so envious of Qin Ye licking at the scenic spot !

Under the leadership of the staff, several people passed through the people and came to the central venue .

The decoration is similar to the previous issue , but this time it has become a circle .

There is a small stage in the middle !

Qin Ye had been waiting here for a long time , and greeted with a smile : ” You are finally here !”

In fact, he didn’t have much to do all day , and he basically spent it taking photos with Qin Ye and signing autographs !

” Brother Qin Ye , did you, a clever ghost, come up with an idea to punish us ?”

Lin Yuyan said angrily .

Qin Ye hurriedly waved his hand and said , ” How could it be possible? I admit that the poem was mentioned by me. It can be divided into several parts for you to find , promise … the initiator !”

He looked at Director Huang .

” cough cough . ”

Director Huang was a little embarrassed and said , ” It’s been hard work for everyone , sit down and have a rest first , the concert will start soon !”

Several people were not angry and gave him a blank look , and they all took their seats !

” Welcome to the concert of the second phase of ” Qin You Ji ” , the rules are still the same , everyone , I hope you don’t take out your mobile phone to take pictures when you officially sing . Although there are many of you , the staff of the West Lake Scenic Area are not less !”

Hahaha !

” Do n’t worry , Director , we know what to do !”

” I came all the way to listen to Teacher Qin sing , but I did n’t want to film it and show it to others !”

” Hurry up and start , it’s been a tiring day !”

, Director Huang nodded in satisfaction .

” I announce the official start of the second concert !”

“The first thing to bring us to sing is , Lin Yuyan , please bring us a song ” Jiangnan ” !”

oh oh oh oh !

that time , Qin Ye sang ” Jiangnan ” here and officially rose . I didn’t expect that Lin Yuyan, who had a good relationship with Qin Ye, would sing it again .

Everyone is excited !

But everyone couldn’t help but wonder .

” Goddess Lin sang Jiangnan , what will Teacher Qin sing later ?”

They were bewildered .

However .

Soon they were attracted by Lin Yuyan’s singing . The strong Jiangnan girl sang this song ” Jiangnan ” , which was refreshing !

After that, she shared with everyone her experience behind the scenes at the West Lake Gala with Qin Ye for the first time !

” At that time, I still felt that a young college student was not worth mentioning …”

Hahaha !

” , ” What a little college student ! ”

” Mr. Qin swept the Golden Melody Awards when he was in college !”

Holy crap , without Goddess Lin’s reminder , I almost forgot , Teacher Qin has just graduated ! Seriously terrified !

” After sweeping the music scene , I turned around and found that Teacher Qin is younger than me !”

There was mourning at the scene .

Lin Yuyan continued to speak , and occasionally exchanged a few words with Qin Ye .

Great atmosphere !

two finished talking , Lin Yuyan sang another song of her own !

It’s Xiao Xianrou’s turn to play .

He even made no secret of his admiration for Qin Ye .

” It’s said that we are traffic stars , but in front of Teacher Qin , who is qualified to be called a traffic star , but no one thinks that Teacher Qin is a traffic star , and Teacher Qin is the object of my study . ”

He also sang a song by Qin Ye .

There was a loud applause at the scene !

After a few people chatted for a while , the topic shifted to when Qin Ye debuted .

Li Zhe also talked about his experience with Qin Ye on the show !

” To be honest , at that time, I already valued Qin talent very much . I didn’t expect to underestimate him . Even I myself became a loyal fan of him !”

Qin Ye hurriedly stood up and cupped his hands .

” Mr. Li Zhe , everyone is a peer and communicates with each other . There is no such thing as a fan . ”

he laughed .

” If you don’t come here , who will communicate with you ? There is no common language at all, okay? Who understands your poems ? I just came to your show , and I asked me to find the lyrics for a whole day , but I found ( Qian Dezhao ) Qi . After the sentence , I still don’t know which poem it is ! Is there such a bully ?”

Li Zhe was speechless .

The scene was full of laughter again .

Many people know what these three are doing all day !

distressed !

” Damn it , what kind of unpopular poetry has my teacher Qin made as a topic ?

Seven sentences and don’t know the name ? ”

“I ‘m afraid Teacher Qin didn’t write it himself ? Haha !”

” It’s possible , it’s useless for anyone to come here , but my teacher Qin’s own writing is similar to what the ancients wrote. Are you angry ?”

Li Zhe listened to some of the audience’s words , and looked at Qin Ye and the director thoughtfully .

” Mr. Li Zhe , the ancient poems are really ancient poems !”

” Is this poem really only seven lines ?”

Li Zhe wondered .

Although the director team said that they completed the task , they thought the poems of seven lines were too weird !

Director Huang just smiled and said nothing .

Li Zhe was helpless , got up and started singing !

When he returned to his seat , the director smiled and said , “I believe the three of you are very puzzled , why did you complete the task after finding seven poems !”



