been too much news about their Qin Ye !

” If we praise you again , will others ridicule as your private media ?”

He smiled wryly .

Not to be named praise ? It seems a little pity !

The mouse keeps bouncing between delete and keep !

Tangled ! .

Chapter 227 The Hong Kong Film Festival !

Just two days after the show aired .

A piece of news shocked the whole network again !

#. gained four million followers in three days # # Killer , Wang Jian ~ just gained more than one million followers # Everyone was stunned !

These three people don’t seem to have any bright performances on the show -. And .

The songs they sang were all Qin Ye’s songs !

Can you get so much powder just like that ?

” Fuck , if it goes on like this , the stars invited by the show will not laugh crookedly in the future ?”

” Who can introduce me to the show to sing a song , I sang ” Besieged on All Sides ” !”

” Singing a song on Mr. Qin’s show is much better than going to the contestants ! Mr. Qin’s army of hundreds of millions of fans , a little leak , can make some young singers full . ”

” Upstairs , you are mistaken , Mr. Qin has more than 100 million fans. According to statistics on the website , the number of people who know Mr. Qin’s songs in the whole country is estimated to exceed 100 million , and the fans are close to 300 million . Can’t represent everything !”

” I absolutely believe this . My two nephews are only four or five years old . They have both heard Mr. Qin’s songs . My grandfather is many years old . He listens to “Dongfeng Po” every day . He only knows that it is sung by a surname Qin !”

Qin Ye’s fans are all proud !

The three killers sighed .

” I originally thought that I didn’t want money as a reward to Teacher Qin , but I didn’t expect that I would still take advantage of it in the end !”

The killer said helplessly .

They think whoever is on this show can be popular !

as they expected .

Some brokerage companies have also discovered this , and the phone of Magic Capital TV has been blown up .

Even Director Huang’s personal phone was always busy .

” Director Huang , everyone’s old friends , please help , just the last issue , no money . ”

” Director Huang , help arrange it , our company will definitely remember this favor !”

” Director Huang , I have a newcomer here who follows the Chinese style line . Can you make a price on your show ?”

Brokers from various big companies called .

Director Huang was stunned !

He didn’t expect this to be the case at all , these are already treating his show as a talent show !

even .

The agent of a first-line artist also contacted him , expressing that he would like to participate in a program for free !

Some companies even set a price of millions , just to let their company’s artists reveal their faces !

It is obviously a tourism and music variety show , but it kills all talent show variety shows in seconds .

” It appears that previous cost estimates will have to be recalculated . ”

he murmured .

even .

He felt that if he collected money ruthlessly, he might have a very considerable extra income !

But for the sake of his show and Qin Ye’s reputation , he would never do this !

” Fortunately , I only made an appointment with an artist for three episodes in advance , and the loss is not too big. He patted his chest .

I have already figured out the next route . Some artists who are familiar with Qin Ye and were originally on the invitation list will definitely have their prices lowered !

You can also choose some famous artists who want to participate in the show for free !

Thinking of this , he was excited again !

was originally launched because the scandal of the ” Musicians for All ” players delayed the schedule and wanted to fill the vacancy with this show .

It seems now .

This show may be the most brilliant show of his directorial career !

Some of them benefit from Qin Ye’s perverted influence !

the other side .

Qin Ye also received feedback from Xu Ruoxin , and many companies also called him , and the situation was similar to that of Director Huang .

However , he pushed it all to Director Huang .

And remind the other party that they must not accept any money !

And the three killers also deliberately gave their prestige to thank themselves !

After he replied a little , he went out with Su Lingyun !

The two are going to pick up Zhao Lingying .

Qin Ye likes this cute little girl .

It’s just that the other party is going to be a light bulb , and he is somewhat resisting , /:./’2;”:’,!

Arrived at the parking lot and waited for a while .

Zhao Ya came down with the little girl .

ran over excitedly when she saw Qin Ye and the two of them !

” Brother-in -law , sister !”

She called out sweetly .

Su Lingyun was also a little troubled when she looked at her sister. Now, in the eyes of this little girl , it is estimated that her brother-in-law is the first !

” Auntie . ”

Qin Ye ignored Zhao Lingying’s eager face , which made the little girl very hurt !

” Xiao Qin , I’m sorry to trouble you again . I wanted to help this girl with a tutor, but she didn’t agree to it . ”

Zhao Ya said helplessly .

” It’s all right . ”

Qin Ye smiled .

When Zhao Ya looked at Qin Ye , it was like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law , and the more she looked, the more satisfied she became .

At first .

Su Lingyun was going to Qin Ye’s side just after graduation . Su Wenchen still had some opinions , but she finally agreed .

Seeing the relationship between her eldest daughter and Qin Ye getting closer and closer , more and more like a husband and wife , she was relieved, but also a little melancholy !

The women’s college is not in the middle !

” Xiaoying , you have to be obedient when you go to your sister’s side , don’t be naughty, you know?

she exhorted .

” I know ~”

Zhao Lingying said with a small mouth .

” Remember to study hard . ”

After Zhao Ya warned a few more words , she returned home .

And the smile on the little girl’s face was completely released , and she laughed ;

” Brother-in -law , let’s go !”

Qin Ye just glanced at him and got into the driver’s seat .

Originally, Su Lingyun wanted to sit in the back with this little girl .

Who knows , this little girl is not polite at all. Seeing that her sister is sitting in the back , she takes the co-pilot decisively .

on the way .

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