The three guests and all the tourists who knew the situation looked at him expectantly .

Is this confusing ?

The director looked very satisfied with the expressions of everyone , and said calmly : ” Because , the missing sentence in this poem is here !”

The voice is over !

There was an uproar !

Chapter 23 ” Broken Bridge Remnant Snow ” ! Hot and cold !

The audience was stunned .

“The missing sentence , right here ?”

” Damn , why do I feel a little weird . ”

” This special variety show has been played by you !”

” Hurry up and say it , do n’t give a shit !”

The director smiled and nodded after listening to the audience .

” Please bring up the verses in your hands and put them together . ”

, Li Zhe and the three all stood up , took the verses in their hands , and completed the splicing with the help of the director .

They just know the correct order of the song !

Curiosity appeared in his eyes !

” Lonely and without a master , it is already dusk alone , and it is more wind and rain . ”

“I don’t want to fight hard for spring , and I ‘m jealous . It’s scattered and crushed into dust , only the fragrance remains the same !”

The audience is also hearing this poem for the first time !

” What a beautiful , bleak verse !”

Some tourists murmured .

have a certain appreciation for this kind of ancient poetry because of their support for Qin Ye !

There are also a few people who memorized a sentence or two of them and began to save their mothers .

I don’t know .

director said directly : “This poem is written by Lu You, a poet of the Southern Song Dynasty in China .

Yongmei ” ! ”

The audience was stunned , Lu You and the others knew it !

But this is the first time I have heard of this poem, what does it have to do with it ?

Director Huang looked at everyone’s eyes and said with great pride , ” This poem was written by Mr. Lu You at the Broken Bridge a thousand years ago , and the first sentence that was missing was [ Beside the Broken Bridge Outside the Post ] !”

There was an uproar .

Unexpectedly, such interspersed , thinking that they are on the edge of the broken bridge , they feel a mysterious feeling !

” In the traditional Chinese culture , Mei, with its noble , strong and humble character , inspires people to be determined and motivated . In the severe cold , plum blossoms before a hundred flowers , and spring comes alone in the world . Many times plum and snow are connected. together !”

” Mr. Lu You even wrote in ” Luomei ” “The gluttonous wind in the snow is more awe-inspiring , and the integrity of the flowers is the highest ” . He used things to describe people , and he wrote them with a fresh mood . The arrogant and unyielding plum blossoms imply that even though he has been ups and downs in his life , he is steadfast and unyielding !”

Everyone’s head is dizzy .

” If nothing else , this script should be from Teacher Qin . ”

Such an idea popped up in everyone’s mind !

Because , when they listened to this book , they felt … they were taking a Chinese class !

On the broken bridge , the director continued : ” And our teacher Qin , after a thousand years , in a different form , at the broken bridge , merge the two , and then compose a song ” Broken Bridge Residual Snow ” for everyone , let us Applause please !”

Ah ah ah !

The scene is crazy !

And many people are even more shocked !

” My God , my scalp is numb , is it so important to write a song ?”

” Huaxiafeng is here again !”

Broken Bridge , such an artistic name !

” Oh my god ! I’m so beautiful I cry before I even start singing . ”

Countless people were excited .

Some locals stared blankly at the stage .

They know more !

snow on the broken bridge is a rare feature of the broken bridge !

In winter , you may not be able to see it !

Only some people in the scenic area are excited !

” Qin Caizi , I’m going to write about our scenic spots again . It ‘s great . After today , my West Lake will definitely dominate the major scenic spots . ”

Their hearts roared .

However .

them to think too much , Qin Ye has already come to the stage (acbg) !

With a lonely look in his eyes !

sadness , loneliness , grief , melancholy , depression and so on sounded .

Everyone is crazy !

They didn’t expect that a simple melody could make them experience so many different feelings !

Simply divine !

” His music is really extravagant , all the lyrics and music are like this !”

Li Zhe sighed .

At this time .

Qin Ye’s soothing singing sounded that day .

” Broken-wing dead-leaf butterfly with no flowers . ”

” Never see withering . ”

” The eaves of the bridge under the night in the south of the Yangtze River . ”

“I can’t read the wilderness of Saibei . ”

Just like Qin Ye’s previous style !

Write the scene with affection !

With the scenery to express the feelings !

Coupled with those poetic words and Qin Ye’s sad and beautiful singing !

Pull everything directly into the singing !

” It sounds so good . ”

A fan girl’s eyes lit up .

She came to the scene on a special plane , not only as a tourist , but also to see her idol !

But the cost is also huge !

But when Qin Ye’s singing sounded .

She thinks it’s all worth it !

The singing continues !

” The season of plum blossoms is lingering with loneliness . ”

” After the return of spring, it will soon be annihilated . ”

” Leave me alone to watch the fireworks fly all over the sky . ”

” After swaying, it drifts away with the wind . ”

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